Page 25 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 25
Any person seeking information concerning these laws and policies or filing a complaint because of alleged violations of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (45CRF 86), or Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should contact the dean of Student Development and EOPS at 408.864.8218 or the dean of Counseling and Disability Support Programs and Services at 408.564.8945. Any person seeking information concerning or filing a complaint because of alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact the dean of Student Development and EOPS at 408.864.8218, or the dean's designee.
All complaints will be reviewed in terms of Title VI and Title IX law, and the people involved will be advised of the provisions of the law and their legal rights. If normal channels are not available or fail to meet legal requirements, the necessary action will be initiated. The office will maintain a record of all Title VI and Title IX complaints, and will report to college administration the general nature of such complaints and progress toward their resolution.
Students wishing to pursue a civil rights complaint beyond the college level should direct their inquiries to: Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education, 50 United Nations Plaza, Room 239, San Francisco, CA 94102.
The Appeal Review Committee is responsible for ensuring consistent, fair and equitable handling of student petitions for exceptions to academic and registration rules. The committee handles evaluation, enforcement, interpretation and granting exceptions for cause. Under committee rules, each case must stand on its own merit. Visit for more information.
Instructors determine individual class attendance policies, which are distributed to students at the beginning of each quarter. State guidelines also recommend
that absences in excess of one week’s class meetings may be considered excessive. Faculty may drop students for excessive absences, which will contribute to the total allowable enrollments in a course. (See "Excessive Drops" on page 21.)
The Assessment Center oversees student assessment and placement for the English, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Math course sequences. The center also administers exams for placement into Chemistry 1A, Biology 6A and Biology 40A. Students can view their placements on MyPortal. For more information visit
Students who have satisfactorily completed a class for the maximum allowable times at De Anza or Foothill College may be able to audit. Instructor and division dean approval is required. Audit requests cannot be processed until the third week of class or later. A $10 per unit fee is assessed for audited classes. Course audit request forms are available at forms. Course audits may not be approved to override repetition rules.
The college catalog serves as an agreement between the college and students. Students should be aware of published requirements, regulations and guidelines. De Anza students may follow the degree, certificate and general education requirements in effect for the catalog year in which they first enroll, or any subsequent catalog, providing they are continuously enrolled. Students may choose one catalog year for meeting general education requirements and another catalog year for meeting major requirements. It is recommended, however, that students choose the most recent catalog year for completing major requirements.
De Anza reserves the right to change catalog rights by modifying program requirements based on legal mandates and accreditation standards.
Rights and Responsibilities
(Board Policy 3250)
Foothill-De Anza Community College District owns and operates a variety of computer and communication systems, including voicemail, electronic mail (email), telephone and access to the internet, which are provided for the use of the district faculty, administrators, staff and students in support of the programs of the colleges and district. Hereinafter, this system and all of its component parts shall be referred to as the “district network.” This network establishes a communications platform that often substitutes for in-person meetings regarding district business.
The Computer and Network Use: Rights and Responsibilities Policy applies to all members of the district community using the district network including faculty, administrators, staff, students, independent contractors and authorized guests. The policy covers use of computer equipment and communication systems at any district facility in computer labs, classrooms, offices, libraries and the use of the district servers and networks from any location. If any provision of this policy is found to be legally invalid it shall not affect other provisions of the policy as long as they can be effective without the invalid provision.
Ownership Rights
The policy is based upon and shall be interpreted according to the following fundamental principle: the entire district network, and all hardware and software components within it, is the sole property of the district, which sets the terms and conditions of its use consistent with the law. Except as provided in board policy or collective bargaining agreements pertaining to intellectual property rights, employees and students have no rights of ownership to these systems or to the information they contain by virtue of their use of all or any portion of the district network.
Privacy Interests
The district recognizes the privacy interests of faculty and staff and their rights to freedom of speech, participatory governance and academic freedom as well as their rights to engage in protected union and concerted activity. However, both the nature of