Meeting Notes - September 15, 2010
Attending: Beckum, Booye, Cook, Corrao, Glapion, Haynes, Hunter, LeBleu-Burns, Marquez, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, PatlanPlanning for SSPBT Orientation
Cook would like members to present different sections about SSPBT
Booye mentioned Staff Development might have an Orientation outline we could follow. She will let Cook know.
Discussion of what should be covered in the orientation included:
-Explain the name and where the SSPBT is in the governance process, open forum
-Committee composition
-Members duties
-Provide a visual explanation or decision-making chart
-Explain use of consensus model for decisions in the SSPBT as compared with the campus
how we communicate with others
-Project what may happen in the future, so we aren’t make decisions at the last minute
-Flexibility to make decisions quickly when necessary for internal reasons
-Review goals for the upcoming year, include with timeline
-Communication, importance of exchange of information, who and how we communicate
if a SSPBT member can’t attend a meeting they are to report out to, send a written report
-Members should find out how their constituent group wants information from this group shared
-Use newsletter and refer to SSPBT web site
Constituent groups – DASB, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, etc.
-Develop a glossary of acronyms
-Meetings informal and fun
-Clarify types of discussions as described in the consensus model
The meetings on October 6th and 20th will be SSPBT Committee Member orientations.