Angel Barragan

Law Enforcement

To start, I want to give a special thank you to my parents and friends who motivated and supported me through these past 2 years. I honestly feel that in these 2 past years, I have became a better version of myself and have learned more about what kind of person I want to be. I am excited to move on and see what the future holds for me.

Sifan B Daba

Administration of Justice

I want to thank my counselor and professor for all the support and encouragement.

Omar Fimbres

Administration of Justice

My 2 years here were a roller coaster. I learned a lot of life lessons, but everything happens for a reason, and I would not have asked for a different 2 years. Si se pudo, los quiero muchos padres y todo lo que hago es para ustedes. #SJSUBOUND.

Alani Garcia

Administration of Justice

I want to thank my parents, family, and friends for supporting me and pushing me to be my best. A special thanks to my parents for believing in me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it!

Marco Antonio García

Administration of Justice
Liberal Arts

“Ponte las pillas.”- Dad

Jared Hernandez-Ruiz

Law Enforcement

Thank you to all my family, friends, and loved ones for the amazing support, guidance, and encouragement I have received from you. I love you all! I hope I have inspired you to also pursue your goals and dreams. - Jared Hernandez Gracias a toda mi familia, amigos, y seres queridos por su apoyo, orientación y aliento. Los Amo a Todos! Espero haberlos inspirado a todos ustedes a perseguir también sus metas y sueños. - Jared Hernandez

Michelle Marie Maddon

Administration of Justice

Graduating from De Anza College has truly shown me what perseverance really is and what I am capable of. I am Deaf/Hard of Hearing; this has been a long journey of self-doubt, and struggle within myself. Thank you to the Professors at De Anza College for pushing me, supporting me, and showing me what I am capable of. I want to thank my family, friends, and mentors who have supported me through this uphill battle that I am worthy of this education process. I am truly grateful for all of you.

Anette Mitchelle Martinez

Administration of Justice

I want to thank my family and friends for always believing in me and being with me every step of the way. ¡Gracias por todo el apoyo que siempre me han dado y estando a mi lado durante estos dos años, los quiero mucho!

Alondra Rodriguez Lomeli

Liberal Arts

If it weren’t for my counselor Liliana and for everyone else in Puente I would’ve never been able to see my potential in many areas. Thank you to Julie from Puente and my other friends who encouraged me to study abroad, I'm so glad I listened. I want to give a special thank you to my first anthropology professor Elisabeth Mabie whose lectures and stories inspired me to major in anthropology. Thank you to other professors who have supported me along the way.

Yanci Natalia Rosales


I want to dedicate this achievement to my family and God. Without their support this couldn't be possible.

Maria Cecilia Carranza

Graphic Design

Mati, Yu, David, and Marta, thanks for all your love and support. Thanks to my family for always encouraging my creativity. And especially, thanks to Leo for supporting and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Mati, Yu, David y Marta, gracias por todo su apoyo y amor. Gracias a mi familia, que siempre alimentaron mi curiosidad. Gracias especialmente a Leo que siempre me apoyó y alentó a que siguiera mis sueños.

Elyzjah Lorenz Gordon

Graphic Design

I'm not gonna lie... I WILL work for sushi!

Ramiarinjaona Tsiferana Laurent

Graphic Design

As I stand here on the precipice of graduation, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude, appreciation. De Anza College has been a haven of opportunity, equipping me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue my dreams. As I step into the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the indomitable spirit instilled within me. Thank you, De Anza College, for shaping me into the person I am today and empowering me to chase my dreams fearlessly.

Robert William Brown

Automotive Machining and Engine Repair Technology

Brett Rosario Johnson

Advanced Engine Performance Technology
Automotive Chassis Technology
Automotive Machining and Engine Repair Technology
Automotive Powertrain Technology

Schrempf Pagtakhan Balotro

Biological Sciences

I would like to thank my parents and family for supporting and motivating me from the beginning of my journey up to this day as I step into the stage and get my first college degree. I want to thank my dear friends for always reminding me to never give up and to my professors who guided and helped me to achieve and complete this step in my college journey. To Ms. Amy from my IMPACT AAPI family, thank you for all your help and support. Congratulations to the Class of 2023! We did it!

Juliette Melanie Thelma Furcatte


Thank you to my dad and to my boyfriend for being my biggest supporters. I also want to thank the De Anza faculty for making these last two years so memorable. Going to De Anza was the best decision I ever made!

Duong Nguyen

Biological Sciences

Two and a half years on this ride with countless up and down moments and sleepless nights. I appreciate the support I have received from my parents, my brother, my mentor, and my college friends. I feel extremely thankful and lucky to having got to know them and be with them. And I will always be grateful to Lady Gaga for your talent, music, artistry that has been my inspiration and motivation to keep on this journey and don't ever let of my pride.

Jonathon Loren Taylor

Biological Sciences
Enterprise Security Professional

C/O 2023, we did it!! No matter how long it took to get here, we have arrived, and each of us should be proud. It has not been easy. but we have proven that we will not let anything stop us from leveling up and achieving our goals. Family, thank you for being my support and encouragement. To my girl, thank you for sacrificing time together so I could focus on an assignment or exam. To my friends and extended Ohana, your spirit is with me today and always! 2023 & Beyond! -Jonathon Taylor

Nikka Simone Albarran

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me! I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without you guys.

Ana Gabriela Alzate Norena

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal, but i made it! I couldn’t be happier to be celebrating this achievement with the people I love the most. I would like to thank my loving family for always being there for me and pushing me to pursue my dreams, my boyfriend for the encouragement to never give up, and my best friends for the love and support. Last but not least, a special thanks to my amazing mom for being my biggest motivation and inspiration. I dedicate this to you!

Christine Aye Chan Moe

Business Administration
Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

My 19 months at De Anza have been truly amazing! Grateful for the opportunities and incredible people I've met. Thank you to my DAISC team, Gen Sub and LSC family, Mentors, RSDA, and BURSA community for all the beautiful memories. To my parents, family friends, professors, supervisors, counselors, colleagues, and supportive friends, words can't express my gratitude toward you all. ချစ်တယ် y'all! Last but certainly not least, congratulations to myself and all my fellow graduates. WE DID IT!!!!!!!

Anastasia Budanova

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

It takes some time to get on the right track, but we all eventually do. And it’s okay if it takes you a little longer, you’ll get there.

Thao Dinh

Business Administration

It has been a memorable time at De Anza College. I have learned many things as a College student: I can improve in English, business knowledge, emotional self-awareness, and time management. I'm grateful to De Anza for allowing me to give my effort, energy, and commitment to achieve my educational goals.

Eyob Feisa

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I want to thank my family, friends, professors, counselors, and most importantly God for helping me persevere in my time at De Anza!

William Cesar Figueroa

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

Thank you!

Heissel Rosahiry Gil

Business Administration

I want to thank my friends and families for all the support and guidance they offered throughout my journey at De Anza. A special thanks to my professors as well for always encouraging me to do better. Congratulations Class of 2023!

Yareli Sarahy Hernandez Perez

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

Si se pudo! Si se pudo! I want to congratulate all of my peers in their accomplishments, WE DID IT! My educational journey at De Anza was not easy but I would not change it. Thank you for the support H.E.F.A.S., professors, and friends. Most importantly I want to thank my mother, sister, brother and husband. Without any of them I would not be here walking the stage on my way to a bachelor's degree in Business Management with a focus in Human Resources. Forever grateful.

Li Higgins

Business Administration

It's been a long journey until now, and I feel it was not easy for me to be a full-time worker and part-time student. Every time when I wanted to give up, I told myself not to be dejected and cheered myself up recalling all the encouragements from my families, so I persisted. I want to thank my professors, families, friends, and my classmates for their inspired support and backing. No matter your academic or life goal, have a plan, be prepared, and never give up, you will conquer it.

Elena Kong

Business Administration

Congrats Everyone!

Quynh Le

Business Administration

Thank you to my family and friends for making my graduation a memorable day. Thank you to everyone for being by my side to support, help and always be my source of encouragement. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for me!

Ziyuan Liu

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I studied here for seven years, and earned a Business Administration A.A.-T degree and Child Development certificate. The De Anza College instructors and faculty work hard to support the students for quality academic achievement. I hope De Anza College keeps an advanced education level and leads social trends.

K Zin Lei Maung

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I am deeply grateful to my mother, father, brothers, and friends for their support snd encouragement in my educational pursuits. I am forever appreciative for the impactful 2 years educational journey I have experienced at De Anza College.

Saira Itzel Mendoza

Business Administration
Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

First of all, I would like to thank my family and friends for being present on this day which means a lot to me. I want to thank my dear husband for the tremendous support that he gave me during the difficulties that the process presented since without it this achievement would not have been possible. Now I can proudly say that one of my dreams has finally come true, and I became the first generation of my family to graduate from college.

Nathalie Wendoline Miranda Guadarrama

Business Administration

I want to thank my parents, family, friends, professors, track team and coaches, and counselors for supporting me and guiding me through these past two years! Couldn't have done it without them <3

Elizabeth Thao Vi Nguyen

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I have been fortunate enough to experience studying at CC, and as a first-generation student, I am grateful for the opportunity to graduate and transfer to a University. I have no regrets about choosing the educational path that may not have been embraced within my own ethnic community. To my friends, professors, and counselors, though I may not have always expressed it, please know that your impact on my life is profound. I will always cherish the influence you have had on my journey.

Phuong Nguyen

Business Administration

Thank you to my beautiful family, professors, and friends for always being there for me throughout my two years at De Anza College. I wouldn't be where I am today without your unconditional support. Congratulations to other graduates and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. We did it! Cảm ơn gia đình đã chăm sóc và thương yêu con suốt những năm qua. Con thương gia đình rất nhiều.

Miguel Nieto

Business Administration

Remember that failure is a natural aspect of the journey to success. It presents opportunities for growth, resilience, and valuable lessons.  Congratulations class of 2023!

Nicolas Mamuad Patague

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

You never know what the next day has in store for you. Do everything with full speed and purpose since it can all be gone in a matter of seconds. Even if it doesn’t go your way, remember everything happens for a reason. It is a blessing to have as many opportunities as I have been given, and I am thankful for those who have been a part of my journey. With that being said, make the most of what you got, learn from your experiences, look through the windshield, and leave the past in the rear view.

Alexandra Natalee Perez


I would like to thank my family and friends for all the love and support that they have given me in order to reach this milestone in my education. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I am so grateful to have you all in my life.

Jasmine Jade Perlin

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I am thankful for my experience here at De Anza and am fortunate to have been a part of the Promise program. I want to thank the Promise counselors for all the guidance and support transitioning through online learning. I would like to thank my parents, family, and friends for all the love and support throughout my first two years of college. On to the next chapter!

Ha Thu Nhat Pham

Business Administration

I want to thank my parents, family, friends, and professors for supporting and guiding me for these past ten years.

Caitlyn Jeanette Richardson

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

Thank you to my parents, family, loved ones, counselors, and professors for all the support and guidance you've given me throughout my time at De Anza. I couldn't have done it without you!

Jamesel Rom

Liberal Arts
Marketing Management

Thank you to my amazing wife, my mom, family and friends for the endless support throughout this challenging journey. I am forever blessed to have you all in my life. Cheers to the next chapter!

Khwaja Mahi Ali Saber

Business Administration

I’ve graduated from De Anza College with High Honors 'Magna Cum Laude.' All thanks to myself. All the hard work and sleepless nights paid off! Perseverance is the key. I'd like to appreciate the professors for putting up with my late submissions and lack of attendance. Those excuses were never true, but my sweet smile won it all. Haha!

Fabian Sanchez Morales

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I want to thank everyone who has helped me out with my educational journey here at De Anza College, especially my parents, who have pushed me to accomplish these goals. I am doing this for my parents, myself, and especially for my siblings to prove to them that anything is possible if they set their minds to it.

Fatima Yadira Soria

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

It's been a long hard journey, I've cried, I've Chegged, I've eaten ramen noodles for days, I've chugged countless energy drinks but I didn't quit. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way, because of you I am here today crossing a stage I only dreamed of crossing years back. I knocked on every door I could and paved a way for others to follow. I did it for my son who I brought along for hard journey. whom will one day bear the fruits of my education...This is only the beginning.

Samuel Torres Lopez

Business Administration

Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don't give up. You have the talent, so don't back down – ever. Keep moving forward! "Irene Dalis" Sincerely,
Samuel Torres Lopez

Melissa Valtierra Lopez

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0
Liberal Arts

Quiero agradecerle a mi mamá y papá por todo el amor y apoyo que me dan, no sólo es mi logro si no de ustedes también, los quiero mucho!! También quiero agradecerle a mis hermanos por el apoyo que me dan!! Now on to my next chapter, the best is yet to come <3

Zilin (Lamia) Ye

Business Administration
Liberal Arts

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support and love my host family and boyfriend/family, and friends have extended to me during my time at De Anza College. I cannot help but reflect on the wonderful experiences I have had, and you all have been an integral part of them. I am incredibly excited to embark on my new adventure at SJSU!

Bryan D Zarate Rojas

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

I am beyond excited to have completed this step in my college journey and begin a new chapter in my life. A lot of this was through my hard work but also from the support of my mom who always pushed me to be better than I was yesterday. I would also like to give thanks to my family, friends, and professors for being there for me throughout this whole process.

Sabrina Julene Bond

Child Development

Graduated high school in '92, started De Anza right away. Paused to invest in my family. Have LOVED, grown, and been BEYOND BLESSED with life's many twists & turns which lead me back to investing in myself! I am grateful for the sacrifices my children made alongside me as they encouraged & supported me, this is a product of 'our' hard work and determination. For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord....and I know there's more to achieve.

Alyssa Marie Collins Schooler

Child Development

This has been a very long journey, with twists, and turns, to potholes and rocky mountains. I finally made it into the valley. Thank you to my family, friends and teachers who have supported me, encouraged me, and prayed for me. 🌻 I miss you Grandma, I wish you were here. We finally made it!!!!

Kristopher Deleon Gil

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I would like to thank my lovely mother for her great sacrifice in getting me to where I’m going in this life. I’d also like to thank my amazing friends for also being great supporters. These people in my life and more are the reasons why I’m on this path to greatness, success, and I am truly grateful for these amazing individuals on my journey in this life. I cannot wait to see what’s next in the chapters going forward!

Phyllis DeMotta

Early Childhood Education

Congratulation! Well done, continue being the best that you can be. Just do it!

Ann Thanh Do

Child Development

Michela Federico

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I couldn't have done it without my family's support. As I celebrate this important milestone, I want to take a moment to thank my professors for their incredible guidance and mentorship and for helping me reach my full potential.

Md Hasan Ferdous

Child Development

Thank you for an incredible year of Child Development Education. I am grateful for the guidance and dedication of the faculty. To my classmates, thank you for the shared experiences and enriching discussions. My family and friends' unwavering support has been invaluable. De Anza College, I am honored to have been part of this journey and look forward to making a positive impact in child development.

Violet Fai Luc Fai Luc Fong

Child Development

I am incredibly grateful for my growth and journey to graduation. I want to thank my peers, family, and friends for helping me get through my journey! I specifically want to thank my child development professors for helping me succeed in my degree. Lastly, thank you to each and everyone supporting me above and beyond!

Michele Marie Harris

Child Development

I want to sincerely thank my husband, my daughters, my family and friends who have supported me in achieving my goals! I am immensely grateful for all the love, kindness and appreciation you all showed me! It is so wonderful to have so much genuine support around me. I also want to thank God for getting me through this journey in my life!

Thuy Le

Child Development

I want to express gratitude to De Anza professors who have supported my academic dreams. Thank you very much for the courses. I enjoyed every minute of your lectures as well as your marvelous sense of humor.

Emily Cassandra Leal-Perez

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I am so delighted to graduate alongside such passionate individuals. I have enjoyed my time here at De Anza very much. I'm thankful for the mentor teachers and friends that I have met along the way. I feel so blessed, happy, and proud with myself. Thank you for believing in my dreams and supporting me along my journey. I hope I inspire you. I just got two degrees hotter! Congratulations class of 2023! Cheers! Hugs to my mommy and daddy, Miss Darlene, Jayanti, Nellie, Dr. Sun, and beloved Liberty

Priya Narayan

Child Development

I am grateful to my family, friends, and professors for providing support whenever I needed it, significantly impacting my successful completion of this degree. The path to graduation was a combination of early mornings and sleepless nights. I feel lucky to have such supportive people around me. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I will always remember your kindness and value your support. Thank you so much.

Thi My Kim Nguyen

Early Childhood Education

I have completed half of my education. Although the path I took also faced many obstacles, I have had quite a fun and meaningful time at school. I am really enthusiastically on the path to pursuing my dream of being a future preschool teacher. Moreover, I would like to sincerely thank my parents and professors for always supporting and encouraging me to try my best to study as much as I can, and not to give up despite difficulties. "Each obstacle can be an opportunity for growth and learning."

Thi My Ngan Nguyen

Early Childhood Education

My name is Thi My Ngan Nguyen. I love to take a hand, open a mind, and touch a heart of young children. So I decide to choose Child Development major. Honestly, I would like to be a teacher. Teaching is not my job, but it is my passion. Finally, I completely finished my Associate Science in Transfer Degree. I will spend 2 more years getting a Bachelor's at San Jose State University.

April Osiris Olivo Carrillo

Child Development

Ami Familia, Gracias por el amor y el apoyo durante mis años en De Anza. Los amo muchísimo !!! Dios, gracias por darme la fuerza que necesito para seguir adelante. To my Amazing Professors, thank you so much you are all greatly appreciated!

Tiaura Townsley

Early Childhood Education
Liberal Arts

I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent and opportunities I’ve been offered here at De Anza. These last two years has taught me to grant myself grace and stay resourceful. “Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.” ~John Locke

Jamie Choi

Communication Studies

My community college journey was very challenging and long. I want to thank my family, friends, and professors for supporting me and guiding me through this journey. I am truly grateful to be a De Anza graduate. I want to thank my mom and dad especially for reminding me to not give up at my lowest points in life. It was all worth it in the end. We did it!

Sage Coyle

Communication Studies

Even though the beginning of my wonderful time here at De Anza was masked by the negative environment the pandemic was creating, I've had the most amazing two years here at this school. I'll remember the time spent here for the rest of my life. I'd like to thank my friends, family, coaches, and teammates who have become a second family to me. Thank you so much and congratulations to everyone else graduating!

Lexer Marana Danganan

Communication Studies

We did it Class of 2023! We fought and we kept fighting no matter how hard school and life got. We achieve our goal which was time-consuming with our busy lives. Thank you to the professors that made a change in our career. Thank you, especially Vernon Gallegos for your fun dance classes. Now is the time to stand on stage with fellow peers who are heroes and a champ to our loved ones. Salamat pamilya sa iyong suporta at pag-aalaga. Hindi ko makakalimutan ang tulong mo. Mahal ko kayong lahat.

Kaylee Flores

Communication Studies

I would like to say thank you to my family and friends that have supported me throughout my educational journey. I’m glad to say I’ve come this far to achieve my associates degree. Now, I can’t wait to continue my journey when I transfer.

Maria Ibañez

Communication Studies

I would like to thank my fiancé and love of my life, Brian Smith. Without him I wouldn’t have been able to go back to school at 30 years old and stick to it, to be graduating today. To my friends and Family that always believed in me and supported me in every stage of my life and most importantly to my 2 dogs: Layla & Jacko who were my emotional support through my tough school work days & nights. - We did it!!

Paulina Madsen

Communication Studies

Thank you to my friends, family, and counselors that have guided me to this point. It has been a journey filled with ups and downs. I’m happy I remained consistant and motivated throughout the whole process. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Thomas Casillas III

Computer Science

Gratitude fills my heart as I stand on the brink of a new chapter in my life. With profound appreciation, I extend my sincerest thanks to all who have supported me throughout my academic journey. To my incredible family, your unwavering love and encouragement have propelled me forward. Your sacrifices and dedication have paved the way for my success, and I am forever grateful. Thank you for participating in my journey and celebrating this momentous occasion.

Chialin Hsiao

Computer Science

Graduating is not just a triumph but also a testament to the power of education and the belief in my ability to overcome challenges. Throughout my journey, I have been fortunate to learn from De Anza College which has nurtured my intellectual growth and encouraged me to reach my full potential. I am filled with excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead and the prospect of transferring to continue my educational adventure.

Katherine Jenny Li

Computer Science

Big thanks to my friends, family, and everyone else who stuck by my side during these tumultuous two years. Congratulations to all my fellow graduates and a special thanks to De Anza Food Court's portobello burger :)

Jimmy Pham

Computer Science

Hello, I would like to thank you to my Math Professor, DSS Staff, and Student Success Center who were teaching me at De Anza College. I hope that we wish you a good luck and have a wonderful day. Cal State East Bay-bound!

May Sabai

Computer Science

Thank you so much to all my family members, friends, supervisors, colleagues, counselors, professors, and staff who support me throughout my journey at De Anza. I had many first-time experiences, and I loved all of them as they helped me become more mature. And also, thank you to all the scholarship donors, Food Pantry & therapists; you made my life easier. I love participating in all the De Anza events and socializing with other amazing peers. I will never forget all these fantastic experiences.

Parky Sood

Computer Science

It's been a long process but it definitely didn't feel like it. Thank you to all the wonderful people I've met and had a chance to work with. You all made me who I am today, and I wouldn't be here without you! Much love for every one of you.

Jonathon Loren Taylor

Biological Sciences
Enterprise Security Professional

C/O 2023, we did it!! No matter how long it took to get here, we have arrived, and each of us should be proud. It has not been easy. but we have proven that we will not let anything stop us from leveling up and achieving our goals. Family, thank you for being my support and encouragement. To my girl, thank you for sacrificing time together so I could focus on an assignment or exam. To my friends and extended Ohana, your spirit is with me today and always! 2023 & Beyond! -Jonathon Taylor

James E. Tse

Computer Science

You can be whoever you want to be, especially if you lie on the internet.

Anny Zhao

Computer Science

I would like to shout out to the sandwich station. The toasted turkey club with sourdough is so good. I also want to thank Clare Nguyen for being an amazing and supportive teacher.

Toby Nguyen

CNC Machinist

I want to thank all of my contributors who have been encouraging me to move forward, to continue my journey, and to change my life. Even though I know it was hard to start, I now did it. This graduation event can represent my goals, and my efforts that I have been trying to achieve. I overcame my background in my origin, but I believe it will never ever be too late to start. Again, I want to thank my parents, my family, Cat, Soc who have been acting as the motivations for me to move forward.

Christine Aye Chan Moe

Business Administration
Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

My 19 months at De Anza have been truly amazing! Grateful for the opportunities and incredible people I've met. Thank you to my DAISC team, Gen Sub and LSC family, Mentors, RSDA, and BURSA community for all the beautiful memories. To my parents, family friends, professors, supervisors, counselors, colleagues, and supportive friends, words can't express my gratitude toward you all. ချစ်တယ် y'all! Last but certainly not least, congratulations to myself and all my fellow graduates. WE DID IT!!!!!!!

Timothy Caelan Gove


Hello! I got an associate in economics and I am transferring to UC San Diego. Ig: t1mgove

Brianna Michaela Valencia Nunn


My past two years at De Anza have been quite a journey. I have made so many unforgettable friends and memories that I will cherish forever. While my time as a De Anza Mountain Lion student athlete has come to an end, I am excited to start a new chapter as a UC Davis student athlete. I am proud to carry all I have learned and accomplished in my academics and athletics from De Anza to the next level.

Caitlyn Jeanette Richardson

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0

Thank you to my parents, family, loved ones, counselors, and professors for all the support and guidance you've given me throughout my time at De Anza. I couldn't have done it without you!

Gabriella Estela Vargas


I wanted to give a shout out to my whole family for supporting me, and my friends for carrying me through my classes. I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. I am so proud of where I am today, and am excited to continue my educational journey!

Elijah James Grande

Film, Television, and Electronic Media

I am grateful to De Anza College and the opportunity to obtain my associates degree for transfer to Sonoma State. Thank you to my parents, brother, and grandparents, for your love, support and steadfast belief in me, always. To my many professors, who helped me embrace learning, thank you. To my DSS counselor, Bianca Melendez, M.A. thank you, you make a difference every day. Fellow graduates, we are De Anza’s class of 2023. Celebrate! We did it!

Jose E. Gutierrez-Flores

Film, Television, and Electronic Media

To my parents and friends I am thankful for your unwavering support and guidance throughout my journey to graduating and transferring to a four-year school. Your belief in me and your constant encouragement have been invaluable. I am truly grateful for all the sacrifices you have made, the patient explanations, and the countless moments of reassurance from when I was young to now. Thank you for being there for me, cheering me on, and pushing me to reach my goals. This one is for you guys.

Kaela Rose Noik

Film/TV: Production

My heartfelt thanks to the amazing De Anza faculty, support staff, and new friends that I have had the pleasure of taking classes with over the past two years. I have learned so much from you, and I will be forever grateful for your guidance and support. I will remember you all as I head off to CSUN this fall and hope we will keep in touch!

Anthony Valenzuela

Film/TV: Animation

Thank you to my family for their support through my education, and to the De Anza staff and professors who helped along the way. Also, a special thank you to the doctors and staff at Momentum for always being there when I needed them.

Vera Lubbs

Intercultural Studies
Social Justice Studies: General Studies

I have absolutely loved my time here at De Anza. I want to say thank you to my family who encouraged me to go out and pursue what most interests me. I also would like to thank my friends for their support through my two years of schooling. I look forward to continuing my journey that wouldn’t have been possible without the encouragement from my community. I hope to give this support back into my community by providing a safe and welcoming space for all.

Nikita Vikas Bankar


My experience at De Anza for the past two years was absolutely wonderful! I made new friends, built new connections, and grew not only as student but as an individual. I will forever be grateful for the memories I made, the professors who supported me, the mentors I had, and the peers who cheered me on. Leaving De Anza makes me sad, but at the same time, I am excited to be a Spartan for the next two years! :)

Emma Caires


I am so grateful for my time at De Anza as it has been filled with nothing but great people and constant support. Although there were some rough patches and of course some very stressful times, I am proud of myself and the rest of my class for pushing through everything despite any challenges or obstacles. Peace out De Anza, it's been real <3

Katalina Marie Santiago

Liberal Arts

I want to thank god and my family for helping me throughout this process in graduating and being able to walk across the stage. Angelina, Cesar, Marissa, Cj, Bertha, Rosie, Jose Luis, Marcus, Peppers, and many more of my family and friends. It is because of all of you that I get to be here and now move onto the new chapter of my life in attending Cal State Long Beach. I couldn’t have done it without your love and support and I am truly blessed. Te Amo Mi Family Tu Eres Mi Mundo.

Perla Lizeth Alcazar Cordova

Liberal Arts

Gracias al esfuerzo de mi mamá y papa, yo estoy aqui este día. Este logro es para ustedes mami y papi. I would not be here without my mom & dad. All of my accomplishments are in their honor. Los amo! Si se pudo.

Marilu Aldana Garcia

Liberal Arts

Thank you mom for never giving up on me and encouraging me to finish my degree. Your encouragement and love got me here, today. Also, a huge thanks to my husband for his unconditional support, patience, and love these past few years. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you both! We did it! Gracias mama por tu apoyo y por animarme a terminar mi carrera. Tus animos y amor me trajeron aqui, hoy. Tambien, gracias a mi esposo por su apoyo incondicional, paciencia y amor. Los amo! Lo hicimos!

Riantsoa Andriambololonjiva

Liberal Arts

The last two years at De Anza College have been so rewarding. I discovered myself a little better and I am grateful for the time I was able to spend there. I want to thank all my teachers who made learning so enjoyable and fun and my family who have constantly encouraged me on this journey. Most of all, I want to thank God for filling me with the strength and patience that allowed me to earn this degree :) Congratulations to all the graduates! Thank you, De Anza!

Starr Amber Beasley

Liberal Arts

My time at De Anza was like a roller-coaster ride. I would have not been able to have gone through it without my family. My mom, grandparents, my aunt and Nina and Nino, and my cousins. My pets: two dogs, Pepper (RIP) and Harley, and my cat, Chip. They all helped me get through my classes and Covid-19. Thank you to all of my teachers and my counselor, for helping me find my way. I am ready to start the next chapter of my life.

Yasmine Sabrine Bejinez

Liberal Arts

Graduation day is officially here! I want to thank my parents, siblings, and the rest of my family for supporting me on my education journey. It was a challenging path, but well worth it. I couldn’t have done it without you being by my side. Thank you, Professors, for sharing your knowledge, inspiring me to follow my dreams. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. Also, congratulations to everyone else graduating today! We did it!

Srijana Bhattarai

Liberal Arts

It's been quite a journey. Made it half-a-way; next half-a-way at my transfer school!!! Special thanks to my family, transfer center counselor, Lisa Castro, the best counselor I have had, and WRC at Student Success Center (SSC).

Hakim Mehdi Bouzina

Liberal Arts

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my amazing teammates on the swim team. Their unwavering love and support carried me through the challenging quarters, both in and out of the water. Their camaraderie made the journey worthwhile, and I am immensely grateful for each one of them. As I move forward, I aspire to pursue nursing at De Anza, fueled by the inspiration and strength I gained from our team. Thanks to everyone for being an essential part of my success.

Paola Burgara

Liberal Arts

I want to thank my family, friends and professors for supporting me through this educational journey. Special thanks to my parents and grandparents for always being there for me, my wonderful children for the motivation they gave me and to my husband for pushing me to achieve my goals. I love you all!!! And PABLO this is for you PRIMO I miss you and I will always keep you in my heart! Te Amo PAITO!

Jerald Cachero

Liberal Arts

"The world produces waves. Surf or Drown. You decide." - Virgil Abloh

Priscilla Linda Cadena Resendez

Liberal Arts

Thank you Mom & Dad for supporting me in my educational journey, I couldn’t have done it without your support (my partner too). Being an Athlete and working night shift as a healthcare worker during the pandemic has been hard! Especially while going to school full time; 24+ hour days with no sleep have paid off. Long shifts in the COVID ward have paid off. I’ll be a great doctor one day and make all of you proud!

Elizabeth Campos Quiroz

Liberal Arts

I was at my lowest two years ago, it felt like everything came crashing down on me at once. I knew coming back to school was the first step on this new journey I was in. Being a full-time mom and having to attend school and work full-time had its ups and downs but throughout my journey, I was supported by my mother, sister, friends, and colleagues which gave me the strength to keep going and not give up. Lastly, I love you so much, Makayla. Love, mommy

Ashley Rachelle Castillo

Liberal Arts

I would like to thank my family, friends, and De Anza, for giving me this opportunity. I’m honored to continue my education with the strength of my loved ones and my community. I am truly grateful to have the support system I have during these past two years. This is not only a celebration for me, but for those who have been there along the way, we did it! This isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning <3

Judy Chow

Liberal Arts

I want to thank my mother, auntie, and professor Bonilla and professor Alcazar who never gave up on me. I finally made it after long nights of study and no sleep this year. Being a mother of 2 wonderful daughters have gave me the encouragement to keep going. I made it to my first stepping stone which many more will come. Thank you everyone and congratulations to the class of 2023.

Sarah Nicole Clark

Liberal Arts

To my motivation... my son Ryley. This degree is to show you that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and it's never too late! Thank you to my family for everything, and supporting all of my dreams, I couldn't get through this life without you. "Cancer free, with a Degree, by Thirty!" We're a third of the way there!

Trevis Dampier Jr

Liberal Arts

Didn’t get to walk in 2020, but I couldn’t miss 2023! Thank you to my family and friends for all of the support over the years. Grateful for my time working with La Voz and all the memories that came with it. I definitely have changed as a man from my experience here.

Thi Dat

Liberal Arts

Just want to say thank you to my family, friends, and colleagues at my office for their support. Starting from today, I will embark on a new challenge to accomplish my goals. Much love to De Anza College

Anne Dominica Niroshini De Silva

Liberal Arts

My journey began at De Anza college 24 years ago with the acceptance as a foreign student. Since then my life has evolved as a full time stay home mother and student. This achievement was only possible with the immense love, blessings and support of my husband, close family and friends, My late Mom and Dad and most importantly Jesus my Lord and Savior. With a thankful heart and a humbled spirit I extend my gratitude to you all with love.

Kristopher Deleon Gil

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I would like to thank my lovely mother for her great sacrifice in getting me to where I’m going in this life. I’d also like to thank my amazing friends for also being great supporters. These people in my life and more are the reasons why I’m on this path to greatness, success, and I am truly grateful for these amazing individuals on my journey in this life. I cannot wait to see what’s next in the chapters going forward!

Maureen Domingo

Liberal Arts

Someone once told me, "Don't let your dreams be dreams." Today, what was once a dream has become reality. Thank you so much Bb, I appreciate your love and support. I couldn't have accomplished this withou you. To my family and friends, thank you for believing in me and the constant reminder to focus and keep going. Your encouragement has helped me sail through this journey. I love you and I am very grateful to you all.

Michela Federico

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I couldn't have done it without my family's support. As I celebrate this important milestone, I want to take a moment to thank my professors for their incredible guidance and mentorship and for helping me reach my full potential.

Marco Antonio García

Administration of Justice
Liberal Arts

“Ponte las pillas.”- Dad

Jolene Antonette Baltazar Guanzon

Liberal Arts

My family, thank you for being there for me through thick and thin, for always extending your love and support, and for being the amazing family that you are. I count myself as one of the fortunate ones who have a close-knit, loving family who always has my back. Without your encouragement and motivation, I would not have been able to accomplish all that I have so far. I love you all! <3

Cesar Gutierrez Camarena

Liberal Arts

Congrats ya'll we made it !!! Lo hicimos !! The world is yours; el mundo es tuyo. Gracias a mi familia y a el
amor de mi vida !

Holly Joan Le Harwood

Liberal Arts

Thank you to my Ông Bà ngoại, family, friends, mentors, professors, and community for helping me arrive at this milestone. I'm beyond grateful to De Anza for helping me gain the confidence to be in higher education and equipping me with the tools to live a life that is meaningful. Congratulations everyone, we did it!

Shirley Lynn Heath

Liberal Arts

This journey to graduation has been a long one. It does not come without hard work, time, and dedication. I want to thank all of my friends and family for being so supportive and encouraging during this journey. If it was not for them I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you to all my wonderful professors at De Anza as well. And although I'm sad to be leaving De Anza College, "Part of the journey is the end"

Brenda Hernandez

Liberal Arts

Thank you to all the people who have guided and supported me throughout my journey here at De Anza. It has truly been impactful to meet every single staff as they were my biggest supporters who helped me push through many challenges. Shout out to my beautiful daughters and family who have stood by my side every step of the way. Lastly, thank you to my HEFAS, FYE, UndocuSTEM, and MOA family who have also been nothing but an amazing heartwarming community.

Tiffany Kodama

Liberal Arts

Equipped with my love of learning and a passion for education, I found a home at beautiful De Anza College. I’m so excited to have reached my dreams and accomplished my goals in 2023! Thank you to all my friends and family over the years that believed in me and encouraged me along the way, even when I didn’t always believe in myself. It was a challenge to complete the final courses, but I finally did it! “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible'!” -Audrey Hepburn

Emily Cassandra Leal-Perez

Child Development
Liberal Arts

I am so delighted to graduate alongside such passionate individuals. I have enjoyed my time here at De Anza very much. I'm thankful for the mentor teachers and friends that I have met along the way. I feel so blessed, happy, and proud with myself. Thank you for believing in my dreams and supporting me along my journey. I hope I inspire you. I just got two degrees hotter! Congratulations class of 2023! Cheers! Hugs to my mommy and daddy, Miss Darlene, Jayanti, Nellie, Dr. Sun, and beloved Liberty

Vera Lubbs

Intercultural Studies
Social Justice Studies: General Studies

I have absolutely loved my time here at De Anza. I want to say thank you to my family who encouraged me to go out and pursue what most interests me. I also would like to thank my friends for their support through my two years of schooling. I look forward to continuing my journey that wouldn’t have been possible without the encouragement from my community. I hope to give this support back into my community by providing a safe and welcoming space for all.

Nicholas Ricardo Meissner

Liberal Arts

I really enjoyed the time I had at De Anza with my classmates and teammates on the football team. Thanks for having me.

Marely Moreno-Cabrera

Liberal Arts

I would like to express my gratitude to my exceptional family for their unwavering love and consistent encouragement. I am entirely grateful to my brother for his invaluable guidance and strength during moments of absolute distress. The remarkable support and generosity by my family and friends will forever remain embedded in my memory as I explore new goals and work toward new achievements in life. ¡Los quiero mucho!

Shanice Anesu Musungwa

Liberal Arts

I want to say thank you to my family, friends, and my counselors, for pushing to always not give up and continue to push myself the best that I can.

Thomas Duy Nguyen

Liberal Arts

Thank you for all your support on this journey. I'm looking forward to the next chapter in my life. I'm ready for any challenges that come my way in the future. Although it was a short 1-year journey at De Anza, it was fun while it lasted.

Ofa Ki-Tonga Pahulu

Liberal Arts

My village is small but mighty. I got this far because of God, my village, and believing that I CAN DO IT!

Malaya Grace Paras-Mangrobang

Liberal Arts

Although my time at De Anza has been short yet sweet I couldn't be happier to be an Alum. I'd like to thank my entire family for listening to my struggles and supporting me every step of the way. Love you Bestie, I wouldn't have enjoyed being at a new college without your optimism and your spontaneous FaceTimes. Shoutout to the Athletic Department and the Badminton Team for giving me the confidence to be a team player and represent DA. To Coach Mark and Maddie, you guys are the best! #TwoPerfect

Jimmy Pham

Liberal Arts

Hello, I would like to thank you to my Math Professor, DSS Staff, and Student Success Center who were teaching me at De Anza College. I hope that we wish you a good luck and have a wonderful day. Cal State East Bay-bound!

Dawit Reta

Liberal Arts

I would love to appreciate my whole family back in Ethiopia and here in the U.S. especially my mother Siranesh Mekete - I cherish all the values you put inside me. I would like to thank my beloved wife, Fikremarim Assayehegn, for your support and love throughout this journey. Last but not the least, I would like to thank to my beloved son Ezra Dawit for being the source of all the joy in my life and being my inspiration. You and your upcoming sister are the main reason why I'm moving forward.

Felicia Michelle Ricks

Liberal Arts
Real Estate

Thank you Jesus we finally did it! I want to thank my family for all your motivation and encouragement you’ve taught me to never give up and always to fight for what I want. It’s been a long journey, thank you for always being there for me every step of the way. To my children this is for you, don’t ever let anyone or anything get in the way of your dreams. I love you.

Gisselle Rivera Mora

Liberal Arts

Attending De Anza College was the best decision I made because I met new people and was in Puente. Gracias a mis padres que me han dado todo y por sus sacrificios. Le voy a seguir echando ganas! I couldn't have done it without my family, friends, and most importantly, God.

Alondra Rodriguez Lomeli

Liberal Arts

If it weren’t for my counselor Liliana and for everyone else in Puente I would’ve never been able to see my potential in many areas. Thank you to Julie from Puente and my other friends who encouraged me to study abroad, I'm so glad I listened. I want to give a special thank you to my first anthropology professor Elisabeth Mabie whose lectures and stories inspired me to major in anthropology. Thank you to other professors who have supported me along the way.

Jamesel Rom

Liberal Arts
Marketing Management

Thank you to my amazing wife, my mom, family and friends for the endless support throughout this challenging journey. I am forever blessed to have you all in my life. Cheers to the next chapter!

Katalina Marie Santiago

Liberal Arts

I want to thank god and my family for helping me throughout this process in graduating and being able to walk across the stage. Angelina, Cesar, Marissa, Cj, Bertha, Rosie, Jose Luis, Marcus, Peppers, and many more of my family and friends. It is because of all of you that I get to be here and now move onto the new chapter of my life in attending Cal State Long Beach. I couldn’t have done it without your love and support and I am truly blessed. Te Amo Mi Family Tu Eres Mi Mundo.

Olyssa Mae Santos

Liberal Arts

These past two years have been challenging, insightful, but ultimately a rewarding learning experience. Thank you to my Professors for their guidance and valuable lessons that taught me a great deal of resilience and wisdom. I could not have achieved or have been this successful without the support of my family whom gives me strength and inspiration to conquer and fulfill my dreams. I prayed, but worked even harder; God listened and I executed! Next stop: radiology and nursing programs!

Kaylen Marie Ventura Saturnino

Liberal Arts

Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me during my academic journey. Thank you to all my professors who have given me the knowledge and grit to carry on to my next school! I am happy to be closing this chapter to start a new and brighter one! Thank you, De Anza!

Billy Seabolt

Liberal Arts

It has been amazing journey so far! Thank you to all those who have supported me and ones that continue to encourage me. For all students, if this old dog, almost 40 years old, can achieve this goal so can you! Put your head down and dig down deep!
Semper Fidelis

Jonathan Miguel Silva

Liberal Arts

To be honest it's kind of surreal that I'm here right now because growing up I was pressed with the idea that having ADHD made me destined to fail. Even though I am a very determined person, sometimes I couldn't help but feel like I was drowning. But I finally made it and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all the people that believed in me and helped me keep the will to keep going. I love you all and I'm excited to continue my journey and complete my quest!

Khiet Tat

Liberal Arts

No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. If you can’t do it alone. Be open to collaborate. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you. Spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life. - Thank you, my family, friends, and everyone that supported me.

Tiaura Townsley

Early Childhood Education
Liberal Arts

I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent and opportunities I’ve been offered here at De Anza. These last two years has taught me to grant myself grace and stay resourceful. “Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company and reflection must finish him.” ~John Locke

Le (Lily) Tran

Liberal Arts

I would like to give special thanks to my grandparents, family, and friends for all their support. Especially for the love and words of encouragement I've received throughout my long journey at De Anza. This is an exciting chapter for new beginnings. I am not only proud of myself and for everyone graduating this year, but also for those who are currently reaching significant milestones in their own lives. Congratulations to all of us! ◡̈

Melissa Valtierra Lopez

Business Administration for Transfer 2.0
Liberal Arts

Quiero agradecerle a mi mamá y papá por todo el amor y apoyo que me dan, no sólo es mi logro si no de ustedes también, los quiero mucho!! También quiero agradecerle a mis hermanos por el apoyo que me dan!! Now on to my next chapter, the best is yet to come <3

Philip Vo

Liberal Arts

Thank you to everyone who has supported me these last few years, but most importantly a big appreciation to my family for their guidance and support. I hope to give my loved ones the life they deserve. I will continue to take my drive and compassion with me as I enter the next chapter in my academic journey.

Zilin (Lamia) Ye

Business Administration
Liberal Arts

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support and love my host family and boyfriend/family, and friends have extended to me during my time at De Anza College. I cannot help but reflect on the wonderful experiences I have had, and you all have been an integral part of them. I am incredibly excited to embark on my new adventure at SJSU!

Kitshia Denisse Zambrano Meza

Liberal Arts

Thank you to my counselor and mentors for their guidance and encouragement. Incredibly grateful for Puente and HEFAS for helping me have a community, a safe space, and for validating my experiences. Gracias a mi familia por todo su apoyo. I am the first in my family but I won't be the last. Excited for all the great things that have yet to come!

Francis Chan


I want to thank my parents and friends for supporting and guiding me throughout my time at De Anza. And I love DASG!!

Kyu beom (Kyle) Chun


It has been an incredible ride throughout the last two years of my life. I am extremely grateful for all the peers, professors, and faculty members who have supported me! I wish students coming to De Anza to achieve their transfer goals to use what this amazing place offers and get whatever they wish to accomplish. On top of everything, I would like to thank my mother, sister, and grandmother for sacrificing themselves for me. I love yall.

Katherine Jenny Li

Computer Science

Big thanks to my friends, family, and everyone else who stuck by my side during these tumultuous two years. Congratulations to all my fellow graduates and a special thanks to De Anza Food Court's portobello burger :)

James E. Tse

Computer Science

You can be whoever you want to be, especially if you lie on the internet.

Maureen Domingo

Registered Nurse (RN)

Someone once told me, "Don't let your dreams be dreams." Today, what was once a dream has become reality. Thank you so much Bb, I appreciate your love and support. I couldn't have accomplished this withou you. To my family and friends, thank you for believing in me and the constant reminder to focus and keep going. Your encouragement has helped me sail through this journey. I love you and I am very grateful to you all.

Kelsey Noelle Bustos

Paralegal Studies

I’d like to thank The Law Offices of Christopher W. Dull for being a springboard of opportunity, encouraging me to pursue a Paralegal career, and sponsoring my education at De Anza so that I can reach great heights in the legal community!

Salina Diaz

Paralegal Studies

I would like to THANK everyone who supported me the past few years while I obtained an A.A. degree in Paralegal Studies. I appreciate all the support! I want to especially thank my sponsor ADEIA for providing the support & resources needed to assist employees with their education goals. THANK YOU!

Mayra Moniz

Paralegal Studies

If your dream is sleeping inside of you, the first step is to commit to some type of action to bring it into reality. This degree was just a dream until the day I decided to turn it into a reality in my life. Thank you God, my husband, and son that shared this dream with me. Thank you to the great professors that helped me make this dream a reality and to my counselor Maurice Canyon for his help in navigating the degree.

Carlos Flores

Political Science

I want to thank everyone for helping me in my journey because in the end, it has paid off. Thank you for everything.

Rebecca Mednik

Political Science

Graduation is not the end - it is simply the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning. I extend congratulations to my esteemed fellow graduates, as we stand united in celebrating our dedication. My deepest gratitude goes to my parents, who have been an unwavering beacon of support throughout this transformative educational journey. The graduation process required indomitable resilience; I am thankful to have overcome many obstacles and am eager to progress to the opportunities that await.

Yllah Jean Taccad

Political Science

I am grateful for all the support I have received from my friends and family during my amazing two-year journey with De Anza. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today!

Perla Lizeth Alcazar Cordova

Liberal Arts

Gracias al esfuerzo de mi mamá y papa, yo estoy aqui este día. Este logro es para ustedes mami y papi. I would not be here without my mom & dad. All of my accomplishments are in their honor. Los amo! Si se pudo.

Brianna Atiock


I want to thank my family and friends for all the support and memories we’ve created together. It’s been a challenging 3 years with the pandemic, but I’m happy to close this chapter and start a new one! & to my other fellow graduates, congratulations!

Issa Louise Baca


From starting middle college during the pandemic to now graduating with my associate degree at 18, I'm thankful for so many people in my life who have been part of my journey– my amazingly supportive friends, family, and professors at De Anza. I want to specifically thank two important people; my mama, for being so incredibly hardworking and my strongest rock, and myself, for being the most passionate and determined person I know.

Stephanie Banderas


I couldn't be here today without the support and love of my parents, siblings, grandma, boyfriend, and friends. As a first-generation American and college student, I knew this path was not going to be easy. However, De Anza has made it a smooth transition and has provided me with the resources I needed to succeed. I am so grateful for the staff and faculty who have supported me and many others graduating today. With that being said, lo logramos Ma, Pa, y Abuelita. Next stop, UCSC!!

Starr Amber Beasley

Liberal Arts

My time at De Anza was like a roller-coaster ride. I would have not been able to have gone through it without my family. My mom, grandparents, my aunt and Nina and Nino, and my cousins. My pets: two dogs, Pepper (RIP) and Harley, and my cat, Chip. They all helped me get through my classes and Covid-19. Thank you to all of my teachers and my counselor, for helping me find my way. I am ready to start the next chapter of my life.

Maryjane Sofina Fabricius


I want to thank my friends and family for supporting me through my educational journey. I am so grateful to be transferring to UC Davis and continuing my pursuit in Psychology. Congratulations to all my peers!!

Lucas Gafford


"Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something" - Jake the Dog, Adventure Time

Jolene Antonette Baltazar Guanzon

Liberal Arts

My family, thank you for being there for me through thick and thin, for always extending your love and support, and for being the amazing family that you are. I count myself as one of the fortunate ones who have a close-knit, loving family who always has my back. Without your encouragement and motivation, I would not have been able to accomplish all that I have so far. I love you all! <3

Nicole Ngan Hoang


WE DID IT, CLASS OF 2023! Thank you to all of my friends, family, and professors for your support and guidance through this great milestone. I couldn't do it without y'all :D I LOVE YALL. GOODBYE DE ANZA WOOOO

Saniya Jain


It's been a great experience majoring in Psychology at DeAnza and taking courses tailored to Cognitive Science. I'm glad I chose this path, I was able to meet a lot of academic goals including getting admitted to all the UC's. I can't believe I get to say I'll be pursuing a Cognitive Science BS degree at UCLA later this year. It's exciting to see so many other De Anza students transferring to UCLA as well. Congratulations to everyone for being recognized for all their hard work!

Skylee Angel Leal


I want to say thank you to my friends and family for always supporting me, I wouldn’t be here today without you guys! I also want to say thank you to all the wonderful teachers I had and I can’t wait to continue my education at San Jose State University!!

Nathaniel Lopez


What a journey this has been! I am eternally grateful for all of my family and friends who were able to encourage me. Here's to the future

Christopher Anh-Khoa Mai


"I went outdoors and basically said, you know, what the hell is this?" -Eric Adams

Lily Montalvo


I'd like to give a special thanks to my siblings Celia, Brenda, Alice, Jimmy and Jr. To my Dad and Moms, thank you for loving me for me. The entire staff at De Anza for providing me with long-lasting wisdom. I also want to thank myself for pushing through regardless of how difficult things were. Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Kimberly Luigina Palmeira Romaguera


The end of a chapter, the beginning of a new one. Thank you God and Thank you Mom for always supporting my education and believing in me. Te amo. You’re my inspiration and role model. I’ll always be moving forward, making you proud. You and mi Abuelita. Thank you De Anza for supporting me and my aspirations. Anything is possible with passion and dedication! Through trial and error. I am proud of myself and thankful.

Mateo Ramirez


Thank you to my friends and family for believing and supporting me!!! I hope I’ve made you proud and that I can continue to do so!!!

Brianna Leah Sandoval


I would like to thank God, family, friends, counselor,and faculty for my success. Strive and reach the stars; you can achieve anything in life with determination. For instance, significant words mentioned by my lovely Abuelita (grandmother), she would say, "Todo lo puedes si le hechas muchas ganas" (Everything is possible as long as you set your mind to do it and give your very best in life). Furthermore, these great words of encouragement and memories I will forever cherish them in my heart.

Mayra Gabriela Snell


I started this many years ago and I can finally say that I am happy to have followed through with getting my degree. I want to thank my sisters and my husband (Snelly) for their support. I also want to thank my niece Andy for listening to my online lectures when I was babysitting her even though I knew she wanted to be outside. So, in the words of Taylor Swift, “Take the moment and taste it, you've got no reason to be afraid.” Love you guys.

Miracle Te'o


I did my best and God did the rest! Shout out to my family and friends who supported me throughout my time at De Anza, and special shout out to my children as they are a huge part of my WHY in all that I do. This diploma is for my babies Akhil, Melodi, and Jeremiah!

Helena Dae Villahermosa


Two years just went by so fast, and I'm grateful for my family, counselors, and peers that made my time here at the De Anza memorable and meaningful. Special thanks to the professors I have had in De Anza because of their great passion as educators and because they have all done their best to make sure students, like me, are going to be ready for the next chapters of our lives. Attending De Anza is one of the best decisions I've made in my life, and I will forever be grateful.

Kitshia Denisse Zambrano Meza

Liberal Arts

Thank you to my counselor and mentors for their guidance and encouragement. Incredibly grateful for Puente and HEFAS for helping me have a community, a safe space, and for validating my experiences. Gracias a mi familia por todo su apoyo. I am the first in my family but I won't be the last. Excited for all the great things that have yet to come!

Felicia Michelle Ricks

Liberal Arts
Real Estate

Thank you Jesus we finally did it! I want to thank my family for all your motivation and encouragement you’ve taught me to never give up and always to fight for what I want. It’s been a long journey, thank you for always being there for me every step of the way. To my children this is for you, don’t ever let anyone or anything get in the way of your dreams. I love you.

Joselyn Cortez Aguilar


Me gustaría agradecer a mi familia, pareja, amigos y consejeros por su continuo apoyo a lo largo de mi tiempo en De Anza. Me tomó un largo camino llegar aquí, pero no podría haberlo hecho sin ninguno de ustedes. Este capítulo de mi vida fue largo, lleno de muchos desafíos y adversidades, pero estoy muy contenta de haber dado este próximo paso para continuar y terminar mi educación. Lo logramos ! "Tu puedes lograr cualquier cosa siempre y cuando te lo propongas. "

Jamie Nguyen


Thank you family, friends, and mentors for all the unconditional love and support. My two years here at De Anza were amazing!!

Last Updated: 7/31/23