General Meeting Information

Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 10-11:25am
Location: MLC255

"This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page."  

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    Welcome: Agenda & Minutes 




    Instrcutional Equipment Update: 
    ASLR funds reallocation


    Erik & Thomas


    Resource Allocation Form  




    RAPP Annual Timeline Version 1:

    Version 2:


    Mallory & Erik


    Personnel Hiring Criteria 


    Erik, Mallory & Rob

    Desired Outcomes:

    • Finalize draft of Timeline 
    • Identify process and criteria of personnel request prioritization

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Rapp meeting minutes 5/16/23

    Membership attendance:

    In-person: Moaty Fayek, Tina Lockwood, Mallory Newell, Erik Woodbury, Rob Mieso, Adam Contreras, Salvador Guerrero, Thomas Ray, Jason Sousa, Javier Gomez-Tagle, Justin Fry, Izat Rasyad, Kate Wang

    Remote: Eric Mendoza, Erick Aragon, Julie Hughes, Andre Meggerson, Pam Grey, Michele Lebleu-Burns, Felisa Vilaubi, Martin Varela, Alicia Mullens, Melinda Hughes

    Absent: Randy Bryant, Nicholas Turangan, Bidya Subedi, Debbie Lee

    10:03 Meeting start - Welcome: Agenda & Minutes 

    Agenda and meeting minutes from 5/9/23 were approved.

    10:06 - Instructional Equipment Update: ASLR funds reallocation 

    Thomas – last year’s 813,420.00 allocation that went to academic services, that was based on a 1.7million dollar request that Lydia Hern made for the college wide software applications that are on the current list plus 2 others. Those are not Instructional Equipment eligible; they should have never been funded of Instructional Equipment. The reason it hasn’t been spent down we have been using HERF dollars for the past couple of years. The actual expenses we had last year we will get back 813,420.00 back for reallocating for Instructional Equipment requests.

    ·      The ask - $250,000 be taken off the top of Lottery every year as an annual allocation to academic services to cover college-wide applications.  

    Eric Mendoza in chat - To Thomas: Is $250K enough wiggle room? Considering inflation - and other applications that may be needed. Are these four listed apps locked-in with multi-year agreements?

    Thomas - These are licenses that are arranged at the statewide level so they negotiate the price every year, if there is a significant change we would bring it back to this body for consideration.

    Moaty – Makes a motion to approve the $250,000 to come from Lottery for Academic Services at 10:12am, Alicia 2nd the motion.

    10:15 Vote to take $250,000 funds from Lottery for Academic Services with no objections passes.

    Mallory - Wanted to go over the “Agreements for Instructional Equipment and Lottery Funds” list to be posted on the Resource Allocations web page.

    10:19 Resource Allocation Form:

    Mallory – Wants to streamline the Resource Allocation form that was currently being used, there was a lot of information has been added to the form over the years that has never been resynthesized. There are three different tabs at the bottom “resource request, building facility/alterations to buildings, emergency request”. The difference between all three are:

    ·      Resource request - all resources needs over $500,000 total the 500 can be a threshold if it’s under it should be coming out of the B budget. But if it is over $500,000 for total items request it through here and added to include the estimated cost including tax and shipping.

    ·      Building/facilities – Any that requires infrastructure changes, or alterations to existing buildings (new construction, adding electrical outlets, data ports, doors, and changing locks)

    ·      Emergency request – uses the same form for the resource request, is for requests that are made outside of the normal timeline.

    Moaty - The deans should learn how to fill the form out. But we should still need somebody with expertise for final review.

    Mallory made minor corrections to the form for clarification to items requested.

    Martin in chat - Instructional Equipment:

    Tangible property with a purchase price of at least $200 and a useful life of more than one year, other than land or buildings and improvements thereon.

    Mallory - We won’t be using this again until next year at least its ready for the fall the form is linked so you can view any changes that were made.

    Moaty recommends - That we remove the Emergency tab to become a separate form as well as the Building/Facilities part.

    10:34am RAPP Annual Timeline: 

    Version 1 and Version 2 are linked in the agenda

    Mallory – created 2 timeline versions 1st version personnel hiring in the spring people felt that was to late. Version 2 shows personnel hiring starting in the fall.

    Tina – When did Resource allocations normally start? Thomas replied that they started the process in the fall.

    Eric – Was concerned with how unrealistic in terms of getting that much done in 2 and a half months referring to the timeline of October through January months.

    Christina in chat - Just as an FYI (in case it’s helpful) about the timeline that IPBT used.  The IPBT faculty prioritization and resource allocations began during fall quarter and ended with final request (for both) being sent to the College Council in December (so it is possible to complete this in one quarter). The hiring and resource request then begin in January/February.

    Mallory added – That is what people are trying to get away from because they want to be able to go to those conferences in January/February.

    Eric responded - I think that was always our target and we often missed it.

    Tina – looked up purchasing’s deadline for informal quotes April 10th for equipment and materials, May 8th noncompetitive quote deadline is May 8th for the most part Tina recommended that we should get our requestions to purchasing in March.

    Rob added - That for this year we are catching up, we are working on next year’s requests and approvals currently for the following fiscal year, everything should be working smoothly for the most part.

    Tina – Making a formal request that this year start with July, August, September so that it shows a full calendar year and in July/August we add in Entering Requisitions. Thomas added divisions can begin purchasing.

    Salvador – if we did move Resource Allocations to end of winter, would it make sense to move Program Review feedback to end of February so we could have that feedback available when they are making the resource request?

    Mallory - Responded yes, we need to decide when we are going to have the Program Review feedback where that should be.

    Mallory - ask for Any suggestions on where we should move the feedback?

    Tina suggested in the beginning of February.

    Mallory - Program Review feedback end of March, Resource Request end of February, Resource Request early March.

    11:00 am - Personnel Hiring Criteria:

    Eric - Do we want to take all the classified & faculty requests and put them in one bucket and make decisions all of them at the same time. Or do we want to take the amount of money that we have and allocate individual requests and split funds on classified hires/issues and the other on faculty hires. How do we rank them in terms of how to distribute the money?

    Michele in chat - I know we approved the classified and faculty request forms last time, but will there be any further discussions about management positions? It was suggested to use the classified forms for management.

    Rob – should we separate looking at faculty and classified or should we put them into one bucket and rate them?

    Jason - suggested to split them up when we look at the requests.

    Eric added and how do we want to rate them and the data we receive.

    Tina asked – our custodial and grounds people we would answer “no” to a lot of these questions on the form. Because they support the campus as a whole.

    Mallory – Suggested to have a small group discuss more criteria. Do we put all position into one pot rate them all equally or if we have 2 separate pots and rated separately based on classified and faculty.

    Eric – Any opinions on imagine if we have 15 classified and 15 faculty requests. Do we want to split them up when we look at them or have them bunched up together to decide how we fund these positions.

    Julie in chat - Do we have an idea if there are an even number of needs between classified and faculty?

    Andre in chat - The issue I see is maintenance, custodial, and other campus classified will have many more than faculty. New positions only? Is the reference?

    Thomas- If we were going to do any split, we should only compare new requests to new requests, so not comparing new classified requests with existing faculty.

    Rob - How do we establish a criteria to look at all the requests that come in terms of what would be the priority to fund for the college. How do we determine which positions get the funding.

    Tina - is recommending looking at all of the requests collectively.

    We are running out of time for this discussion we will continue next week.

    11:25am end of meeting.

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