Page 28 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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De Anza College students are prohibited from using the Foothill-De Anza Community College district network to illegally download or share music, video and all other copyrighted intellectual property. De Anza College supports the Higher Education Opportunity Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act including efforts to eliminate the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Under the law, college administrators may be obligated to provide copyright holders with information about users of the district network who have violated the law.
Be aware that illegal forms of downloading and file-sharing as well as the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including unauthorized peer- to-peer file sharing, are violations of the law and may subject students not only to academic sanctions from the college but also criminal and civil penalties, including a lawsuit against students by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
In addition to being illegal, file sharing drains the district network’s bandwidth, which slows computer connections for students and employees who are using the network for legitimate academic purposes and ultimately costs the college money.
For the purpose of determining the catalog year used to evaluate degree or certificate eligibility requirements, students must be continuously enrolled in for-credit courses since the first term of enrollment. Continuous enrollment is equal to at least two quarters each academic year at De Anza or Foothill College. A single W in a term qualifies as enrollment in that term.
To carry out its mission in the Foothill- De Anza Community College District, each college shall ensure that students in college-approved, two-year degree A.A./A.S. programs will be able to obtain the degree in two years providing they adhere to the prescribed pattern and sequence of courses and are ready to begin college-level work upon entry. Courses that meet major requirements shall be listed in curriculum
sheets distributed by each college. Each college obligated under the policy shall meet to ensure those courses are offered at one or both of the two colleges with appropriate frequency.
Minimum class size guidelines apply to all lecture, lecture-lab and laboratory classes. A minimum class size of 20 is generally required. Special circumstances, however, may necessitate the continuation of a class below the 20-student minimum. The key factor in making a decision to continue will be based upon program needs. Such cases may include second- or third-quarter or second-year sequential courses, courses required for an identified major or career subject area, combined courses meeting at the same hour with the same instructor, and one-of-a-kind offerings needed for graduation or transfer. Exceptions to minimum class size guidelines may also be based on
Limited classroom or laboratory facilities
Statutory and state regulations mandating class size, independent study and special projects
■ No course may be challenged after meeting twice the number of meetings per week.
■ Students may not request CBE for courses for which they have already earned a grade.
■ CBE units may not be used to meet the 24 residency units required to earn a De Anza degree.
■ No more than 45 CBE units may be earned.
■ Students who successfully
challenge a course through
credit by examination may not subsequently challenge a course normally preceding it (for example, challenging Chemistry 1B and then challenging Chemistry 1A).
■ When transferring to another college or university, accepting credit by examination requirements or units is at the discretion of the transfer institution.
Challenge is limited to those courses recommended by the divisions and approved by the vice president of Instruction. Special limitations exist for challenging courses in sequence. The examination may include oral, written, or skill tests, or a combination and will be sufficiently comprehensive to assess the student’s knowledge and skills commensurate with a student successfully completing the course.
The credit by examination grade will be noted on the student’s transcript at the end of the quarter. Students who do not successfully challenge may not remain enrolled in the course.
The following courses are challengeable.
Applied Technologies
AUTO 50A and 50B, AUTO 51A and 51B (Must pass A and B classes to receive credit.)
DMT 80
Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences
HTEC 50, 60A, 73
Business and Computer Science
CIS 2, 31, 50, 66, 67A, 67B, 74, 75A (CIS classes that have lab hours are not challengeable.)
Creative Arts
ARTS 53 F/TV 20
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Other circumstances that warrant exception may be made by the Office of Instruction.
Class size of all sections is monitored by the Office of Instruction throughout the registration process. In consultation with the appropriate division dean, low-enrolled classes will be identified and an appraisal made of the enrollment pattern. When warranted, sections may be cancelled early in the registration process to foster improved enrollment in remaining sections.
Students seeking credit by examination must first successfully complete 15 units at De Anza. Following this, students may file for credit by examination during any regular quarter for courses in which they are especially qualified through previous training or experience, and for which prior AP or college credit has not been awarded. Students may obtain the appropriate forms from their counselor.
Additional requirements for credit by examination include
Students must be enrolled in the courses and the instructor has outlined successful completion requirements.