Thursday, November 10, 2011
Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
College Mission Statement
De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinkingMembers: C. Castillo, K. Chow, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, T. Hunter, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, S. Ramos, A. Ravichandran, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, R. Tomaneng Guests: E. Kinner, W. Lee
I. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of October 27, 2011 were approved by consensus.
II. Program Viability and Discontinuance Process
Lee-Wheat presented a proposal which originated last Spring in an APM (Academic and
Professional Matters) meeting. A draft of the District policy will be completed next
January or February. In summary, it requires each college to design their own procedures
for identifying, notifying affected personnel, and delineating the process for the
"phasing out" of a program.
In regards to a De Anza IPBT program viability and discontinuance process, Lee-Wheat
has shared it with the SSPBT and the Academic Senate. The SSPBT may be adopting this
process or tailoring it to their needs. The Classified Senate was informed through
Mary Kay Englen, an IPBT member. Lee-Wheat highlighted various areas in the chart
where suggestions were made based on feedback from all of the groups. The Academic
Senate would like to add a "probationary year" for a program that may try to revive
itself after the "program viability team meeting".
Jeanpierre, FERPBT co-chair questioned if one year will make any difference as we’ve
been studying data for 5-6 years. Milonas, FA rep. remarked she saw no need for additional
year; Castillo, Student Success rep asked for a definition of probation and what would
happen after that year.
Lee-Wheat will bring the feedback to the IPBT and return to the next College Council
meeting for final approval of the District and De Anza IPBT process.
III. Response to the Student Success Task Force Recommendations
K. Chow led the discussion about the Student Success Task Force recommendations and raised the question at what level should the college respond. Should the college develop an amalgamated response with specific recommendations or does the number of responses carry more weight? Our response is due to the Chancellor’s office/Board of Trustees by January, 2012.
The Student Success Task Force is currently changing recommendations based on feedback from different colleges. Dan Dishno’s response regarding Cal Works’ loss of funding was cited. There is no clear deadline for implementation, nor impact on students. DASB input is welcome.
It was suggested that any comments be forwarded to K. Chow and the Academic Senate by December 5. Comments will then be consolidated and brought back to college council for approval.
Discussion: Many of the student success recommendations are best practices. Many are unrealistic or contrary to De Anza College practices. What are incentives and funding issues? In our college it’s important to identify various aspects – where in agreement, and where not.
Murphy and Chow will gather input from the college and develop a draft of a college response to the SSTF.
IV. Quick News, Burning Issues
- November 4: The New York Times & The Democracy Commitment national launch with over 50 colleges represented
- November 16: DASB event: Occupy for Education/Day of Action (99% income inequality and defense of education with teach-ins, forums, readings
- Saturday, November 19: 1 pm – Big Game, if we win we will go to a Bowl game and Coast Conference.