Accreditation Update From Accreditation Liaison Officer - March 7, 2016

Hello, Self-Study Teams!
I would like to provide you with a few updates, please share them with your governance groups
1. The Accreditation Steering Committee requests that by March 31, your group will have developed a timeline, determined how it will complete the assigned Standards, and assigned responsible parties for completing those Standards. 

2. I have set up an Office 365 folder that will be the only repository for all self-study drafts from all groups. It can be accessed here: Users will see the folder in their "Shared with me" folder. Each group has their own folder. Please ensure that all your members can access the folder and know to keep all drafts of their work within the folder. This is a cloud drive, so numerous individuals can work on the draft at once and all changes are reflected in the document. You may want to invite Heidi King ( to a meeting to give a 30 minute training on how to use Office 365.
3. Within the folder, there is a document called, SelfStudy_Progress_Template. The Accreditation Steering Committee requests that one member of your group provide a monthly update on your progress at the end of each month. The document includes a monthly goal and deadline for each group. The document can be accessed here:

4. A reminder that a website specific to hosting accreditation updates can be accessed here:
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, I welcome all feedback to streamline and improve the accreditation process. 
Thank you,
Accreditation Liaison Officer

Mallory Newell, Ed.D.
Supervisor, Institutional Research and Planning
De Anza College 
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