Meeting Notes - April 17, 2015
1) Approval of Notes from March 13, 2015
The notes were approved.
2) AUO Web Page
Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUO) Purpose Statement
The purpose of ongoing assessment of Administrative Unit Outcomes is to promote and improve program and institutional effectiveness and efficiency. The ongoing assessment of Administrative Unit Outcomes is specifically linked to the De Anza College Mission, program review and the planning and budget processes, including Strategic and Educational Master Planning efforts.
Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUO) Defined:
The De Anza administration, faulty, and staff work in concert to define and assess Administrative Unit Outcomes that are overarching, clear, and assessable statements that identify and define what a client/customer/student will be able to know, do, or feel at the successful completion of a specific activity or process.
AUO Cycle
Design and administer survey instrument
Collect data for comprehensive program review or annual update
Review program review process and update as needed
Review assessment (survey results) and recommendations
Write comprehensive program review or annual update
Finalize comprehensive program review, or annual update
Submit to FCO BPT for posting to website; schedule presentation date
FCO PBT read and evaluates program review
FCO PBT makes recommendations for improvement
AUO Status
College Operations completed a survey last year and have reflected upon the results. They are planning this year's survey. The survey and results are available to view in TracDat.
CDC perform surveys each year. Their surveys and results will be loaded into TracDat.
Cashiering perform surveys each year. Their surveys and results will be loaded into TracDat.
DASB perform surveys each year. Their surveys and results will be loaded into TracDat.
Budget & Personnel have drafted survey questions. A review will be requested by Institutional Research and once approved these surveys will be sent out.
Present: Cheu, Gerard, Jones-Dulin, Joseph. Notes GIbson.
Apologies: Harada, Swanson, Watson