Page 27 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 27
■ Using the district network to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems
■ Knowingly performing an act which will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals or networks
■ Knowingly running or installing on
any computer system or network,
or giving to another user, a program ■ intended to damage or to place
excessive load on a computer
system or network including
programs known as computer
viruses, Trojan horses and worms.
■ Knowingly or carelessly allowing ■ someone else to use their account
who engages in any misuse in
violation of Board Policy 3250 or Administrative Procedure 3250
■ Forging email messages
■ Attempting to circumvent data ■
protection schemes or uncover or
exploit security loopholes
■ Masking the identity of an account
or machine ■
■ Deliberately wasting computing
communications, pictures,
drawings or depictions that contain ethnic slurs, racial epithets or anything that may be construed
as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political belief Knowingly downloading, displaying or transmitting by use of the district network sexually explicit images, messages, pictures, or cartoons when done to harass or for the purposes of harassment
Knowingly downloading, displaying or transmitting by use of the district network sexually harassing images or text in a public computer facility or location that can potentially be in view of other individuals
Posting on electronic bulletin boards material that violates existing laws or the colleges’ codes of conduct
Using the district network to publish false or defamatory information about another person
Activities by technical staff, as authorized by appropriate district or college officials, to take action for security, enforcement, technical support, troubleshooting or performance testing purposes will not be considered abuse of the network.
Although personal use is not an intended use, the district recognizes that the network will be used for incidental personal activities and will take no disciplinary action provided that such use is within reason and provided that such usage is ordinarily on an employee’s own time, is occasional and does not interfere with or burden the district’s operation. Likewise, the district will not purposefully surveil or punish reasonable use of the network for union business-related communication between employees and their unions.
A user who asserts that the district or district personnel have violated this policy shall file a complaint with their immediate supervisor with a copy to the vice chancellor of Human Resources, and a copy to the employee’s bargaining unit. The supervisor shall notify the supervisor of the alleged violator to discuss the complaint. The supervisor of the complainant shall initiate an investigation if necessary and determine an appropriate remedy or resolution in consultation with the vice chancellor of Human Resources. In cases where the supervisor is part of the complaint, the complaint shall be filed with the next level of supervision for investigation and resolution or remedy. The complainant shall be informed in writing of the initiation of the investigation, and of its outcome as appropriate, with copies to the vice chancellor of Human Resources and the employee’s bargaining unit. Complainants dissatisfied with the resolution or remedy have full recourse to relevant contractual protections and legal action.
■ Downloading, displaying,
uploading or transmitting obscenity
or pornography, as legally defined
■ Attempting without district
authorization to monitor or tamper with another user's electronic communications, or changing,
or deleting another user's files
or software without the explicit agreement of the owner, or any activity which is illegal under California computer crime laws
■ Personal use which is excessive or interferes with the user’s or others’ performance of job duties, or otherwise burdens the intended use of the network
■ Illegal downloading or distribution of copyright-protected materials, including but not limited to music and videos
■ Using the telephone, email or voice mail to harass or threaten others
■ Knowingly downloading, displaying or transmitting by use of the district network,
Commercial Use
■ Using the district network for any commercial activity, without written authorization from the district. “Commercial activity” means activity for financial remuneration or designed to lead to financial remuneration
■ Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws
■ Publishing copyrighted material without the consent of the owner on district websites in violation of copyright laws