Veterans Day 1999

By Paul DeCillis

I found myself alone that day
my thoughts were deep inside
I saw my friend in a war gone by
my eyes were filled with pride

Engraved in stone a soldier's name
flowers planted in the ground
flags waving in the gentle wind
Taps and gunfire, were the sound

I remember my friend, that soldier not here
he would always take my side
we walked and talked and fun we shared
then in Viet Nam he died

They say he was killed for freedom
but tell that to his Mom
never could she have realized
that a young death would be his calm

First one then two that stand out most
for me I've personally known
but 58,000 and more were killed
they will no longer be at home

Perhaps you'll be at work
on this 11th of November
or studying for your education
still, take a moment to remember

A Veteran's life might have been given
for your relative to be free
then given you life into this world
for a chance that you might see

This dawn of lessons learned from our wars
should be carried down to teach
a better way to bring forth freedom
than carrying rifles on that beach

I must remember from a gravesite view
with tears and prayers so sadly
still to know in our America's name
I went to war then gladly

Don't take for granted all we have done
for the freedom which soldiers fight
and remembering on this Veteran's Day
why you'll be safe from war tonight...

by Paul DeCillis
Viet Nam Veteran
4th Infantry Division
Pleiku-An Khe


   Copyright � Paul DeCillis. All rights reserved.
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