Meeting Notes
May 23, 2013
Admin #109 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Attending: Bryant, Chow, Espinosa-Pieb, Fayek, Jeanpierre, Jones-Dulin, Milonas, Murphy, Neal, Newell, Norte, Reza, Spatafore, Trosper, Watson,
Approval of May 9, 2013 Minutes
The minutes of May 9, 2013 were adopted by College Council.
De Anza College Office Policy
Donna Jones-Dulin distributed the De Anza College Office Policy for a first reading, discussion and feedback. She reviewed the policy as a vehicle to address safety and environmental issues (blown fuses, fire hazards and pest control). This policy has been reviewed by the Academic Senate, EAC and revised by the Facilities Committee. The document includes a policy statement, guidelines, office assignment procedures, do’s and don’ts and a checklist.
Questions were raised regarding clarity, flexibility, technology, and individual needs and circumstances. Reza would like to include this information in the Faculty Handbook and orientation sessions in Fall. One suggestion was to follow the language of a board policy followed by detailed administrative procedures. The EAC raised issues relating to equity and “space.” It was suggested that Milonas clarify sanctions, Neal work on paragraphs to preface intent, guiding principles and values. Any feedback should be forwarded to Jones-Dulin.
Budget Update – May Revise
Jeanpierre distributed Governor Brown’s revised 2013-2014 budget proposal and outlined changes between the January and May projections. The May Revise discussion continues and K. McElroy will clarify information upon his return from ACBO. The Governor’s budget is now being reviewed by the House and Senate and finalization is expected June 15. The budget appears to include a redistribution of apportionment dollars to increase funding in student success, EOPS, DSPS, CARE, and CALWorks. FHDA represents 3% of the total state budget.
Jeanpierre provided an analysis of FTES with P2 reports reflecting a decline of 1600 FTES, the equivalent of a $7.3M shortfall. We have 2 additional years to increase enrollment or a permanent decrease in our apportionment will result. We have the capacity to earn it back by focusing on outreach, marketing, communications, and the community. Increasing the retention rate is the easiest way to grow enrollment internally.
Equity Planning Process Update
Neal encouraged divisions to submit their equity core team information. Training orientations will begin in mid-June. She recommended an equity plan for college council, shared governance groups, including the DASB leadership group. It would be advantageous to incorporate a student equity plan as part of the APRUs. In Fall, we will engage in a climate survey.
Open Items, Quick News & Updates
. Academic Senate election results: Mayra Cruz, President, PT Faculty rep: Ed Ahrens, Randy Bryant, VP, Paul Setziol, Secretary
. The DASB election is continuing through May 31. K. Navarro is running for the senate and has an interesting YouTube video campaign.
. Successful Student Athlete Recognition event on 5/22.
. DAC Womens’ Badminton Team won the State Championship. The team includes a mother and her two daughters who will attend the Vietnam Summer Abroad program. A competitive match has been scheduled while there.
. Jeanpierre attended the very successful and well-attended Student Art Exhibit on 5/22 at the Euphrat Museum.
. Bryant will be speaking to the Cupertino Rotary on June 5. June 7 Auto Technology Caracci Golf Classic in Sunol.
. 2013-2016 FA agreement has been finalized with upcoming ratification; voting is scheduled for 6/12-13.
. Reza distributed Five-Day Experiential Learning Institute (FELI) brochures scheduled for August 12-16 at De Anza College. She also mentioned the Latina Leadership Network conference scheduled for March 2014 at Ohlone College; she is serving as the co-chair for the conference committee.
. Murphy announced the upcoming ADP/TDC Conference June 6-8 in Denver, CO.
. Recent Apple meeting to discuss/develop technology for education
. George Parker article in the New Yorker on “Silicon Valley Discovers Politics.”
. Campus-wide values statement feedback due May 28.
. Construction updates to include the Mary entrance to the A Quad, Main Quad, and PE