Ken's Personal Poetry Page:
Manuscripts, Links, Poetry Online

*Ken Weisner*
(updated 4/08)

Ken's Poems in April '08 "Good Times"
"Writing Retreat"
"Flesh/ Music"
"Ghazal of Forgiveness"

May, 2008
Porter Gulch Review
"Echo Space"

Ken's 2002 Book

The Sacred Geometry of Pedestrians
Here are four poems from the book posted on the

Hummingbird Press website The Sacred Geometry of Pedestrians

Image Copyright Mario M. Muller, Petit-Four # 2
Image Copyright Mario M. Muller, Petit-Four # 2

Copyright 2002 Ken Weisner

August 2007
Persea Books
The Music Lover's
Poetry Anthology

ed. Helen Houghton and Maureen Draper

includes Ken's poem
"Under the Piano"

Black Zinnias #2 (2007)
California Institute of Arts and Letters

"Reply to Rimbaud"               "Lyric"

Ken's poems on line, 2001-2007

The Bathyspheric Review (Spring, 2007):  "Get Well Card"

The Bathyspheric Review (Fall, 2004): Two Poems

Poets Against the War (2002): Two Poems

The Blue Moon Review (2001*): Five Poems
(Or: *table of contents, scroll down to "past poetry")

Porter Gulch Review
2007 Pdf format, "Empire of His Will"
2004 Pdf format, "Your California" (see page 14)
2002: A critique of "Responsible Backpacking" (page 11-12, Lucas Fornace)

A Selection of Poems, 1974-2004

(posted on this homepage)

A Multimedia Performance of "After Gertrude Stein"

"Peace Out": Saint Louis's Uppity Theater Mainstage Show
(CONCERT PROGRAM: scroll down to Ken's number on the program)
Review by Joan Leyden
Saint Louis Center for Creative Arts, October 16, 2004

*Six Compassionate Meditations for George W. Bush*

Regional Links, Publications

  Anthology of Monterey Bay Poets, 2004
Order Moneterey Bay Poets Anthology (Chatoyant Press)

Poetry Santa Cruz
Sample Poem" :The Hats My Father Wore"
Reading, Bookshop Santa Cruz, 2001

Directory of Monterey Bay Poets

Red Wheelbarrow and Other Publications Online

Red Wheelbarrow

Red Wheelbarrow 2004: "" Review
mentioning student interview with Adrienne Rich

(scroll down to the Red Wheelbarrow Review)

Interview with Morton Marcus, 2002
(as published in Red Wheelbarrow)

American Book Review Online: Review of Marilyn Chin's The Phoenix Gone, The Terrace Empty.

Last Updated: 7/31/23