Meeting Notes
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Attending: Beckum, Booye, Cook, Corrao, Glapion, Haynes, Hunter, Jeon (DASB), LeBleu-Burns, Marquez, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Patlan, Poon
Review Agenda and Meeting Notes – Added - ETS Request List, Proposed Six-Year Planning Process
The notes from the October 20 meeting were reviewed and approved.
“B” Budget Augmentation Criteria
Members suggested the following:
1) Why are you requesting an augmentation?
2) What programs would the augmentation cover?
3) How would the augmentation request meet the strategic initiatives and/or the present college priorities?
4) What is the current economic climate and how critical is this request?
5) How would this augmentation request support the college’s FTEs growth target?
6) How does this augmentation request support or enhance services to students and contribute to their retention and success?
7) Are there alternative sources to fund this augmentation request?
8) How does your augmentation request respond, or address any of the four strategic initiatives.
- Outreach
- Individual attention to retention
- Cultural competency
- Community and civic engagement
9) How would this augmentation request foster more collaboration among Student Services areas?
Results of combining questions:
How does this “B” Budget Augmentation request address?
a. The strategic initiatives and/or the present college priorities?
b. The college’s FTEs target
Action –
Develop Matrix of proposed criteria to send the team
Include – How does this augmentation request relate to your Program Review goals?
Develop a rating sheet
Review requests as a group
Make selections
2010-11 Goals and Priorities
The team suggested the following:
1) PR and timeline
2) Budget Prepare for future budget cuts
3) Create a SSPBT Orientation packet (Corrao)
a. Include description of membership (once finalized)
4) Propose a joint planning meeting with PBTs
5) Create a 3-5 year comprehensive plan for working together as a unit
6) Technology needs and how we can use Banner to assist student needs
7) How can we be more efficient working together?
- Develop Student Services grid
- Include in the 3-5 year plan
- Look at duplication of services and where services are offered
Develop list of priorities and bring to the December 1st meeting
Develop a timeline for the priorities at that meeting
Cook – SSPBT to appoint another representative to ETAC and Campus Technology Task Force
ETAC list (handout) – Cook asked the team to review the list, prioritize for Student Services and provide her with feedback by the end of the fall quarter.
Six-Year Planning Process Proposal (handout)
Cook asked the team to review the proposal and provide feedback to Haynes/Lee-Wheat.
The team needs more time and requests clarification of the proposal.
Agenda for December 1st
Priorities for next year
Discuss Planning Proposal
Provide feedback on ETAC Plan
SARS report – Poon
“B” Budget Augmentation Criteria
Report on Campus Tech Task Force – Invite Kevin Metcalf