General Meeting Information

Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

  • Agenda

    College Council  05/18/2023 agenda item to approve transition from Budget Task Force to Budget Advisory Committee as per CC approved Shared Governance Review Task Force proposal. The 05/11/2023 BTF meeting will be the last one. After CC approval, members will  meet as BAC and agendas will be posted to new BAC website at
    Time Agenda Item Purpose Draft Notes
    3:00 p.m. Vice Chair Voting Rights D/A Vice chairs will be the Acdemic & Classified Senate members and have voting rights. No new members will be added.
    3:20 p.m. Annual Governance Assessment Survey 2022/23 for BTF

    1) Reflecting on the work of your governance group over the past year, how did this work help fulfill our vision, mission, values, strategic initiatives, Institutional Core Competencies, and commitment to equity?

    2) Reflecting on your governance group’s processes and practices over the past year, please identify what has been working and what changes you plan to implement over the next academic year to ensure continuous improvement.

    3) Reflecting on your groups’ ability to disseminate information to its stakeholders, what are some strengths and weaknesses in regards to ensuring that all stakeholders are informed of the committee’s activities, processes, policies and decisions? How can you improve your process for information dissemination next year?
    D Greetings-
    It's the time of year when I ask that governance/advisory/employee groups complete the Annual Governance Assessment Survey. This is a 3-question survey that your group is encouraged to complete collaboratively. You need only submit one survey per group by June 23. Your response helps us assess our governance process and are posted annually to the College Planning Committee page.
    If you are new to this process and have any questions, please let me know. 
    Mallory, on behalf of the College Planning Committee.

    Members will add input on the shared document to be reviewed & finalized at the next meeting.
    3:45 p.m. Governance Handbook Update 2023/24 for the NEW BAC Committee   Greetings-
    It's the time of year when I ask that governance/advisory/employee groups complete any updates, edits or changes to the Governance Handbook. Please take a look at the document and provide me with any updates by June 23. Note that we are currently making changes to the handbook to reflect the updated governance structure the campus implemented in the fall. If your group does not have an entry in the handbook, please provide me with information relevant to your committee. 
    I would further appreciate if you could share the Governance Handbook with your committee members to ensure they are aware of it, and it may be a nice resource for new committee members coming on board in the fall. 
    If you are new to this process and have any questions, please let me know. 
    Mallory, on behalf of the College Planning Committee.

    Members will add input on the shared document to be reviewed & finalized at the next meeting.
    4:15 p.m. Upcoming agenda items

    Future agenda items
    "New" vacant positions
    Dean Online Education &  Learning Resources Funding
    Annual Governance Assessment Survey

    BTF/BAC supporting documents are posted here: Budget Advisory Committee Documents

    Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
    Budget Task Force (BTF)

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information
    R = Recommendation

Documents and Links

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