
10/8/09: Per our discussion in class today, I will be offering extra credit for the completion of workshops offered by the De Anza Academic Skills Center. I will offer 10 points per workshop, with a maximum possible extra credit of 30 points. To see the schedule of available workshops, and to register in advance, please visit the Academic Skills Center website.

10/13/09: Tonight's homework (due 10/14) assignment is as follows: Find one example of a print advertisement (this can come from anywhere) that you find to be particularly compelling. This should be an ad that you believe does a better than average job of persuading consumers to pursue the product or idea that is being sold. Bring the ad with you to class, as well as a brief paragraph that answers the following questions:

  1. How exactly does the ad attempt to persuade you to buy (either literally or metaphorically) its product/idea? 
  2. Are reasons for wanting the product explicitly given? If so, what are they?
  3. If no explicit reasons are given, then explain the primary means by which the ad attempts to persuade you.
  4. Identify at least one change that could be made to the ad that would make it even more effective. Why exactly do you think this change would improve the ad?


You can download a copy of the chapter 4 quiz (due Monday) here.
The bottled water commercials can be found at the following links:

The short film (Penn and Teller) criticizing the consumption of bottled water can be found here.


You can find a copy of the study guide for our midterm exam here.


You can find a copy of the study guide for our final exam here.

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