Meeting Notes - February 9, 2011
1) Approve Notes for January 27, 2011 Meeting
The notes were approved.
2) Accreditation - Program Reviews and AUO Updates
Gerard presented her Campus Budget Analyst draft AUO and Program Review documents to the team and explained her rational for selecting Self-Sustaining Fund Balances as her AUO. The team discussed her submissions and provided their feedback.
Michaelis presented both the Cashiers and Student Accounts AUOs and Program Reviews
to the team and explained the highlights. The team discussed these documents and provided
their feedback.
Jeanpierre expressed her gratitude to the presenters and congratulated the team on
the progress of the Division's accreditation work.
3) Quick News
Jeanpierre reminded the team to attend the budget town hall tomorrow at 11a.m. in the Fireside room.
There would be another CASHNET meeting scheduled in late February / early March to present a detailed demo on installment payments and commerce.
Present: Gerard, Harada, Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Kahn, Michaelis,