Topic VI: Assignments
Deleting, Moving, or Swapping Assignments
List typical assignments required outside of classroom activity involving reading and/or writing, including demonstrations of ability to use symbol systems (logic, math, music) or to apply skills - and any other activities.
The assignments should reflect the department's minimum expectations for students and serve as a guide for faculty in developing their syllabi.
Degree-applicable courses must include tasks/assignments that require students to think critically and apply concepts taught in the course. Additionally, assignments should be aligned with the learning outcomes for your course.
Editing Assignments
You can edit and save information listed under assignments at any time.
To edit assignments:
- Navigate
to Topic VI: Assignments section of the desired course in the Edit View page.
- Click
on the [edit] link. The edit window appears.
- Select the text and make necessary changes in the text box.
- Click on the [Save Changes] button..A message confirmingthe changes displays.
- Click on the [Edit View] link to see the changes taking affect in the Edit View page.
Deleting, Moving, or Swapping Assignments
To delete, move or swap assignments:
- Click
on the [M] link below the
assignment you want to delete. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Check the box next to delete and click on the [OK] button. The assignment is deleted and appears with a strike out in the course Edit View page.
- Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the remaining assignments.
To move an assignment:
- Click on the [M] link below the assignment you want to move. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Select the position to which you want to move the assignment from the drop-down menu. Moving to an occupied place creates duplicate entries.
- Click on the [MOVE] button. The move takes a few seconds and the Edit View page updates.
- Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the assignments and eliminate duplicate entries.
- Click
on the [M] link below one of the assignments you want to
swap. A pop-up box appears with options to delete, move or swap.
- Select the position to which you want to swap the assignment from the drop down menu. You must choose an assigned place for the swap to be successful.
- Click on the [SWAP] button. The swap takes a few seconds and the Edit View page updates.
To delete a section:
- Click on the [delete] link below the section. A pop-up box appears prompting deletion.
- Click on the [OK] button to delete the section.
- Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the remaining sections under the sub-topic.
Restoring Assignments
To restore a deleted sub-topic:
- Navigate to the deleted sub-topic that appears with strikeouts in the Edit View page.
- Click on the [M] link. A pop-up box appears with options to undelete.
- Check the box next to undelete option and click [OK] button. The Edit View page refreshes with the updated information.
To restore a deleted section:
- Navigate to the deleted section that appears with strikeouts in the Edit View page.
- Click on the [edit] link below the section.
- Check
the [Clear-Delete] box in the edit window.
- Select the correct number or letter from the drop-down menus in the edit window.
- Click on the [Save Changes] button to undelete the section or sub-section.
- Click on the [Edit View] link to view the updated course outline