Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010
Meeting Notes - February 6, 2013
Attending: Caballero de Cordero, Chung, Cook, DASB (Nguyen, Royster), Glapion, Haynes, Kirkpatrick, Leonard, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Robles, Thai
Guests: Cheney, Delgado, Madden, Neal, Nguyen, Reza
Review Agenda - No additions and the notes of the January 16 meeting were approved with corrections noted.
Experiential Learning Workshop - Reza provide an overview and some examples from the workshop she and four faculty members attended (Delgado, Madden, Neal, Nguyen). The two-day workshop sponsored by ACE (Academy for College Excellence) is designed for college staff and administrators. Using techniques adapted from graduate and corporate management education, participants learn new communication skills while discovering their leadership strengths. Using fun and experiential learning exercises, participants are introduced to concepts taught in the two week intensive ACE Foundation Course. Participants learn about each other and what students experience while attending the ACE semester long program. Cook explained she invited the team to talk about the workshop and how we could use the techniques when discussing ways to serve our core students. For further information contact the Staff Development Office.
SSPBT Revised Ranked Budget Reduction Proposal Fall 2012 was distributed, which included changes since the ranked reduction list was presented to CC fall 2012: Two DSPS positions were added to the list. To meet the $1.2 million dollar reduction, 10 positions will be eliminated instead of 22. Outreach positions were removed from the list because we would have to eliminate them. An A & R Assistant resigned, so this position was moved up in the ranking and eliminated. A & R could not lose two Admission Assistants and needs to fill the Evaluation Specialist position, so the Degree Audit position was moved to a lower ranking. ISP salaries will be covered by Stability Funds for one year and evaluated annually thereafter. Cook asked SSPBT members to make sure information about the reductions is explained, to encourage people to attend meetings and talk to their manager or vice president if they have questions. Due to a district structural deficit, there is no guarantee the list will stay the same since the budget process will start all over again this year.
APRU Criteria - Haynes reminded everyone to contact him if they are interested in SLO workshops on TractDat. He provided a handout of proposed APRU Criteria (three items). One example of the criteria is to include any changes made in the program since the last update. Instructions and recommendations by SSPBT members will be included in the packet when sent out. He also provided a handout of proposed SSPBT Resource Scoring Rubric: Tool for reviewing resource requests and how they connect with SSLOACs, Strategic Initiatives, ICC and SSPBT priorities. Further discuss at the next meeting.