Need a Computer?

The division's computer labs provide computer access to Accounting, Computer Aided Design and Digital Imaging, and Computer Information Systems students, so that they may complete their assigned course work.  We have a variety of software installed on the computer in our labs that are required by courses we support, as well as qualified staff who are available to answer your questions.
For CIS and Accounting students, please use your MyPortal login to login to CIS lab computers without creating an account
For students in Computer Aided Design and Digital Imaging, please create your account.

Create Your Account 

ATC 203 Lab


  • Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed


Interested in tutoring? Click here:  CIS Tutoring

Design and Manufacturing Technologies Lab

Location:  SC3103


  • Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday-Sunday: Closed


Lab Rules for ATC 203

  • Only current students registered for any Accounting (ACCT) and Computer Information Systems (CIS) lecture/lab courses may create an account to use in the Business, Computer Science and Applied Technologies computer lab located in ATC 203.
  • Students may not share accounts. If a student gives his/her password to another person, the student's account will be disabled for the remainder of the quarter.
  • The Business, Computer Science and Applied Technologies Computer Labs are considered to be a quiet study area. Loud conversations are to be avoided. Any student acting in a disruptive manner will be asked to leave the lab.
  • NO cellular phone and pager use is permitted in the lab. Either turn off your mobile devices or place them on vibrate before entering the lab.
  • Be prepared to show your De Anza Student Body Card anytime you are asked to do so by lab staff.
  • For safety reasons, requests for accounts and/or password changes must be accompanied by a valid picture ID.
  • Students are not permitted to plug their laptops into the network while in the lab. Students are permitted to use the College Wi-Fi.
  • No watching videos or playing games online.
  • Pornography, games, and chatting is strictly prohibited. Surfing, unless required by their registered ACCT and CIS classes, is also strictly prohibited.
  • No personal, non-CIS or non-Accounting work may be done in this lab using the lab computers.
  • Smoking, eating, and drinking (including water) are not permitted in the lab.
  • Children and pets are not allowed in the lab with the exception of seeing-eye dogs.

Violation of the above policies may result in disabling your student account.

  • 1st Offense: Account disabled for 1 day & verbal warning
  • 2nd Offense: Account disabled for 1 week & student must see instructor
  • 3rd Offense: Account disabled for the remainder of the quarter
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