Topic II: Course Objectives
Course objectives describe what your students will achieve upon completion of the course. Course objectives is what a student is able to do at the successful completion of the course, not what you will teach.
The system automatically ties revisions to the objectives you document in Topic II: Course Objectives to Topic V: Expanded Description. To make revisions to course objectives in Topic II, you must revise the objectives in Topic V.
To edit course objectives in Topic II:
- Scroll down the screen to the “V. Expanded Description” heading.
- Click on the [Only Sub-Topics] link next to the “V. Expanded Description” heading to display only the objectives.
- Click on the [edit] link under the desired objective.
- Input the objective in the text box.
- Select the objective sub-topic letter from the drop-down menu. If you are editing an existing objective, leave the drop-down menu on the letter currently selected.
- Click on the [Save Changes] button.
- Click on the [Edit View] link to return to the Edit View page.
- Click on the [Sync Topic II] link next to the “V. Expanded
Description” heading to enter the objectives into Topic II. The objectives are listed under both Topic II and Topic V.