De Anza College
IPBT Notes - January 26, 2010—3:30 – 5:30 PM
Christina Espinosa-Pieb
Cynthia Lee-Klawender
Present: Anderson, Bradshaw, Bryant, Cadge-Moore, Espinosa-Pieb, Hearn, Irvin, Knittel, Kubo,
Lee-Klawender, Mowrey, Pereida, Schroeder, Singh, Tomaneng
Visitors: Mary Kay Englen, Fran Frazier, Cheryl Woodward, Rich Hansen, Wendy Low,
David Howard-Pitney, Shannon Hassett, Charles Ramskov, Anne Argyiou
I. Approval of Agenda and Notes and Introduction of new Instructional Dean: Minutes dated January 12, 15, and 19 were approved as written, and on the agenda, item III was moved to item II, and item II became item III.
Ron McFarland, the new dean for the Business and Computer Systems Division was introduced to the IPBT committee.
II. Social Sciences/Humanities Division Presentation: C. Ramskov spoke to the importance of employing IA’s in the Psychology/Social Sciences classes. He expressed concern that the loss of the IA’s would result in loss of productivity. In addition, he stated that the IA’s are needed to assist with the operations of preparing for the large-size classes. D. Howard-Pitney addressed the concern that some might have regarding the pedagogical effects of classes enrolled at 250. He shared that there is a 68.8% success rate with these large classes. Possible facility issues and the negative effects on adjunct faculty by offering the small classes were other factors contributed.
III. Faculty Positions: This topic addressed the ranking and prioritization of new faculty hires for the academic year 2010 – 11. C. Lee Klawender presented criteria from the Academic Senate to be considered when the individual IPBT committee member works on their prioritization. It was noted that the instructional deans have processed their recommendations, and they will be considered with the rankings from the IPBT members.
C. Espinosa-Pieb announced that the Board of Trustees approved a $1,000,000 funding to set up an “Escrow II” account that would carry some of the position eliminations for the 2010 – 11 year. This additional time would allow for departments to restructure—e.g., CAOS and others. It was agreed that Student Services should get a higher portion of the Escrow II funding because of their $1.5 million in personnel reductions.
In explaining the Escrow I and II funding, it was noted that all positions that were on the elimination list for the 2009 – 10 year were funded for an additional year under Escrow I; however, those positions will be terminated on July 1, 2010. Under Escrow II, some of the targeted positions will be funded for one academic year. Of those twelve positions, hopefully, six to seven would be recipients of this funding; however, the other identified positions will be eliminated as of July 1, 2010. It was explained by C. Espinosa-Pieb that all of the position reductions would be permanent cuts.
The committee members were reminded that the faculty-hire rankings from the group will be forwarded to College Council. At that meeting, members will discuss the recommendations and then forward their findings to the President’s Office. The president will make the final decision—reviewing all of the recommendations.
Additional information was disclosed to the committee—e.g., dollar amount cuts from the various areas on the campus—which will be applied to the $4.8 million reduction target to the campus--along the number of personnel eliminations. Benefit rates at 42% of base pay per year was another fact shared.
Position reductions will be on the website after Friday, January 29, 2010.
IV. Other:
C. Lee-Klawender will send out the recommended criteria from Academic Senate to IPBT.
H. Irvin will send out the additional justification on Counseling requests.
IPBT members are to send their new faculty hire request rankings to J. Crandall and C. Espinosa-Pieb by Saturday, 1/30/10 or Sunday, 1/31/10 deadline.