General Meeting Information

Date: October 1, 2020
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online Mtg. held via Zoom*

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Review Agenda & Notes from Aug. 20, 2020 I Booye/Mieso
    1:35 p.m. Introductions I All
    1:45 p.m. SSPBT membership, charge I/D Mieso
    2:00 p.m. Governance Survey Discussion I/D All
    2:15 p.m. Budget Update I/D Mieso
    2:25 p.m. District/College Opening Days,
      Welcome Day feedback
    I/D All
    2:40 p.m. Member Updates I All
    2:55 p.m. Good of the Order I Mieso
    3:00 p.m. Adjourn    

    *Please contact the admin for Zoom meeting information.

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Attending Members:  Balducci, Booye (co-chair), Glapion, Kirkpatrick, Kobata, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso (co-chair), Shannakian

    Guests:  Veronica Avila, Tracy Chung-Tabangcura

    Meeting Items

    Minutes Approval

    There were no amendments to the previous meeting notes or to the agenda.


    Mieso welcomed everyone back and the members introduced themselves. David Kobata will be representing Classified Senate and the new student representatives Kirana Rafli and Britney Tran will be representing DASB.

    SSPBT Membership & Charge                                         

    Mieso reviewed the SSPBT membership, mission, and its charge and encouraged new members to use the SSPBT webpage as a resource and to review the orientation posted online. Mieso mentioned that the PBT structure could change throughout the year depending on the ongoing campus discussions and Governance Survey results to re-envision our shared governance structure and process.

    Governance Survey Discussion

    A review of all the PBT survey answers and a campus-wide discussion will take place this year. Mieso reviewed the answers that were submitted by SSPBT to the Governance Survey and asked if anyone had anymore thoughts or comments.

    Regarding question #2:

    • Balducci commented that everyone is just trying to get things done but sometimes you need to take the time to do a “deeper dive” into things.
    • LeBleu-Burns reiterated that we need to plan to plan. We need to look at the SSPBT charge and decide what the process is for planning and how to implement it.
    • Avila echoed what was said that more holistic planning needs to take place. How do we include more voices and decide the best way to move forward?
    • Booye also believed we need to identify what is in our charge and to plan it out for the year; create a timeline. This would include program reviews, SSLOs, budget, etc.

    Glapion mentioned that the PBTs used to meet jointly 2-3 times a year and items such as Program Reviews would be brought to the committee for review for a couple months at a time.

    • During this time, prioritizing resource requests would take place as well.
    • He believed that investment in the instrument to evaluate program reviews needed to be made.

    Mieso said that in the next SSPBT meeting the committee can begin to delve deeper into the charge and plan/develop everything out for the upcoming year.

    Budget Update

    Mieso briefly reviewed the last meeting held over the summer regarding the budget. Presented at that meeting were budget scenarios from each division of Student Services to meet a $2 million budget reduction goal. The committee agreed that they could not move forward with a recommendation at this time and requested that alternate/categorical funding be looked into instead of eliminating positions that were in the general fund. Mieso took this recommendation to Senior Staff for discussion and agreed to look for funds else ware to meet the budget goal.

    Since then, the District budget reduction goal of $11 million has been reduced to $9 million. The De Anza goal is now $4.5 million, 50% of the District goal. Senior Staff has decided that reductions to meet this goal will not come from any filled positions at this time but will come from areas such as the B Budget, carryover funds, etc. to meet the District reduction goal for fiscal year 2021-22.

    Mieso mentioned that there will likely be a joint PBT meeting scheduled in the next couple of weeks to discuss the budget reductions further but SSPBT will not be looking at budget cuts at this time. Mieso did want to note that there could be some shifts throughout the year due to many unknown factors regarding the budget funding.
    Some of these factors include:

    • Enrollment numbers for International Students
      • Visa restrictions, COVID-19, and current climate all are factors
      • Projected 27-29% decline in F1 students, but this is still uncertain
    • General enrollment numbers
      • De Anza is one of the few colleges in the state who have had an increase in enrollment
      • The budget is dependent on District wide enrollment, not just De Anza
    • State and Federal Budget and Stimulus
      • Both are uncertain at this time

    Glapion mentioned that Proposition 15 may assist with the budget if passed this year.

    • This California Proposition would tax commercial and industrial properties for education and local government funding.

    District/College Opening Days, Welcome Day Feedback

    Booye said the District Opening day speaker was interesting, impactful, and emotionally, opened a lot of eyes and initiated some good discussions. Multiple members agreed and voiced this sentiment as well.

    LeBleu-Burns felt it was an opportunity for learning from a different perspective and was very powerful. She mentioned a saying that history is always told by the conquerors and not those that have been conquered and what was presented provides more understanding.

    Mieso commented that it made people reflect on a deeper level personally and at the District level as well. We have a great opportunity with a new De Anza College President to improve our “story.”

    • Mieso also wanted to thank BFSA for recommending the speaker Dr. Joy DeGruy

    Avila mentioned that she changed her teaching this year to include more black authors and to include more events regarding what is currently going on with the movements. She found the speaker very inspiring as well.

    • Mieso asked if there had been any conversations among faculty and Academic Senate about incorporating this into teaching.
    • Glapion responded that the Academic Senate was working on events for this purpose.

    Glapion was curious about what was planned next and if there was going to be any follow-up to the affinity groups that were set up that day for further discussion.

    • Mieso believed that the plan with the speaker Dr. Joy DeGruy was still being developed for the year but Alicia Cortez from the Office of Equity would likely have more information.
    • Kirkpatrick mentioned that some of the Library staff were working with Adriana Garcia from the Equity Office in a joint project to provide resources regarding this subject. These resources can be found at the link below and on the LibGuides website:

    Member Updates
    • Glapion reported that at the first Academic Senate meeting of the year they concentrated on tenure and hiring committees and welcoming the new members.

    • Kirkpatrick said their first ACE meeting is not scheduled until October 14th so there is nothing to report at this time.

    • Booye reported that the Classified Senate was in the process of restructuring discussions regarding recruitment and nominations for Shared Governance.

    • Shannakian reported that the DASB had their first official meeting yesterday and that Club Day was being held today from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. They are also finishing up this week of two “Weeks of Welcome” and that it has been going very well.

    • LeBleu-Burns informed everyone that the new reporting software Maxient is up and running and the link can be found in MyPortal and on the new Judicial Affairs webpage that is still in development but will be posted soon.

    • Balducci is working on the new Title IX Policy and Procedures for De Anza since the new Federal guidelines were released in August. Many colleges are still working on theirs as well so further updates will be coming as this finishes up.
      • The new Title IX reporting link can be found on the Title IX webpage

    Good of the Order

    Members did not have any statements or observations to note at this time.

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