Meeting Notes - May 25, 2010

1) Approval of Notes May 11, 2010
The notes were approved.
 2) May Revise
Jeanpierre noted that overall the community college fared well in the Governor's May revised budget. The college is watching the CALWORKS and Child Care funding as it is slated for additional reductions. These will affect OTI and the Child Development Center. Both have both been adversely affected by other cuts. Some categorical fund mandates have been relaxed but most of the DSS Federal laws remain in place even although funding has been cut/eliminated.
Maintaining a balance between funding and mandates is complicated and the campus has addressed this issue at many governance meetings, including the PBTs. A negative COLA is also being projected.
Argyriou reported that we have experienced a very high rate of productivity at the college and that such high productivity is unsustainable. Jeanpierre noted that faculty contribution was greatly appreciated by the college. With so much student demand, faculty have been willing to accommodate as many students as possible.
There is still a lot of fluidity in the budget while it goes through the legislature. If we do not sustain additional state cuts, the College is hoping to be able to extend the escrow II positions for another year.
3) Proposed Use of De Anza's Ending Fund Balance
Jeanpierre presented the draft suggestions/requests for the use of the ending fund balance. De Anza College Proposed Use of Fund Balance for 2009-2012. The spreadsheet was dated as of 4/30/10.
The VP Finance and VP Student Services were given a $100,000 supplement and the VP Instruction area was given $130,000 ($30k extra due to the size of the division) to use for their areas in addition to the itemized amounts. The spreadsheet is divided into VP areas. Jeanpierre described in detail each line of the spreadsheet explaining the background behind the requests. Any unspent funding will be rolled over to the ending fund balance for redistribution. Requests came through the Deans/Managers/VPs as a part of the budget reduction discussions.
The $120,000 for the grants office is dependent on the proposal of the grants office. Questions on two augmentations in A&R's area would be researched. Answers to questions on Turn-it-in would be brought to the team by Staff Development. The item was approved and would be forwarded to College Council for review and approval.
4) Measure C Prioritization Process
Jeanpierre passed out a three documents. One was the method used in prioritizing the 2006-2009 Measure C Instructional Equipment funds. The second was a worksheet reflecting the De Anza College Measure C 06-09 division allocations and the unspent balances at May 2010. The third document Measure C Prioritization Processes document
The group discussed the recent transfer of ETS' personnel to the Measure C Fund. These staff will be assigned to district Measure C equipment installation only. The new proposed ETS organizational chart was also reviewed. It was noted that the Board of Trustees had approved the
transfers from Central Services general fund to the Measure C Fund. ETS is currently updating the campus inventory of equipment and will work through the Equipment Prioritization Committee to institute a 5 year refresh plan for our labs.
Jeanpierre noted that the Board is anticipating Measure C construction cash flow needs and another tranche of funds will be available to fund construction as well as new instructional equipment needs. The Bond Oversight Committee will want to see an updated technology plan for the unspent instructional equipment dollars, as well as any additional requests. Jeanpierre will get input from the Campus Budget Committee and the Technology Task Force to develop a document for instructional equipment request for the next phase of Measure C dollars. Divisions with
unspent funds may want to re-purpose these remaining balances ($6.4 million) as these plans are greater than 5 years old. Jeanpierre reminded the team that the Mediated Learning Center was $1 million short in equipment dollar needs and that the ATC renovation will have also technology needs.
Jeanpierre asked the team to give feedback on the Measure C Prioritization Processes document for the next tranche which would be taken through the governance groups and ultimately presented for approval by the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee.
Present: Argyriou, Gerard, Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Lee-Klwander, Michaelis, Patlan, Reza, Schroeder. Notes: Gibson

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