Meeting Notes - February 7, 2017 Draft
Christina Espinosa-Pieb – Chair
James Nguyen – Chair
Administrative Reps Bryant, Espinosa-Pieb, Kandula, Ranck, Ray
Classified Reps: Martinez, Lorna Maynard, Trosper
Faculty Reps:Alves de Lima, Khanna, Leonard, Markus, Rick Maynard, Nguyen
Student Reps:
Absent: Lee-Wheat, Coriena Andy, Arya Suprora
Visitors Mayra Cruz, Mary Kay Englen, Erik Woodbury
Notes Approval -
The notes of January 31, 2017 were approved by adding, “Per past practice, FTEF for IIS will not be impacted by the possible addition of this position”
Diversity Office Proposal - (continued discussion)
The committee continued this discussion from last week. The Director of Equity wishes to move to a full-time teaching assignment (current allocation is 70% as director and 30% teaching). The proposal includes creating a full-time Director position for Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education office.
The team noted the importance of making a strategic decision that benefits both the short and long-term goals of the college and strengthens student success and enrollment.
IPBT came up with 3 options:
Option 1: Create a new administrative director position using equity funding.
- Equity money fund cannot be used to replace a position only to create a new position.
- Facilitating Equity workshops for professional development faculty and staff – Espinosa-Pieb to follow up.
Option 2: Use existing vacant Dean, Learning Resources position and reorganize Academic Services and Learning Resources divisions.
- Espinosa-Pieb and Ranck will meet with both divisions prior to the next IPBT meeting and report back to the committee.
Option 3: Submit the original position (faculty/director 30% teaching 70% director) to the next faculty hiring cycle.
- May impact the number of positions for the Faculty Obligation Number (FON).
The members held a preliminary vote and majority of the committee were inclined towards hiring a new administrative director position with Equity dollars.