College Council Minutes

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

  College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies:

•Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, C. Kaufman, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas, B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng

Guests: L. Ghamrawi

I. The College Council minutes of December 9, 2010 were approved.  Handout #1

II. Accreditation Updates _  

M. Spatafore and Jim Haynes attended the ACCJC public meeting this week and she reported back on the discussion. The Commission provided policy updates, procedures and revised by-laws. In addition, the ACCJC website has been updated.

L. Jenkins is currently editing submissions from the standards for style, format, consistency and duplication. When the four standards are complete, an edited copy will be distributed to the Accreditation Steering Committee, then to the governance groups in late April. The Accreditation Steering Committee is meeting regularly and talking across the standards.

III. Survey of Student Engagement Handout #2

M. Newell presented the De Anza College 2009 Community College Survey of Student Engagement compared to data from the 2007 and 2009 surveys. The CCSSE survey stemmed from the NSSE 4-yr colleges surveys. Our survey was funded by the SSPIRE grant in predicting how engaged, persistent and involved our students are. The intent of the survey was to provide information about effective educational practices and use the data to promote improvements in student learning.

College Council members participated in an informal survey of Academic and Collaborative Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction and Support for Learners. At the conclusion of the presentation we measured our predictions vs. actual rankings. 

The CCSSE survey covered: Active and Collaborative Learning, Student Effort, Academic Challenge, Student-Faculty Interaction and Support for Learners. 797 valid survey responses with a response rate of 33% in 2009, compared to a 57% in 2007. In summary, De Anza ranked above in 3 benchmarks and slightly below others in 2 (Student-Faculty Interaction and Support for Learners).

Areas highlighted (below the mean) included financial support, career counseling, academic advising and financial aid advising.

Discussion and brainstorming ideas:

- explore part-time faculty – scores may mirror students feelings of disenfranchisement

- some students may have little or no interaction with faculty

- examine areas where we’re doing well and improve on them

- create a culture and connection with students

IV. Budget Updates Handouts #3-4

L. Jeanpierre, K. McElroy and B. Slater traveled to Sacramento to learn of budget updates. Jeanpierre presented four budget scenarios that assume different levels of reductions and revenue projections.

Discussion items:

- The Governor will present the budget to the legislature for adoption from June to September.

- We are not currently anticipating any mid-year cuts

- Proposed increase in tuition from $17-24/unit

- FTES: meet cap and above = growth

- Reduction in per-student income, currently at $4500-4800

- CalWorks and CDC cuts

- Use of 5% reserves, approvals and restoration (1x $, Float, ARRA funds)

- Payroll and benefits account for 85% of the budget

- Scheduling a Town Hall in February with K. McElroy

- Check the Campus Budget Team website for current information

V. Enrollment Management  Handout #5

Espinosa-Pieb reviewed the January 12 Estimated WSCH document indicating we are down for the first time and may not make cap. The downward spiral is difficult to recover from, often taking 2 years. Despite opening up sections, students are not enrolling. Sections were cancelled in late December due to low enrollment and we will be chasing enrollment for Spring. This enrollment decline is equivalent of $7M in funding.

Discussion and brainstorming ideas:

- Propose 8-week sessions for high school students or 2-6 week sessions 

- Impact of paperless schedule; difficulty using pdf and MyPortal, Banner

- Students going to other semester colleges with later starting dates

- Failure to pass the Measure E Parcel Tax?

- State budget updates, general economy

- Change the perception; word of mouth is the best PR

- How big do you want to be? Smaller and better or bigger and stretched too thin?

- Look at other facilities – The Oaks?

- Scheduling selected class combinations for better time management

VI. Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring 

G. Anderson encouraged signing up for the Equal Opportunity Hiring Committee Representative training scheduled for Thursday, January 20 from 1:00-4:00 pm in the Multicultural Center. Classified staff can earn credit for Professional Growth Awards, while faculty can apply for special services towards a Professional Achievement Award.

VII. Burning Issues, Quick News and Wrap Up 

- Look out for the Printing Services calendars which includes valuable information: drop/ withdrawal dates, holidays, etc.

- Vote for the Pepsi Refresh Project.

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