About Me

'We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are' - Anais Nin

Hello~ I'm Lori Clinchard, Humanities Department Chair and Faculty Director of the California History Center. I received my Ph.D. in Humanities, with a concentration in Transformative Learning and Change, from the California Institute of Integral Studies. My research interests are creativity, consciousness, and the pedagogy of experiential learning. Through FHDA’s Mellon Foundation-supported Center for Applied Humanities, I am developing an interview series to engage with artists and philosophers on the challenging questions arising out of the AI era.

I am a 4th generation Bay Area native, currently living in Santa Cruz. I have been teaching since 2001, and have been full-time at De Anza since 2005. I lived for 12 years in Taos, New Mexico, and 1 year in France, and I still enjoy speaking French and Spanish. I love the De Anza students, and I want my classes to give students opportunities to know themselves more deeply, to learn in ways that are meaningful to them, and to discover and respect what they already know. 

My office is located in the California History Center: deanza.edu/califhistory/  

“The true method of knowledge is experiment.” - William Blake, British poet and artist.

Classes I Teach

Spring 2025

41755HUMI 151ZCreative Minds
47092HUMI 155ZCreative Minds
49384HUMI 1H51ZCreative Minds - HONORS
49385HUMI 1H55ZCreative Minds - HONORS

Winter 2025

30755HUMI 151ZCreative Minds
31584HUMI 154ZCreative Minds
39351HUMI 1H51ZCreative Minds - HONORS
39352HUMI 1H54ZCreative Minds - HONORS
37983HUMI 91MYIntroduction to Comparative Religion
39353HUMI 9H0IMYIntroduction to Comparative Religion - HONORS

Course Syllabi

Humi 1 - Creative Minds

Humi 9 - Comparative Religion

Humi 9 - Comparative Religion - SUMMER

Humi 7 - Arts & the Human Spirit - SUMMER

Faculty Info

Lori Clinchard photo

Lori Clinchard



California History Center (CHC)


B.A. Political Sci & French 1988; M.A. Cultural Anthro California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) 2000; Ph.D. Humanities CIIS 2006

Office Hours

By appt.

Email to set appointment.


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