Meeting Minutes
June 26, 2014
Admin #109, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Attending: Bryant, Cook, Cruz, Espinosa-Pieb, Fayek, Glapion, Jeanpierre, Markus, Murphy, Norte, Pacho, Spatafore, Tomaneng, Shannakian, Watson
Approval of June 12, 2014 Minutes
The minutes were approved as amended.
Office Policy
The Office Policy was approved as amended (work area vs. workstation definition, multicultural art). Kudos and appreciation to the committee for this work.
3SP Draft Presentation
This is the first pass of the draft document through college council for conversation, points of interest, or conflict. Given the matrix produced, there are few areas of conflict related to the role of counseling in orientation and development/approval of ed plans for students. Over the summer co-chairs Cook and Tomaneng will reframe the matrix into a draft narrative for submittal to the State on October 17. We will return in the fall but work and dialogue will continue throughout the summer. Time constraints exist with our late Fall start date and the October 17 due date. We will spend some time reviewing during Opening Day, Academic and Classified Senates, and unions.
Discussion ensued regarding: revenue, reporting and reimbursement, state matching ratios, the 50/50 balancing act, role of faculty/advisors, demographics and any increases in FT enrollment, tracking success rates of Counseling 200, updating and flexibility of the plan document.
ACCJC Planning Agendas
Cruz led college council through each of the ACCJC planning agendas and noted progress, ongoing items and completion. College Council provided additional information, examples and clarification as evidence for the agendas. An updated chart will be distributed by Newell in Institutional Research.
Open Items, Quick News & Updates
- Commencement, end of year celebrations and faculty encouragement to attend.
- Spatafore shared graduation tips: Follow us on Twitter: @deanza_college. To tweet: #deanza.grad2014
- ICCE renamed the John Vasconcellos Institute for Community & Civic Engagement.