Mission Statement - De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. The college engages students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies:
 • Communication and expression
 • Information literacy
 • Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility
 • Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice
 • Critical thinking — Updated Spring 2014

Meeting Notes - Nov. 6, 2014

Attending: Burgos, Caballero de Cordero, Cook (co-chair), Glapion (co-chair), Kirkpatrick,
LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso, Robles

Guests: Mallory Newell, Rowena Tomaneng, Veronica Neal

There were no amendments to the agenda or the notes.

State Equity Presentation

Emphasizes closing achievement gaps among the following student populations: African Ancestry, Latino, Filipino, EOPS, Foster Youth, Low-Income, Veterans, and students with disabilities.

Alignment with 3SP and requires collaboration between Student Services and Instructional areas.

Strong recommendation that where possible colleges integrate student equity planning into college and/or district accreditation, educational master planning, program review, and basic skills planning processes.

Implementation plans now due to State Chancellor’s Office January 1, 2015.


  • All departments should be giving the same message to students.
  • We need to find out what is working and what is not in each area.
  • We are still working as individual units, not together as a group.
  • We need to take initiative to really discuss the requirements and how
    to go about implementing them.
  • A retreat should be set up to bring the groups together.
    • Bring an initiative to DARE for the retreat.

SSSP Team Coordinator

Mieso went over the coordination Objective and Goals of our SSSP Teams.

Objective: To provide a coordinated approach for the implementation of the 3SP in order to ensure efficient and effective delivery of mandated services: Assessment, Orientation, Ed Plan, Counseling/Advising, and Follow-Up.

Mieso will be meeting with teams individually to find gaps, any duplication, and the positives.

Updates from Teams

2. Assessment – Mieso

  • Proposal is complete and ready to submit to DARE.
  • 200 students will be in the retest pilot program.
  • Students will be given resources to assist them.
  • The retest will happen 2-4 weeks later.

Suggestion - Accuplacer online for International students. This is currently being looked into.

4. Follow-up/At Risk Students – Burgos

  • Researching undecided students
  • Meeting with the people who do the Career Workshops
  • Probation
    • Researching how many students are on probation at each level, to
      really look at the numbers.

Suggestion - Get a list of undecided students to email about the Career Workshops.

5. Technology – Mandy

  • There is nothing new to report at this time.

A couple team members needed to leave early and were not available to update the group today.

1. Orientation – Spatafore, Ranck
3. Counseling, Advising, and Education Planning Services – LeBleu-Burns

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