Meeting Notes - October 30, 2018
Location: Admin 109
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Co-Chairs: Lorrie Ranck (administrator), Mary Pape (faculty)
Administrative reps: Sam Bliss, Alicia Cortez, Moaty Fayek, Anita Kandula, Thomas Ray
Classified reps: Margaret Bdzil, Anthony Caceres, Lorna Maynard
Faculty reps: Diana Alves de Lima, Rich Booher, Milena Grozeva, Anu Khanna, Rick Maynard, Erik Woodbury
DASB reps: Brandi Madison, Ian Robertsson
Guests: Anne Argyriou, Thomas Bailey, Johanna Berntsson, Randy Bryant, Aidan Campion, Karen Chow, My Do, Mary Kay Englen, Christina Espinosa-Pieb, Pam Grey, Dana Kennedy, Paul Klingman, Dawn Lee Tu, Coleen Lee-Wheat, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Edmundo Norte, Mylinh Pham, Tony Santos, Marisa Spatafore, Jeff Staudinger, Christian Trujano, Tyson Tsoi, Football team members, Nursing program members
Approval of notes: The notes from October 23, 2018 were approved with the following amendments: Add Alicia Cortez; change “the affected programs” to “the instructional programs”.
Budget Reduction Scenarios – Ranck recapped IPBT’s process and outcomes form the spring. She repeated that the committee met the Phase I reduction target to Instruction. At today’s meeting the committee has to review, discuss and vote in order to meet the timeline for the Phase II budget reduction target and make recommendation to College Council.
Lorrie stressed that the committee had to agree on a clear voting process. The members had a debate concerning the voting process. Team members expressed the need for a closed ballot process in order to get an adequate result.
Ranck reminded the team that each member represents their constituency groups.
She recollected IPBT’s process from spring where the committee had a “show hands” vote on program viability recommendations and stressed that the committee had to be transparent and consistent.
Pape asked if anyone wanted to make a motion to change the voting process. The motion was not made.
Ranck notified the committee that with the additional monies for hiring from the State and SERP, we could be more flexible. These additional funds allow us to negotiate with the District.
Lorrie presented three scenarios of possible Phase II reductions and explained each scenario in details. The three scenarios include: IPBT Scenarios
- Permanent elimination of nine vacant faculty positions – six positions, plus three new vacant positions (see May 1, 2018 notes). Espinosa-Pieb made a clarification on a position’s title; when a position gets vacant it goes to a general pool then randomly gets assigned. Unfortunately, the title stays the same.
- Five vacant classified positions.
- SWP/BSI/Equity transfers.
- Fitness Center – Fund 15 transfer (voted in spring).
- Paralegal Studies program (voted in spring).
- Dance reduction (voted in spring).
- New faculty saving ($1.2M, which is an ongoing funding). Instead of hiring new people – use eight faculty positions that we have already hired for 18-19 to save money toward the reduction target.
- SERP (Service Employee Retirement Plan)– Filled ACE/Teamster elimination (varies in all scenarios) to have a line item as part of reductions. IPBT would review a list with the vacant positions and decide, which area not to fill. IPBT will get deans recommendations from these areas. It is most likely that SERP does pass, but if it does not, the team would look at more vacant classified position and ACE filled positions in order to meet the target. Ranck confirmed that if classified retires or voluntary leaves the duties the position could be redistributed or eliminated; on the other hand, if a classified position gets laid off, the position and the work go away completely. IPBT members were concerned regarding student impact due to classified staff shortage. When faculty take SERP the position stays.
- Unfilled Instructional managers positions – carry forward savings using toward 1320 (part-time faculty reduction).
Scenario A – Does not include Football Program/Water Polo (women); SERP (elimination of 6-7 ACE positions); SWP/BSI/Equity ($500K)
Scenario B – Includes Football/Water Polo (women); SERP (elimination of 5 – 7 ACE positions); SWP/BSI/Equity ($500K)
Scenario C – Includes Football/Water Polo (women) and Nursing programs; SERP (elimination of 1 -2 ACE positions); SWP/BSI/Equity ($400K)
Lorrie Ranck shared the budget reduction proposals with the IPBT members via email.
Football and Nursing members joined the meeting and spoke on behalf of the programs.
IPBT members voted to recommend Scenario B to College Council on Thursday, November 2, 2018.
Program Review Reminder -
- Pape advised the team to review last years Program Reviews and the questions. http://www.deanza.edu/gov/ipbt/program_review_files.html
- The team will be working on the Program Review Timeline.