Meeting Notes - April 25, 2017

The team welcomed the DASB rep Amanda Le.

Approve Meeting Notes - January 24, 2017

The notes were approved.

Q2 District Financial Update

Enrollment is continuing to decline. The district is very concerned and is investigating options.
The international student enrollment also declined. Enrollment is down across the State.
Productivity also declined as a result of keeping lower enrolled classes to increase FTES. There is part-time faculty cost associated with this strategy.
The indications are that the State budget remains stable.
Projected ending fund balance for June 30, 2017 is $49,373,562.
All other community college districts in our area are now basic aid, which is adding to our planning and enrollment problems.
How is the district proposing to address the shortfall to the FTES? There are ongoing discussions on how to address this but nothing concrete has been shared at this time.
San Jose Promise may effect the enrollment. San Jose are offering 2-years free tuition to low-income students graduating from San Jose high schools.

Q3 De Anza Financial Update

Cheu shared the quarter-end close as of 3/31/17. Overall the spending should be about 75% as we are ¾ way through the year. The end column reflected the percentage that has been spent. Overall the total budget spent is 64 percent.

District Annual Fiscal Self Assessment

Cheu shared the 2015-16 fiscal self-assessment, which is a self-assessment overview to ensure continuous fiscal planning and improvement

New Audit Firm

The district re-bid for the independent auditor company. The new audit firm is Vicenti, Lloyd and Stutzman VLS.

Accreditation - Quality Focus Essay

This is a part of the accreditation process. Focusing on action projects. These projects are listed at the end of the document.

  • Student equity.
  • Integrated planning & communication: Develop better integration between the planning and budget teams

Accreditation - Timeline for Self Study Review

Newell will attend the May meeting to collect feedback from the draft self study. As the team will not be meeting before the May meeting the link to the draft self study will be posted to the Campus Budget website.

Quick News

The soccer field is closed due to lack of demand. The baseball field is still open for self-parking.
Present: Cheu, Cruz, Joseph, Kirkpatrick, Mieso, Varela, DASB: Amanda Le. Notes:Gibson

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