Page 52 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 52
Use the columns located to the right to track units in-progress/planned and completed: IP/P = In-Progress/Planned C = Completed
Units IP/P
Units C
AREA D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12-15 Quarter Units Select 3 courses from at least 2 disciplines. One ICS course must be taken in Area C, D or E.
The U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals (AI) is a CSU graduation requirement, and it is strongly recommended that it be completed before transfer. This requirement may be fullled by completing 2 courses: POLI 1 or 1H and one of the following U.S. History courses (HIST 17A, 17AH, or 17B, 17BH, or 17C, 17CH). These courses may be used as part of the 12-15 quarter units required in Area D.
ADMJ 29*, ANTH 2, 2H, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, ARTS 2F*#, 3TC#, BUS 21, C D 10G, 10H, 12, COMM 7*, 7H*, 70, 70H, CIS 2#, ECON 1, 1H, 2, 2H, 3, 3H, 4, 5, E S 1, 3#, 4, F/TV 10, 10H, GEO 4, 5, 10, HIST 2, 3A, 3AH, 3B, 3BH, 3C, 3CH, 6A#, 6AH#, 6B#, 6BH#, 6C#, 6CH#, 7A*, 7B*, 9#, 9H#, 10, 10H, 16A*, 16B*, 17A, 17AH, 17B, 17BH, 17C, 17CH, 18A*, 18B*,19A, 19B, 28*, HUMA 10#, 10H#, 30#, ICS 4, 5#, 7, 7H, 9, 10, 11#, 16A, 16B, 17, 17H, 18A, 18B, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 27H, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38A, 38B, 41, 42, 43, 47, 55, INTL 5, 8, 19A, 19B, 33, JOUR 2, KNES 47#, 54, POLI 1, 1H, 2, 3, 5, 15*, 16*, 17*, 17H*, 60A, 60B, 60C, PSYC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8#, 9#, 10G, 10H, 12#, 14#, 24, 51#, SOSC 60A, 60B, 60C, SOC 1, 5, 14, 20, 28, 29, 35, WMST 1*#, 3C#, 8*#, 9#, 9H#, 12#, 22*#, 24*, 25*#, 26*#, 27*, 28, 29*#, 31*#
Other Course: ______________________________ College: _______________________ AP Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______ Other Course: ______________________________ College: _______________________ AP Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______ Other Course: ______________________________ College: _______________________ AP Exam/CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
No more than 2 units of DANC/KNES/P E/PEA activity courses may apply.
Non-Activity Courses:
BUS 56, CLP 7, C D 64, COMM 16, 16H, CIS 2#, E S 2, ESCI 30, HLTH 21, HIST 9#, 9H#, HUMA 10#, 10H#, 20, 30#, HUMI 16#, KNES 45, 47#, 50A (3 units), 51A (3 units), 52 (3 units), 53, 55, NUTR 10, PSYC 8#, 9#, 12#, 14#, 51#, WMST 1*#, 9#, 9H#, 12#
Dance (DANC) Activity Courses:
DANC 22, 22K, 22L, 22M, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23L, 23M, 23N, 24A, 24B, 24C, 25A, 25B, 37A, 37B, 37C
Kinesiology (KNES)/Physical Education (P E) Activity Courses:
KNES 1A, 1B, 1C, 1CX, 1D, 1DX, 2A, 2AX, 2B, 2BX, 5A, 5AX, 5B, 5BX, 6A, 6AX, 7A, 7AX, 7D, 7DX, 7G, 7GX, 7H, 9A, 9AX, 9B, 9BX, 11A, 11AX, 11B, 11BX, 12A, 12AX, 12B, 12BX, 12D, 12DX, 12E, 12EX, 12G, 12H, 12HX, 12J, 12JX, 15A, 15AX, 15C, 15CX, 15E, 15EX, 15EY, 15F, 15FX, 16A, 16AX, 16AY, 17A, 17AX, 19A, 19AX, 19B, 19BX, 19D, 19DX, 19E, 19EX, 19G, 19GX, 20A, 20AX, 22A, 22AX, 22B, 22BX, 22C, 22CX, 22D, 22DX, 22E, 22EX, 25A, 25AX, 25B, 25BX, 26A, 26AX, 26B, 26BX, 29A, 29B, 30A, 30B, 30BX, 30C, 31A, 31AX, 31B, 31BX, 31C, 31CX, 32A, 32AX, 32B, 32BX, 32C, 32CX, 32D, 32DX, 32E, 32EX, 32F, 32FX, 33A, 33AX, 33AY, 36A, 36AX, 37A, 37AX, 37B, 37BX, 37C, 37CX, 37D, 37DX, 37E, 38A, 38AX, 38B, 38BX, 38C, 38CX, 38D, 38DX, 39A, 39AX, 39B, 39BX, 39C, 39CX, 39DX, 40A, 40AX, 40B, 40BX, 40C, 40CX, 41A, 41AX, 41B, 41BX, 41C, 41CX, 42A, 42AX, 42B, 42BX, 42C, 42CX, 42D, 42DX, 50AL, 51AL
P E 32B, 32F, 32G, 32H, 32HX, 32I, 32IX, 32J, 32JX, 32K, 32L, 32LX,32M, 32MX, 32N, 32P, 32S, 32SX, 32T, 32W, 38W, 38WX, 38WY, 39M, 39MX, 39MY, 39W, 39WX, 39WY, 40, 40X, 40Y, 41, 41X, 41Y, 42W, 42WX, 42WY, 43, 43X, 43Y, 44M, 44MX, 44MY, 44W, 44WX, 44WY, 45, 45X, 45Y, 46, 46X, 46Y, 47M, 47MX, 47MY, 47W, 47WX, 47WY, 48M, 48MX, 48MY, 48W, 48WX, 48WY
Physical Education - Adapted (PEA) Activity Courses:
PEA 1, 1X, 1Y, 1Z, 2, 2X, 2Y, 2Z, 4, 4X, 4Y, 4Z, 5, 5X, 5Y, 5Z, 6Y, 15, 15X, 15Y, 15Z
Other Course: ______________________________ College: _______________________________ CLEP Credit: _______ Qtr. Units: ______
Check if ICS Requirement met in Area C, D or E
UNIT REQUIREMENT: If needed, select additional course(s) from Areas A - E above to meet the minimum 58 quarter units required for certication.
Total Units for Areas A - E (Minimum 58 Quarter Units+):
-CourrsesmaayybbeeaadddeeddtotoCCSSUUGGEEmmidi-da-caacdaedmeimciyceyaer.aTr.hTehsesweilwlbilelbheighilgighlitgehdteadndainddenidtienetdifiiendbionlbdopldripnritn,tfo, Visisititddeanza..edduu/a/ratirctuiclautliaontioandaansdswiswt.owrg.afsosr uisptd.aotregs dfourriunpgdtahtessdpurirningg2t0h2e0stperrinmg. 2020 term.
--IInaddditiitoionntotoICICSS, ,cocourusresseswwithithasatsetreisrkiskms emeeteICt ISCrSeqreuqireumiremnteintAinreAareCa, DC,oDr Eo.r E. # - - Courrsseesslilsisteteddinintwtwooaareraesascacnanbebecocuonutnedteidn ionnolynloynoenaereaar.ea. --Nomoorreeththaann4455qquuaartretrerunuintsitsfrofrmomArAeraesaBs B- D- Dmamyabyebueseudsetodwtoawrdasrdcesrctiecrtaifiticoant.ion.