Thursday, May 12, 2011

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

 Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, T. Hunter, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng

Guests: J. Haynes, A. LaManque, B. Stockwell

I. The College Council minutes of April 14, 2011 were approved. Handout #1 

II. Upcoming SLO Resolution

Anderson reported on accreditation standards which call for faculty to be evaluated in the SLO work. The Academic Senate has begun to consider a resolution which will be discussed at the May 16 meeting. Spatafore has the standard and will double-check the language. We are in compliance; SLOs are deeply embedded in the work that faculty do. This item will be brought back in 2 weeks.

III. Shared Governance Task Force Updates

The GTF is slightly behind schedule due to the work associated with accreditation and budget reduction scenario planning taking place across campus, which has delayed submission of governance group template information.

Stockwell provided details for a revised eHandbook outline, including:

  • Introduction: inviting and welcoming
  • Organization Charts: district, college & shared governance
  • Decision-making: A narrative description of decision-making processes; a visual representation of the decision-making flow chart; a visual representation of the 6-year planning cycle

Description of governance groups: templates (nearly all received); now being standardized and formatted.

Appendices: glossary of terms, Year at a glance/calendar, timeline for planning processes; legal/policy framework for governance

The GTF is on task to produce a draft eHandbook by the end of spring quarter. The review of the eHandbook by the governance groups will begin in fall quarter.

IV. Institutional Research: Planning Committee and Master Plan Update 

Newell: The De Anza Planning Committee proposal was emailed previously. Membership was proposed to include: college researcher, member from the student learning outcomes team, classified member from the Student Services Planning and Budget Team, faculty member of the Instructional Planning and Budget Team, administrative member from the Finance and Educational Resources Planning and Budget Team, College President. Adding a DASB student member was encouraged and discussed. 

The purpose of this committee is to systematically review all aspects of the planning cycle under the direction of the College Council. There was discussion in regards to the Planning Committee Outcomes; it was proposed that wording be changed to “review and propose revisions to the mission statement” rather than just propose. There was discussion about the reporting of institutional goals in the Master Plan, it was decided that it would be more appropriate that the assessment of goals be included in an annual report but not specifically the State of the College (just in case it is called something else in the future). It was suggested the name of the Committee be “College Planning Committee” (CPC).

This a working committee that provides proposals to college council. The committee is not a new shared governance committee; rather an advisory to the college council.

This agenda item was approved by college council. 

Master Plan Update: Key Planning Components

Newell presented an update to the 2010-2015 Educational Master Plan which included student characteristics, key indicators, institutional metrics, and the components of the planning cycle. The metrics included FTES, High School June Graduates enrolled in fall, fall-to-fall persistence rates, underserved groups persistence rates, basic skills success rates/per ethnicity, students enrolled in at least one community/civic engagement, and ARCC Achievement Rates. 

The metrics are one set of statistics that provide a snapshot on how the college is doing in achieving its institutional goals / initiatives – increasing student success and access – especially for traditionally under-served students, increasing cultural competency and the expansion of the civic engagement curriculum. Given the decline in budget and enrollment the college was not able to move towards the targets on most indicators. The indicators are at an aggregate level and it is important to use the figures as a guide and drill down to better understand what is impacting the numbers (such as a change in student mix as a result of the reduction in the Job Corps program).

Newell explained how ARCC peer groups are selected in regards to the rankings of

De Anza in comparison with its peer groups. 

De Anza College is doing well in the persistence of under-served groups and achieved the 75% ARCC achievement goal. We are above the average of peer institutions of vocational success due to the auto tech and nursing programs. However the college persistence rate and vocational course success rates have been declining, due to the loss of the Jobs Corp Program. 

Updating the key components of the Planning Model will be included in the accreditation report. Suggestions made: a full 6-yr cycle to begin with 11-12 to include new terms SLOAC, CLOAC, GLOAC. The chart is complex because the work is complex.

Pending copy edits – the report and amended 6 yr planning cycle were approved.

V. Burning Issues, Quick News and Wrap-Up 

- Additional College Council meeting on 6/23

- Final accreditation draft to Classified Senate 6/2 and Academic Senate 6/6. First reading 6/9 with a Town Hall presentation to the college.

- Budget: No new numbers to report with Governor’s May revise on 5/16. Federal issues also affect students i.e., Pell Grant reductions.

DASB Updates

- A very successful Ignite the conference with Sally Lieber, Teresa Alvarado, Ann Moses.

- Bike Program updates

- $15K budget for 3 scholarships academics, activism, fine arts, general categories which close May 31

- Campus Cupboard – Students must meet eligibility; working with West Valley, CS and ICCE


. May 12 One Heart Concert event with proceeds to Japan.

. May 13 State mobilization protest in Sacramento (Norte in attendance)

. May 16 wk: Nominations for student Leadership Awards

. May 16 wk: Academic Senate elections next week

. May 17 Classified Senate elections. Very successful 5/6 Retreat

. Sat, 5/14, 1-5 pm: Educational Summit with guest speakers Mike Honda, Paul Fong, Lenny Goldberg, Phil Ting. Parent mobilization on saving education, saving 21st skills –

May 16 - Jaya Row event: Indian philosophy & politics

. May 21 – DA Open House

. May 25 @ 2 pm – Student Athletic Scholarship event

. May 27 – 2nd campus clean up event with challenges between Academic and Classified Senates.

. May 31 – DASB inauguration 6-8 pm  - A Year in Review. DASB Elections the week of May 23. 

. A mid-June event to promote community among students, faculty and staff (softball)?

. 6/25 Graduation, 8 am breakfast and 9 am start. Order robes through the bookstore

. Democracy Commitment Project – gone national; 23 signatories/representing 38 campuses. Endorsed by League for Innovation, AASC&U, NY times event in October

Correction to La Voz – students’ work should be commended; not B. Murphy

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