Learn With Pride!

three students arm in arm, with rainbow blanket or banner over their shoulders

The Pride Learning Community is a year-long cohort program that fosters an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students across the gender and sexuality spectrums.

By joining this cohort, you'll have the opportunity to take classes with your peers in the program – with course materials, resources and activities that are relevant to the LGBTQ+ experience – and build community with like-minded students, faculty, staff and off-campus allies. 

Visit the Pride Center!

You don't have to join the Pride Learning Community to visit the Pride Center on campus in Library 138. The center is a safe, supportive and welcoming space where you'll find relevant resources, information and community with others.

Upcoming Activities

  • Please check back here for more information!

Program Benefits

The Pride Learning Community offers

  • Priority registration
  • In-class mentors, tutors and a dedicated academic counselor
  • Faster progress to transfer! Fulfill your General Education and lower-division coursework requirements
  • Shared resources and materials
  • Friendship and support from fellow students

The Pride Learning Community is part of Student Success and Retention Services (SSRS) at De Anza College.

How To Apply

Applications for each year will be accepted starting in May. Here are the steps to apply:

  1. Apply to De Anza College
  2. Make sure the Assessment Office has your high school transcript, in order to determine your English placement
  3. Complete the SSRS interest form (click the button below)
  4. Attend the Pride Learning Community orientation
  5. Attend Summer Bridge in late August

SSRS Interest Form

You should plan to attend two events over the summer:

  • Orientation for the Pride Learning Community – date TBA
  • Summer Bridge – an engaging, three-day program that will introduce you to De Anza College and a diverse community of your peers, including students in the Pride, FYE, IMPACT AAPI, Puente and Umoja cohorts. Visit the Summer Bridge website for more information.

Pride Learning Community logo


Huy Le

Huy Le

Pride and Learning Communities Counselor

More information

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