Meeting Notes - May 14, 2015
Admin #109
3:00 - 4:00 pm

Attending: Bryant, Cheu, Cook, Cruz, Jones-Dulin, Glapion, Khanna, Malakiman, Markus, Murphy, Norte, Shannakian, Spatafore, Ulate, Tomaneng

Visiting: LaVoz student reporter

Minutes of February 12, 2015

The minutes from the College Council meeting of February 12, 2015 were approved.

District Mission Statement

David Ulate, the Executive Director, Institutional Research and Planning, provided a draft of the proposed District Mission Statement for review and comments.  He presented both the current and proposed statements with goals of incorporating language for the baccaulaureate degree, maintaining the primary mission of California Community Colleges (both from the Ed Code), and adhering to the ACCJC’s institutional standards. The statement has been reviewed by the Academic Senate, Academic & Professional Matters Committee and Chancellor’s Advisory Council, Classified Senate, and DASB. The proposed revised District Mission Statement was approved by College Council.

Quick News

- Update on Jill Biden visit to De Anza College, with a focus on ICCE, completion rates and her visiting a screenwriting class.

- De Anza College #1 and Foothill #2 ranking by EdSmart for completion/success rates

- Classified Professionals Development Retreat – May 15. Keynote speaker Justin Thibault from the University of Ottawa focusing on service excellence.

- DASB updates: Food trucks are back; Baylands Festival on 6/13 with focus on environmental sustainability to benefit the bicycle program 

- Academic Senate, Classified Senate, DASB elections taking place week of 5/18.

- Governor has released the California May Revise Budget which needs to be approved by legislature; Murphy recommends checking out for policy updates and distribution of dollars.

- Educational Master Plan– to be reviewed at 6/12 College Council with final due 6/15. The draft plan is posted and has been well-received, grounded on Equity framework. 

- Technology: Tech Task Force was originally an advisory to college council and the focus is different now focusing on student and teaching needs. Will be brought back to College Council in the Fall. The District is also reviewing technology and ETS standards with more focus on communications, and data management.

- NCORE conference May 26-30, TDC annual conference June 3-6

- Commencement venue change this year to Civic National Auditorium at 135 West San Carlos, San Jose.  Encourage participation.
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