Page 51 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 51
Transfer to All Campuses - California State University (CSU)
CSU General Education/Breadth Requirements for 2019-2020
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, California 95014
Effective: Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
Student Name: _____________________________________________________
Campuswide ID: _________________________
De Anza College’s requirements for the certification of CSU GE differ from the requirements identified by the California State University and the information
De Anza College’s requirements for the certication of CSUGE differ from the requirements identied by the California State University and the information
published on Students must complete the CSU GE requirements stated in the De Anza College Catalog and Schedule of Classes in order published on Students must complete the CSUGE requirements stated in the De Anza College Catalog and Schedule of Classes
to qualify for CSU GE certification by De Anza College. There is no catalog year or rule of continuing attendance for CSU GE certification. A course is
in order to qualify for CSUGE certication by De Anza College. There is no catalog year or rule of continuing attendance for CSUGE certication. A
certifiable if, and only if, it was on the CSU GE requirement list at the time the course was taken. Transfer credit limitations may apply, see for course is certiable if, and only if, it was on the CSUGE requirement list at the time the course was taken. Transfer credit limitations may apply, see
more information. Upon enrolling in final course requirements and receiving conditional admission to the university, students must submit a request for for more information. Upon enrolling in nal course requirements and receiving conditional admission to the university, students must submit a creqrtuifiecsat tfiorncteorttihceaDtioenAtnoztaheCDoleleAgnezAadCmoilslesgioenAsdamnidssRioencsoardnsd ORffieccoer.dsG.OEf.Cce.rtGifi.Eca. tCioenrtiRceaqtuioenstRFeoqrumestaFreoramvsaialareblaevatilathbeleAadtmthiessAiodnmsisasniodnRs eacnodrdRsecords Offifce and onlineattdeaannzzaa.e.edduu/a/damdmisisisoinosn/sfo/
Use the columns located to the right to track units in-progress/planned and completed: IP/P = In-Progress/Planned C = Completed
Units IP/P
Units C
AREA A: ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL THINKING 12-15 Quarter Units At least 1 course each from Areas A1, A2 and A3. All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
A1 – Oral Communication COMM 1, 1H, 10, 10H
Other Course: __________________________________ College: ___________________________ No AP/IB Exam Credit for Area A1
A2 – Written Communication EWRT 1A, 1AH or (1AS and 1AT) (if this option is selected, both courses must be completed for A2 credit; 5 units will be applied towards G.E.), or ESL 5
Other Course: ______________________________ College: __________________________ AP Exam Credit:_________ Qtr. Units: ______
A3 – Critical Thinking COMM 8, 8H, 9, 9H, 15, 15H or EWRT 2, 2H or PHIL 3, 4, 7, 7H
Other Course: __________________________________ College: ___________________________ No AP/IB Exam Credit for Area A3
AREA B: SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY AND QUANTITATIVE REASONING 12-15 Quarter Units At least 1 course each from Physical Science, Life Science and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.
At least 1 science course must contain a laboratory component. Courses with a laboratory are underlined.
B1 – Physical Science ASTR 4, 4/15L, 10, 10/15L, CHEM 1A, 1AH, 1B, 1BH, 1C, 1CH, 10, 25, 30A, 30B, GEO 1, GEOL 10, 20, MET 10, 10/10L, 10/20L, PHYS 2A, 4A, 10
Other Course: ______________________________ College: _____________________ AP/IB Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
B2 – Life Science ANTH 1, 1H, 1/1L, 1H/1L, 7, BIOL 6A, 6AH, 6B, 6C, 6CH, 10, 10H, 11, 13, 15, 26, 40C, ESCI 1, 1/1L , 19, 60 Other Course: ______________________________ College: _____________________ AP/IB Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
B3 – Laboratory Activity (Underlined courses in Areas B1 and B2 include a lab.) AP Exam (See credit in Area B1 or B2 above)
B4 – Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (A grade of C or better is required.) Select one course from the following:
BUS 54, EDUC 46, MATH 1A, 1AH, 1B, 1BH, 1C, 1CH, 1D, 1DH, 2A, 2AH, 2B, 2BH, 10, 10H, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 31 or (31A and 31B) (if this option is selected, both courses must be completed for B4 credit), 32, 41, 41H, 42, 42H, 43, 43H, 44, 46, PSYC 15, SOC 15
Other Course: ______________________________ College: _____________________ AP/IB Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
AREA C: ARTS AND HUMANITIES 12-15 Quarter Units Select 3 courses, with at least 1 course in the Arts and 1 course in the Humanities. One ICS course must be taken in Area C, D or E. EWRT 1B, 1BH or ESL 6 is strongly recommended for students who do not select COMM 9, 9H or EWRT 2, 2H or PHIL 3 in Area A3.
C1 – Arts: (Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater)
ARTS 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2F*#, 2G, 2H, 2J, 2K, 2L, 3TC#, 3TD, 3TE, DANC 38A, E S 3#, F/TV 1#, 1H#, 2A#, 2AH#, 2AW#, 2AWH#, 2B#, 2BH#, 2BW#, 2BWH#, 2C#, 2CH#, 2CW#, 2CWH#, 75G, HUMI 1#, 1H#, 15, ICS 5#, 33, 45, INTL 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, MUSI 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, PHTG 7, 21, THEA 1, WMST 3C#
Other Course: ______________________________ College: __________________________ AP/IB Exam Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
C2 – Humanities: (Literature, Philosophy, Languages Other than English)
ESL 6, ELIT 8, 10, 10H, 11, 12, 17, 17H, 19, 21, 22, 24*, 38, 39, 40, 41, 41H, 44, 46A, 46AH, 46B, 46BH, 46C, 46CH, 47A, 47B, 48A, 48AH, 48B, 48BH, 48C, 48CH, EWRT 1B, 1BH, 1C, 30, F/TV 1#, 1H#, 2A#, 2AH#, 2AW#, 2AWH#, 2B#, 2BH#, 2BW#, 2BWH#, 2C#, 2CH#, 2CW#, 2CWH#, FREN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, GERM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, HNDI 1, 2, 3, HIST 6A#, 6AH#, 6B#, 6BH#, 6C#, 6CH#, HUMI 1#, 1H#, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9H, 10, 13, 16#, 18, 18H, 20, ICS 11#, 12, 24, 35, 44, 46, INTL 11, 13, 16, ITAL1,2,3,JAPN1,2,3,4,5,6,KORE1,2,2H,3,3H,LING1,MAND 1,2,3,4,5,6,PERS1,2,3,PHIL1,2,8,8H,11,20A,20B,20C, 24, 30, 49, RUSS 1, 2, 3, SIGN 1, 2, 3, SPAN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, VIET 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, WMST 8*#, 21, 22*#, 25*#, 26*#, 29*#, 31*#, 49
Other Course: ______________________________ College: _____________________ AP/IB Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: _______ (C1 or C2) Other Course: __________________ College: ________________ AP/IB Exam (C1/C2)/CLEP Credit (C2): ______ Qtr. Units: _____
- Courses maybeeaadddeeddtotoCCSSUUGGEEmmidi-da-caacdaedmemic iyceyaer.aTr.hTehsesweilwl bilel bheighilgighhlitgehdteadndaniddenidtienetdifiiendbion lbdolpdrpinritn, tf,ofllolwloewdebdybtyhetheffefcfteivcetivsetasrtatertrmterimn Visisititdeanza..eedduu/a/ratirctuiclautlioantioandaansdswiswt.owrg.afsorsuisptd.aotergs dfouriunpgdtahtespdruinringg2t0h2e0stperrinmg. 2020 term.
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