Topic VIII: Methods of Evaluating Objectives
Editing Methods of Evaluating Objectives
Deleting, Moving, Swapping Methods of Evaluating Objectives
Restoring a Method of Evaluating Objective
Procedures for evaluating student performance should measure the degree to which the student achieves the course objectives stated in Topic II of the course outline. In order to align with the student learning outcomes of the course, you must state methods of evaluation consistent with the assignments section of the course outline and should clearly address the criteria by which assignments will be evaluated.
Note Methods of evaluation must be consistent with the assignments section of the course outline. |
For course objectives that involve skills and the "ability to do things", evaluated by observation of performance, state the level of competency required. You must include a final evaluation procedure (i.e. a final examination) in the Methods of Evaluation.
For degree-applicable courses, you must base grades on demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of:
- Substantial writing assignments, including essay exam(s), written homework, research paper(s), laboratory or reading report(s).
- Computational or non-computational problem solving exercises, including exam(s), laboratory report(s), fieldwork, homework problems.
- Skills demonstrations, including class performance(s), fieldwork, performance/proficiency exam(s).
Editing Methods of Evaluating Objectives
You can edit and save information listed under methods of evaluating objectives at any time.
To edit methods of evaluating objectives:
- Navigate
to Topic VIII under the desired course in the Edit View page.
- Locate the desired sub-topic and click on the [edit] lin The edit window appears.
- Select the text and make necessary changes in the text box.
- Click on the [Save Changes] button. A message confirming the changes displays.
- Click on the [Edit View] link to return to the course Edit View page to see the changes.
Deleting, Moving, Swapping Methods of Evaluating Objectives
To delete a method of evaluating objective:
- Click
on the [M] link below the
assignment you want to delete. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Check the box next to delete option and click on the [OK] button. The assignment gets deleted and appears with a strike out.
- Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the remaining assignments .
To move a method of evaluating objective:
- Click
on the [M]
link below the method you want to move. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Select the position to which you want to move the method from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the [Move] button. The move takes a few seconds and the Edit View page updates.
- Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the methods and eliminate duplicate entries.
To swap two methods of evaluating objectives:
- Click on the [M] link below one of the methods you want to swap. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Select
the position to which you want to swap the assignment from the drop down
menu. You must choose an assigned place for the swap to be successful.
- Click on the [SWAP] button. The swap takes a few seconds and the Edit View page updates.
Restoring a Method of Evaluating Objective
To restore a deleted sub-topic:
- Navigate to the deleted sub-topic that appears with strikeouts in the Edit View page.
- Click on the [M] link. A pop-up box appears with options to undelete.
- Check the box next to undelete option and click on the [OK] button. The Edit View page refreshes with the updated information.