Meeting Notes - April 7, 2010
Review Agenda & Meeting Notes - The agenda for the meeting was reviewed and approved. The notes from the March
17 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Review SSPBT purpose - Cook led a discussion regarding the SSPBT purpose; description/function and the
following are the comments.
Marquez suggesting in the second paragraph change the words planning process and the
planning document to the strategic and educational master plans.
Haynes suggested adding information regarding aligning with the accreditation process
and will develop a written suggestion.
Add a value statement
Add student learning to the purpose statement
Cook suggested a sub group work on the suggestions for revision, which will be brought
back to the group for review.
The following volunteered – Cook, Mieso, Corrao, Haynes and Marquez.
Cook suggested changing description/function to goals and adding responsibilities
of members.
Moberg suggested the comment – we go through good and bad times and we re evaluate
our core in each instance.
Should we rewrite the goals?
Organize activities and allocate resources
Mieso – suggested reviewing short and long-term goals, identify priorities for the
year and when resource planning starts we will have a guide.
Bradshaw suggested including the comment - that Student Services Planning and Budget
works in collaboration with IPBT.
Haynes suggested we define our relationship with the other PBTs and include in the
document. He also recommended coordinating our calendar with the budget cycle to make
sure information flows as needed.
Corrao suggested a Jt meeting at the beginning of the year between SSPBT and IBPT
to discuss goals.
Cook added this would be important to make sure we are working together.
Patlan asked about the relationship with Campus Budget.
Irvin will provide updates from the Campus Budget meetings to the group.
LeBleu-Burns will provide an update from the Finance and Educational Services PBT.
Need a report for the IPBT, College Council and any other governance groups.
Haynes suggested that we be proactive rather than reactive. Provides strapped development
for the committee members in the form of an orientation.
Reminder – to submit items for the League for Innovation. It is important for Student
Services to share what is happening.
Patlan – commented on the importance that programs don’t compete but enhance each
other to increase students served.
LeBleu-Burns - additional indicators and criteria are needed for Program Review.
Cook would like more information regarding diversity in the document.
Also she would like to broaden the students that could participate on the SSPBT. it
was suggested that student’s names be recommended to be ASP for review and approval
to serve on the student services planning and budgeting. Cook Encouraged everyone
to think of students that might be interested in participating and refer him or her
to the ASP.
Expand the explanation to encourage students to participate on the SSPBT and the importance.
Corrao send out information to students inviting them to attend a meeting.
Discuss working with Edmundo Norte and Civic Engagement to encourage students to participate
and mentoring them as to the importance.
SLOs & SSLOs - Haynes provided a handout - Learning Outcomes/Assessment General Purpose Statement
about SSLOs, explaining the difference between SSLOs and SSLOAC and a list of the
SLOs submitted by Student Services areas. Next step - Haynes will contact folks that
have completed one cycle of SLOs regarding work on the next one. He encouraged sharing
Accreditation - Cook encouraged everyone to participate on an Accreditation Standard team so that
Student Services is well represented. She is the co-chair for Standard IV. They will
begin meeting at the end of April. Contact Lois Jenkins to sign up.
Proposed Realignment - Cook is collecting recommendations regarding the realignment. There will be meetings
to discuss the recommendations during the month of April. (And any others submitted)
prior to taking the recommendations to Senior Staff.
Summary and Agenda Items - Meeting of the sub group next week. Sub group will work to determine the purpose,
goals and responsibilities for the SSPBT based on feedback from the group and from
discussions with staff.
Add committee reports to the agenda