Institutional Planning
The college has committed to infusing the SLOAC process into program review, resource allocation and Institutional Assessment Planning (IAP)/6 Year Planning Cycle. This page will serve as an overview of the evolution of an Institution Planning agenda. Key documents are cited below:
In November 2010, the SLO team presented a series of workshops which focused on program level assessment and how its related to the institution's 6-year assessment cycle.
In January 2011, the SLO coordinators initiated a process to assist all departments in finalizing their program certificates and degree outcome statements. The certificate and degree outcomes will be published in the 2011-12 Course Catalogue. Assessment plans for programs in instruction were integrated into the 2011 Annual Program Review Update (APRU) in January of 2011.
The college has engaged in widespread dialog about institutional planning since the winter 2010. Institutional Assessment Plan (IAP) has evolved since its unveiling in the “Educational Master Planning 2010-2015,” refer to pages 21-24 for detailed information about the institution’s planning and resource allocation processes. At the end of the Fall Quarter, 2010 all participatory governance bodies agreed that the IAP, would be refined once again and officially recognized as the "6 Year Planning Cycle". There is a novel alignment of SLOAC results, the 6 year Comprehensive Program Review, with the review of the College’s guiding documents—Mission statement, Institutional Core Competencies, Strategic Initiatives—which culminate in the Ed Master Plan. A simplified version of how program review reports are integrated into resource planning was developed in March of 2011. The Annual Program Review Updates (APRU) and a calendar were distributed in anticipation of the April 15, 2011 Convocation Day, an all college activity committed to dialogue: about program level assessment planning; completion of the course level student learning outcomes assessment cycle (SLOAC), reflection and enhancement phases; and resource planning.
On May 12, 2011, the "6 Year Planning Cycle" was revisited by the College Council as it would become the center piece for the "Master Plan Update document". The College Council approved the implementation of a subcommittee, the College Planning Committee (CPC), headed by the College Researcher, representatives of the College Council and a student. The charge of the committee is to oversee the planning and assessment processes of the college within the 6 year planning cycle. (for more information see
In July 2009, an update was presented to De Anza Senior Staff: July 27, 2009 Presentation
In February 2010, the SLO team propsed an Institutional Plan.
In January 2010, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges approved De Anza College's Midterm Report. The approval requires a Follow-up Report in Fall 2010 that shows evidence of progress on the Student Learning Outcomes recommendation.
Spring 2010, the following Six-year Institutional Assessment Planning document was vetted in the Spring of 2010. Six-year Cycle. The next step was to set calendars for reviewing the college's guiding documents within the cycle. The alignment of the work of all participatory governance groups would the fall into place accordingly. Part of this planning revolved around the concepts of "mapping" to the Institutional Core Competencies (ICC).
The Commission indicated that De Anza "needs to accelerate its efforts to fully address
the recommendation." Download a copy of the letter that outlines the requirements for the Follow-up Report.
In January 2009, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges approved De Anza College's Midterm Report. The approval requires a Follow-up Report in Fall 2009 that shows evidence of progress on the Student Learning Outcomes recommendation.
In February 2009, the following proposal was shared. Assessment Planning.
The college participatory governance groups discussed the ramifications of a proposal
for an IAP in January of 2009. IAP, 2009
On May 4, a group made a presentation to the Board of Trustees and submitted an update on SLO activities and plans. Read more at: Board Presentation, Board Update