Thursday, January 27, 2011
Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. 

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies:

•Communication and expression •Information literacy  •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre,L. Jenkins, C. Kaufman, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas,B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng

Guests: D. Jones-Dulin, A. LaManque

I. The College Council minutes of January 13, 2011 were approved.  Handout #1

II. Factors Impacting Performance of Under-served Students – A Research Agenda  Handout #2

A. LaManque presented a research agenda impacting the performance of under-served students at Foothill-De Anza CCD. He presented an overview, research strands and how the results might be communicated to encourage change. With regard to the researcher role, it is important to stop and take time to reflect on the research data and challenge the evidence. 

Students progress in a non-linear fashion; there are many pathways and opportunities whereby students can drop out at any time. All interactions can influence students and it’s important to track what’s working and what is not.

The definition of under-served students is not limited to ethnic background or income level. It encompasses who they are, what language is spoken at home, academic preparation and study habits, their financial needs, work hours, parental education and family income. As a result, we need to develop further comprehensive profiles.

In developing a comprehensive profile of under-served students, we can use CalPass data on high school students. This student system shares data thru K-12, community colleges and universities. All community colleges are included in the data pool along with high school districts. The system can be used to review enrollment at 12th grade and compare course taking at the college with that from the high school. Within this scope, we should have a richer picture.

Other tools include math and English progression, degree and transfer attainment, special program participation. We hope to use Banner Cohort Models to track groups of students over time.

Research should be presented to key groups and tied to planning and budget processes: Program Review, Assessment of Institutional Competencies and outcomes.

III. Faculty Hiring  

The Instructional Deans and IPBT were asked to develop a list of vacant faculty positions due to retirements and resignations. In addition to these positions, each division was allowed to request a single growth position. As a result 27 positions were identified. From this list, IPBT members were tasked with identifying 16 positions, ranked in order of priority. From these 16 positions, the College would begin the hiring process on 12. These positions need to be filled because of the Faculty Obligation Number (FON) that the district needs to match. The information of the deans was presented for informational purposes, and the IPBT represented the decision recommended to College Council. The Deans and IBPT identified the exact 12 positions but prioritized differently. After lengthy consideration, the list of faculty positions to be filled was approved by College Council. After the vote, co-chairs announced that IPBT, and subsequently College Council, will be revisiting faculty hiring again in the Spring.

Faculty Hiring
AS - Rowena  - Diversity 
AS - Rowena  - ICCE
BH - Stephanie - Nursing
BS - Ron  - Business
IS - Edmundo - Spanish/Latino Studies
LA - Thomas  - English
LA - Thomas  - English
LA - Thomas  - Reading
PE - Rich  - Soccer Coach
PS - Jerry  - Math
PS - Jerry  - Math
SS - Carolyn - Child Development

IV. Budget Updates/Measure C Budget Transfers and Memorial Policies  Handouts #3-4

D. Jones-Dulin provided information regarding Measure C Budget Transfers. These transfers, previously approved by the Board of Trustees and CBOC were presented to the College Council for retroactive approval. Bond dollars can be transferred between projects on an “as needed” basis. 

This summer will be busy with the Mediated Learning Center construction. In late April or early May, Marketing and Gilbane will be working on a “topping out” ceremony with onsite cameras. The last piece of steel beam will be signed and hoisted to the top of the building and become a part of the historical picture.

Dates & Projects

- The MLC to be complete in Spring 2012 and ready by Fall Qtr

- S2 & S6 projects complete

- Parking Lots A&B will be closed due to PVC installation from July – September. 

- Electric car rechargers, ADA Pathways, Sunken Garden, and landscaping will not affect the Flea Market or Auto Cross Races

- Cottage completion due in Fall 2011. 

- Baldwin Winery ready for part-time faculty Spring 2011; Financial Aid & Printing Services moving in February.

- In Winter 2012 athletic fields will be down. De Anza will host Monta Vista’s graduation on  June 9, 2011. Our own 2012 graduation will take place off-site, possibly at Fremont High  School.

The Measure E bond is closing and being used to correct post-construction projects: Stelling parking structure/sound attenuation, PE showers, Kirsch doors, HVAC work in the Campus Center and pool.

Budget Transfers 11-26 were approved by College Council.

D. Jones-Dulin distributed the Memorial Policy & Procedures for information, review and approval. This policy has been reviewed by the Facilities Team and by College Council in November 2010. The policy recognizes faculty and staff contributions. College Council reviewed the policies and made one change regarding scholarships which should be directed to the FHDA Foundation. 

The Memorial Policy and Procedures were approved by College Council.

Budget Updates

Jeanpierre distributed two handouts, Budget Advocacy Action Center – District Budget Impact, and Campus Budget team FHDA budget scenarios for 2011-12 dated January 27, 2011 and explained them line-by-line. 

The Budget Advocacy Action Center – District Budget Impact document reflected analysis that the CC League provided and showed FHDA scenarios 1) a $7,922,000 net reduction if the June Tax package is approved. 2) a $13,931,000 net reduction if the June tax package fails and Prop. 98 is funded at minimum 3) a $21,580,000 net reduction if the June tax package fails and Prop. 98 is suspended.

The Campus Budget team FHDA budget scenarios for 2011-12 dated January 27, 2011 document presented the most likely scenarios (state cuts $8M, $14M or $17M).

The scenarios are a guide to assist the district in planning how to address the proposed cuts. The next news will be in the May revise. The actual budget will not be known until after the June elections.

VI. Burning Issues, Quick News, Wrap Up 

- Accreditation Updates: M. Spatafore stated the work is in progress. The February 2nd deadline will not be met. However, the document will be sent to the team chairs to review; afterwards to the Chairs for review, then to shared governance teams.

- V. Marquez reported on the classified senate and general campus communications issues. The goal will be to developing a mapping or flow chart of how communication on campus is addressed; how is information shared with divisions, administration, and not reaching all constituencies. Examples include the Language Arts Dean, shredding bins.

She also shared information re: Partners in Teaching & Learning Conference: March 4 from 9 am to 4 pm

- G. Anderson shared information on Welcome Home for Returning Veterans. State Funding is provided for all community colleges and we are one of four colleges participating. The workshop is scheduled for Thursday, 2/10 (3-7pm and Friday, 2/11 9:30 am-1:30pm)

- N. Tambe reported on DASB Updates including the Pepsi Refresh Campaign, DASB focus on under-cap enrollment, and the College is working on developing a full-fledged transfer agreement with UCLA.

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