De Anza College

IPBT Notes - January 5—3:00 – 5:00 PM


Christina Espinosa-Pieb

Cynthia Lee-Klawender

Present: Anderson, Bradshaw, Bryant, Cadge-Moore, Espinosa-Pieb, Hearn, Irvin, Knittel, Kubo, Lee-Klawender, Mowrey, Pereida, Schroeder, Singh, Tomaneng

Visitors: Diana Alves-de-Lima, Anne Argyriou, Mary Kay Englen, Rich Hansen, Wendy Low, Jerry Rosenberg, Cheryl Woodward


I. Approval of Agenda and Meeting Notes: The agenda for January 5, 2010 was amended with postponing Item III, Review of Faculty Positions. The notes of December 1, 2009 were approved.

 II. Budget Reduction Timeline: Because of a newly imposed deadline from the Board of Trustees, to come up with solutions on how to prepare for the college’s $4.1 million budget deficit, the following changes have been made to the IPBT meeting schedule:

January 12, 3:00 – 5:00 PM—ADM 109—Address questions for divisions’ scenarios and to consider prioritization of faculty hiring.

January 15, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM—ADM 109—Instructional deans have been invited to speak to their reduction plans in the morning, and in the afternoon, deliberations will occur pertaining to making reduction recommendations. (Lunch will be provided)

January 19, 3:00 – 5:00 PM ADM 109—Finalize budget reduction recommendations to be presented to College Council.

January 28—College Council will review all PBT’s recommendations.

 President Brian Murphy will have the final decision and will present the final reduction plans to the Board.

III. Review of Faculty Positions: Postponed to January 12.

 IV. Review of Divisions’ Scenarios: The packet titled, De Anza College Mandated Reduction Plans for 2010 -2011, was distributed. The committee members were asked to make a list of their questions that they would like to ask the deans on January 15--as they review each division’s plan, and email them to C. Espinosa-Pieb by Saturday, January 9, 2010. Each of the division’s plans was examined and comments were exchanged.

 • Academic Services—It was revealed that the College Readiness Program is no longer in compliance with state regulations, and will be slated for re-structuring..

 •Applied Technologies-- It was noted that this division will be moved to the Biological, Health, Environmental Sciences and Workforce Education Division. In addition, the division dean and the administrative assistant positions would be eliminated.

 •Biological, Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Workforce Education—The division dean will be invited to participate in the question session with the team members on January 15. 

 •Business and Computer Systems--Regarding this division’s plan, it was stated that additional specific back-up information to the courses will be provided.

 •Creative Arts-- When considering the elimination of some of the courses in this division, Hazmat and safety issues have to be considered.

 • Counseling and Matriculation--It was reminded that the state categorical cuts caused the division to take a major hit; however, adjustments would be worked on to spread the reductions across all budgets. More information would be forth coming on this plan.

 • Intercultural/International Studies—When considering the elimination of some of the courses in this division, consideration must be given to cross-listed courses that can affect other divisions or programs.

 • Language Arts-- Since there are many courses that address basic skills in this division, directions were given to use caution with the proposed class reductions. Other programs will be examined from this division.

 •Physical Education-- Title IX is a major factor that will need to be noted when considering making class reductions in this division.

 •Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering—This plan was briefly reviewed, and the large numbers on the wait lists were voiced.

 •Social Sciences and Humanities--It was communicated that Phase 1 of the Reduction Plan will be looked into, and clarification will be forth coming on that proposal.

 C. Espinosa-Pieb will gather statistics from Institutional Research—to determine how many courses/sections that can be suspended before losing WSCH. She also stated that “loads,” or “capacity seat-counts” will not be altered.

V. Good of the Order: There was no response to this agenda item.

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