Thursday, February 24, 2011
Admin #109, 3:00 – 4:00 pm

 College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. 
 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre,L. Jenkins, C. Kaufman, O. Patlan for R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng
Guests: T. Hunter, B. Stockwell

I. The College Council minutes of January 27, 2011 were approved.  Handout #1

II. Shared Governance Task Force Updates Handout #2

B. Stockwell distributed and reviewed the Governance Task Force template recommended for shared governance groups. The template includes background information, where we are and looking ahead. The College Council first reviewed this item in November, 2010; a recommendation was made at that time to create a governance handbook including a table of contents. Stockwell requested feedback and approval to distribute it to other governance groups.

This item was previously discussed at the Accreditation Steering Committee.


- Review and bring back to College Council March 10 for approval

- What groups is the template being recommended for? Official shared governance groups, participatory or governance groups? What about non-shared governance groups, i.e., iDeans Council or President’s Staff meetings. 

- Definition of governance groups: Chancellor’s Advisory Council, College Council, Campus Budget, IPBT, Facilities Advisory Group, Diversity Advisory Council, CEAG, DARE, SLO Team, MS, Classified Senate, DASB, MSA, Bargaining Units.

- A correlation to the “ball” chart

- Why? What will this template be used for?

Table of Contents

- 1. Handbook used to describe governance groups for consistency and standards - a virtual handbook

- 2. Governance Websites

- 3. Share with Others

- 4. Strengthen our position

- 5. Communication Purposes

- 6. Responsibilities of members and sharing info with constituencies

A decision was made to extend the timeframe one week from February 24, and request feedback by March 4. The item would then be presented to College Council at the March 10 meeting. He is particularly interested in what changes should be made, reflection before and incorporated into the template.

This is particularly important for the Accreditation Standard 4. We need to be able to evaluate, access our own governance groups and make improvements.

Each governance group should include the College Mission and Charge for each group. What does it mean for each member (i.e., C. Castillo for AMA) and what are members’ responsibilities to the group?

III. Student Services PBT 

Recommendations to the Student Services PBT were presented to College Council in May 2010, having gone through both the Classified and Academic Senates. The recommendation is being reviewed for direction and elections, and in particular, the co-chair position for this PBT. By-laws state the Academic Senate has responsibility for determining this position. The question is whether or not the by-laws are in sync with board policy. 

G. Anderson stated this agenda item was discussed at the Academic Senate with lots of debate. He did not feel he could frame the item in a way that was fair, and, as a result, a decision was not made. Any Academic Senate recommendation would not have been unanimous or ambiguous.

College Council is the recommending body to the college president. College Council has the right to proceed and, vote or not vote, and provide a recommendation to Stacey Cook. Ultimately, the college president makes the decision.

S. Cook did not feel it was appropriate to vote on the SSPBT without a majority of college council members, nor the college president. It opens the question of other PBTs and the corresponding co-chair positions. IPBT is the only PBT to clearly state a faculty co-chair, while L. Jenkins is co-chair of the Finance & Educational Resources PBT. Do we need a change to the by-laws to reflect Board Policy?

By-laws state the Academic Senate can appoint the co-chair position. Cook is recommending SSPBT make their own decision. 


T. Hunter stated the previous SSPBT co-chair was a faculty member appointed by the previous VP of Student Services, and confirmed (and twice reaffirmed) by Academic Senate because she was a faculty member. 

ACE should have a voice in the decision-making process as the SSPBT is more classified and student focused whereas IPBT is more instruction driven. 

Decision: College Council would provide a recommendation to President with a goal of being more inclusive and collaborative.

Motion made to bring back the SSPBT and Shared Governance Task Force to the March 10 meeting for a 2nd reading.

IV. Quick News & Wrap Up 

- Recommendation to schedule another College Council meeting on June 2 to review budget proposals before presenting to the Board of Trustees.

- M. Spatafore shared the ACCJC follow-up report which is on the Accreditation website. We have unequivocally met the recommendations and need to now focus on SLOs. Our Accreditation Site visit has been confirmed for October 24-27, 2011.

- C. Espinosa-Pieb shared info on the Reaffirmation Team from League for Innovations visit on February 23. Great presentations were made on behalf of both campuses. We learned a lot about both campuses and would like to plan a similar presentation for De Anza. 

- N. Tambe reported on the approval of the DASB budget and subsequent submittal to the Board in April. Leadership training is scheduled for Saturday, February 26.

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