Page 49 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 2O19-2O2O Effective Fall 2019 through Summer 2020
De Anza College offers two associate degrees, the Associate in Arts (A.A.) and the Associate in Science (A.S.). In order to obtain either degree, you must complete between 32 and 43 quarter units of General Education (GE) and additional unit requirements for your major. The number of units required for a major will vary from program to program. To qualify for the associate degree, you must complete a total of 90 quarter units comprising De Anza's General Education, major and, if necessary, elective courses of your choice. The associate degree is not required for transfer. However, with careful planning, you may qualify for an associate degree while meeting requirements for transfer admission. Review the following pages for listings of courses that satisfy De Anza's GE, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and California State University (CSU) GE Breadth requirements.
The General Education subject areas for De Anza College's associate degree requirements are listed under the left column below. If you are planning to transfer to rhe University of California or California Stare University, you may want to complete the requirements listed under the IGETC or CSU GE Breadth. See pages 48-52 for approved course lists. De Anza College requirements for CSU GE certification differ from the requirements identified by the CSU and from the information published on In order to qualify for certification of CSU GE at De Anza College, students must complete the CSU GE requirements as stared in this catalog or at
Transfer students with high-unit majors (such as sciences or engineering) should focus on completing requirements for the major and minimum admissions requirements rather than completing IGETC or CSU GE Breadth requirements.
Completion of IGETC and CSU GE Breadth requirements is nor required for transfer. Students who plan to transfer may instead choose to complete the specific General Education breadth requirements of rhe transfer institution of their choice.
Please see the following websites for more information: or GENERAL EDUCATION/BREADTH REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY
De Anza College A.A./A.S. Degree General Education Requirements (for students who want an A.A./A.S. Degree)
Quarter Units Area A: Communication, Expression,
Quarter Units Area A: English Language Communication
UC/CSU—All Campuses** Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
Quarter Units Area 1: English Communication 10-14
a. English Composition
b. Critical Thinking – English
c. Oral Communication (CSU only)
Area 2: Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoning 4-5
Area 3: Arts & Humanities 12-15
At least three courses including one from Arts and one from Humanities.
Area 4: Social & Behavioral Sciences12-15
At least three courses from at least two disciplines. (Courses used to meet the American History and Institutions requirement may not be used to fulfill IGETC.)
Area 5: Physical & Biological Sciences 9-12
At least two courses: one Physical Science and one Biological Science; one must include a laboratory.
Area 6: Language other than English (UC only)
Total Units: 47-61
You must request certification by completing the official certification form available at Admissions and Records and online at admissions/forms
** See a counselor/academic adviser about UC professional schools and colleges that do not accept IGETC.
California State University (CSU)
GE Breadth—All Campuses General Education/ Breadth Requirements
Critical Thinking, and Information Literacy
1. English Composition 2. Oral Communication 3. Critical Thinking
(if completing the AS degree this sub-area is satisfied)
Area B: Natural Sciences
One course from the Physical or Biological Sciences
Area C: Arts and Humanities
Two courses: one from Arts and one from Humanities (One ICS course in Area C, D or E)
4-6 8-9
and Critical Thinking
1. Oral Communication
2. Written Communication 3. Critical Thinking
Area B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
Area D: Social & Behavioral Sciences
Two courses (One ICS course in Area C, D or E)
Area E: Physical/Mental Wellness
and Personal Development
2 units minimum. At least one unit must be completed from Dance, Kinesiology, PE or PEA Activities.
Graduation requirements also include:
1. Arts
2. Humanities
Area D: Social Sciences
Min. 12-15
• Proficiency in reading and written expression which is met by Area A1 above. Course must be completed with a grade of C or better.
• Proficiency in mathematics which may be
met by completing MATH 114 (or 105) or equivalent or higher with a grade of C or better (or) achieving a score of 3 or higher on one AP mathematics exam.
• Completion of one Environmental Sustainability and Global Citizenship (ESGC) approved course selected from an Area listed above.
Total Units: 32-43
Select three courses from at least two disciplines (One ICS course in Area C, D or E)
Area E: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development 4-5
Minimum Units: 58
You must request certification by completing the official certification form available at the Admissions and Records Office and online at forms
* ESL 6 restricted to students whose native language is not English.
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science
3. Laboratory Activity
4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
Area C: Arts and Humanities 12-15
Select three courses, with at least one course in Arts and one course in Humanities (One ICS course in Area C, D or E)