Thursday, November 11, 2010

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, C. Kaufman, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe

Guests: B. Stockwell, L. Nguyen, J. Uvira

I. Approval of Minutes - October 28, 2010 

The College Council minutes of October 28, 2010 were approved as amended (Kazempour comments)

II. Academic Senate Resolution – Handout #2  

B. Stockwell reviewed the Academic Senate Resolution/Request (dated November 8) and provided background information. The Academic Senate resolution requests that the College Council conduct a comprehensive review of shared governance processes and bodies to include the production of a shared governance handbook. The handbook could briefly describe decision-making processes and shared governance bodies in terms of roles, membership, etc., and perhaps include a narrative elaboration of the current decision-making chart. The updating of shared governance websites was cited as a clear need. The request emerges from reflection on the newly implemented 6-year assessment cycle and Accreditation Self-Study work, especially that associated with Standards II and IV. B. Murphy welcomed interest on the subject. He indicated that the College Council would be the appropriate place for the creation of a working group (a committee to review shared governance processes) to conduct this work. He also stated that the College Council would be the most appropriate body for review of shared governance processes.

In summary:

- There was general support for the Academic Senate resolution and the need to establish a working group to review shared governance processes and address the above recommendations

- It was understood the working group would meet to determine its charge and return back to College Council with a proposed agenda and course of action

- It was agreed that a shared governance handbook would be a product

- Stockwell was instructed to bring back the above to the Academic Senate

III. Accreditation Updates 

M. Spatafore brought forward the Oct. 29 recommendation of the Accreditation Steering Committee regarding the Governance Processes, Communication, Oversight and Evaluation of shared governance, largely paralleling that of the Academic Senate resolution presented by Stockwell. Chairs of Standard IV, Governance & Leadership, recommended the action to the larger Steering Committee.

The need for a working group was reaffirmed, and it was agreed that members would include representatives to College Council with outreach to others who might be interested. The group will return to College Council with a concrete proposal to include parameters of long-term review and evaluation. V. Marquez, S. Cook, C. Kaufman, M. Spatafore, B. Stockwell for the Academic Senate, and DASB representatives volunteered to participate in the working group.

M. Newell provided an Accreditation Survey update which will be available next week and posted the following week. 1316 students and 251 faculty and staff participated (lower than the previous survey in 2004).

A. LaManque’s accreditation site visit to Oxnard indicated differing perceptions of obtaining significant documentation. As we get deeper into the process we should do a test run to see how easy or difficult it is to get our own information. Distribute the self-study document to all, promote ways to get the mission statement out and obtain feedback. Do we agree or not with the proposed self-study?

IV. De Anza College Proposed Use of Fund Balance for 2010-2011 

L. Jeanpierre reviewed a handout outlining the proposed use of fund balance, and highlighted the 25% augmentation for VP areas, President’s Innovation Fund, Technology, Athletic requests. Total requests totaled $3.6M while the carry forward for redistribution was $1.4M. Please note these are one-time dollars.

Discussion followed regarding the of use of emergency funds (after exhaustion of “B” budgets), Escrow II positions, rescinding layoffs for 4 positions, OTI augmentation, Admissions and Records, transfer of Co-op education program to Foothill, mid-year cuts and reserves.

V. Marquez requested a mechanism to review the strategic initiatives plans and proposals already developed for possible Innovation Funds.

A motion was made to approve the use of fund balance, including the 25% VP area augmentation with an amendment for B. Murphy to bring a concrete proposal regarding use of Innovation Funds.

V. Burning Issues, Quick News and Wrap Up 

- N. Tambe reported on the Pepsi Refresh application postponement until January. J. Uvira described “The Retention and Success Peer-Mentor Program Proposal” which includes a tutor (former student) who will work with students one-on-one and group tutoring session in conjunction with the Student Success Center.

- Students were acknowledged for representing the college in the Measure E proposal. Analysis of results should be available soon, precinct breakdown, where weak and strong, and voter registration compared to 2008. Voter turnout (44M reduction) in the general election indicates Obama’s base is eroding.

- Web page refresh will go live Thursday, November 18 with the same links, just presented differently.

- Night of Magic raised over $42-43K for International and Intercultural Studies Division.

- DA Football Team undefeated with final game Saturday, November 13. Cross country and soccer teams have made it to state finals.

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