General Meeting Information

Date: February 7, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 11:25 am
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader


    Approval of Agenda and Minutes from Jan 31, 2023

    I/A Rob

    Discussion and Approval of Ground Rules

    D/A Erik
    10:20-10:40 Draft charge D Erik

    Budget Advisory Committe Update

    I Rob

    Resource Allocation Process and Timeline



    Today's desired actions/outcomes:

    1. Finalize and approve ground rules
    2. Finalize draft of charge (to be approved at the next meeting) 

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Membership attendance

    • In person: Tina Lockwood, Adam Contreras, Thomas Ray, Tim Shively, Rob Mieso,  Izat Rasyad, Isaac Lim, Moaty Fayek, Erik Woodbury, Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Salvador Guerrero
    • Remote: Alicia Mullens, Dennis Shannakian, Felisa Vilaubi, Michele LeBleu-Burns,  Andre Meggerson, Pam Grey,  Wei Quan Lai, Bidya Subedi, Melinda Hughes, Erick Aragon, Javier Gomez-Tagle
    • Absent: Eric Mendoza, Elvin Ramos, Jessica Lukius

    Votes taken in today's meeting:

    1. General Procedures adopted - passes unanimously


    Tina is working on a presentation for the purchasing timeline.  We need firm decisions by late March.  May 9 is the deadline for purchasing to have requisitions.  

    Minutes and agenda approved.

    General Procedures 

    General Procedures were approved unanimously.

    PAC General Procedures:

    1. Meetings will be conducted in a Hyflex format, with in-person attendance encouraged. Meetings are open to the public.
    2. Spoken comments will be captured to the extent possible as part of the meeting minutes. Chat or messaging will not be part of the official record.
    3. Outside of meeting times, communication will be carried out primarily by email. Members will endeavor to respond to all requested communications within two business days.
    4. Meetings will be run and facilitated by the three chairs with assistance as requested. Chairs will construct the agenda and post it in a timely manner based on college needs and requests from first its members and then the public. Documents for all presentations to or discussions with the committee should be submitted at least two business days in advance of the meeting and posted with the agenda.
    5. Meetings will run on a consensus model, with facilitators endeavoring to make room for all voices and to guide the group to a mutually agreeable decision.
      1. Pieces of parliamentary procedures may be borrowed from Robert’s Rules when needed or requested, but Robert’s Rules does not form the default basis for the committee’s meeting practice.
      2. Any member may move to take a formal vote. If seconded by another member, a vote will be taken.
      3. A simple majority will be the default to answer all questions before the committee. Any five members of the committee may require that a supermajority vote be used instead. A supermajority is considered to be 70% of voting members present.
      4. The committee may also consider the use of ranked-choice voting.
    6. In managing discussions in the committee, deference will be given first to committee members, and then, as time allows, to members of the public. In the event of heavily attended meetings, comments from the public may be limited to specific numbers of speakers with allotted time limits. All discussion will be limited to items on the published agenda.
    7. Explanation and dissenting opinions may be written at the option of any member to accompany recommended actions to other bodies.
    8. The committee will conduct much of its work in shared documents using platforms such as Office 365, Google Drive, or Jam Boards. One of the Chairs or Executive Secretary will be the owner of the documents with members given editing privileges. Members of the public may read, but not edit, documents except by special invitation.
    9. Business before the committee that requires consultation with constituent groups will generally follow a pattern of an initial presentation followed by a call for action on the second meeting after the initial presentation. For emergency matters, the committee may vote to set aside this requirement.
    10. Draft minutes for committee meetings will be posted within three business days and reviewed and approved at the subsequent meeting by the full committee. 
    11. Committee members are expected to review the posted agenda and minutes prior to each meeting and, when possible, communicate any notes beforehand to the chairs in writing.
    12. The chairs, with the assistance of committee members, will develop a record of committee membership, details, practices, and policies to aid in committee member training.
    13. The committee will be supported by an Executive Secretary position, which is a non-voting member responsible for duties to be outlined in a job description, including meeting minutes and website maintenance.

    Draft Charge

    Working document: Draft PAC Procedures

    Charge #3 in the working dcument was heavily wordsmithed to ensure we are taking a holistic and desiloed view of budgeting and hiring, including instructional, administrative and student services and programs. The remainder of the charge was discussed and edited.  If you have comments or ideas before the next meeting, email Erik or Rob.  

    ACTION NEEDED:  We will have approx 15 minutes next week to finalize and approve the charge.

     Budget Advisory Committee Update

    Amy Norris, HR specialist, and Ray Quan, Vice Chancellor of HR, came to talk about the Faculty Obligation Number (FON).  

    We are required to have a certain number of full-time fac to receive a full apportionment from the State.  That number is the Faculty Obligation Number, or FON.  Right now, the FON for FHDA is  381.6.  The determination of FON and the definition of what assignments/employees count toward "full-time faculty" is regulated by Title 5 and Ed Code.  In particular, the definition of full-time faculty is in Title 5 Sections 51025 and 53311.  As of Nov 1, 2022, FHDA had  413 full-time faculty under this definition. 

    A fine of $87,000 per individual must be paid back to the State for every individual if we fall below FON.  FON is a "floor".  We are “encouraged” byt he State to be 75% full-time faculty, but schools are generally nowhere near this, and there is no incentive for hitting this “ceiling”.  Instructors who are dedicated to teach only non-credit don’t count as full-time faculty in the FON, but we don’t have any such instructors here at FHDA.  Full-time faculty on leave, including Article 18 (pre-retirement), reassign time, and Professional Development Leave (PDL), count as full-time faculty.  Overload assignments don’t count as full-time or as part-time in calculating FON.

    The 413 number doesn’t match the number if the Precision Campus Tool, because the Precision Campus number is only full-time instructional faculty, excluding release and reassign time.

    Budget Advisory Comittee report from Pam: BAC discussed SRP (Supplemental Retirement/Resignation Plan) funds.  After the three nursing and one auto techmanagement positions are funded from this money, there will still be remaining funds.  The exact amount is being finalized and should be known next week.  BAC is also dialing in their charge and would like to have a joint BAC/PAC ("bakcpack"!) meeting to discuss how these two committees will interact.  BAC should also be ready to report lottery funds to PAC for allocation soon.


    Resource Allocation Process and Timeline

    Historically IPBT made faculty hiring decisions in Fall, so we’re really behind in that process compared to years past.  

    If we look at lottery and instructional equipment funds and distribute those first, it will help.  We can look at the processes used in IPBT for those funds.  Then we can move on to more general Fund 14 (general fund that can go to any position in the college) dollars.

    ACTION NEEDED:  Next week we will put this at the top of the agenda since we keep running out of time to discuss deeply.  

Zoom Information 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 814 3025 8762
Passcode: 110311

One tap mobile:  +16699006833,,81430258762#

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