Page 94 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 94
and safety, energy efficiency, sustainable landscaping, real estate, property management, human resources and other business-related job functions such as marketing, sales and accounting.
Certificate of Achievement
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Assess the roles and responsibilities of Facility Managers
and understand the technical and business skills required in the Facility Management profession.
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level.
2. Complete the following.
• Demonstrate the ability to track internal and external customer relationships in facility management.
1. Complete the Certificate of Achievement and the
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced requirements. 37
2. Meet the A.A./A.S. degree requirements.
3. Complete the following.
Complete 13 units: 13
BUS 56 BUS 85 ES 58 ES 69A ES 70 ES 71 ES 78
ES 82 REST 50
Human Relations in the Workplace 5 Business Communication 3 Introduction to Green Building 1 Introduction to Facilities Management 3 Introduction to Energy 1 Introduction to Sustainable Buildings 1 Introduction to Energy Management
Systems and Controls 1 Project Management and Technical Report Writing for Energy Professionals 2 Real Estate Principles 4 Total Units Required ....................................21
Financial Accounting I (5)
Financial Accounting I - HONORS (5) Excel Spreadsheets for Accounting (2) Leadership (5)
Business Information Systems (4.5) Managing Technology Projects (4.5) Energy, the Environment, and Society (4) Sustainable Energy Systems (4)
Building Automation Systems (2) Environmental Management Tools: Environmental Management Systems and Environmental Performance Reporting (4) California's Approach to Global Warming/Global Climate Change (2) Energy Management Within Your Organization (1)
Real Estate Finance (4)
Facility and Sustainable
Building Management 50 General Education (32-43 units)
Elective courses required when major
units plus GE units total is less than 90
Total Units Required ....................................90
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Assess the roles and responsibilities of Facility Managers
and understand the technical and business skills required in
the Facility Management profession.
• Analyze and understand the basics of building management
and energy efficiency systems.
1. Complete the Certificate of Achievement requirements. 21
2. Meet the requirements for this certificate level.
3. Complete the following.
ACCT 88 BUS 65 CIS 3 CIS 79 ES 4
ES 51A ES 51C ES 62A
ES 64
ES 69
GE Electives
Associate in Science in Film, Television,
and Electronic Media for Transfer
A.S.-T. Degree
The Film, Television, and Electronic Media major consists
of courses appropriate for an Associate in Science in Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer degree, which provides a foundational understanding of the discipline, a breadth of coursework in the discipline, and preparation for transfer to any CSU that accepts the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC). The Associate in Science in Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer is intended for students who
plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in Film, Television, and Electronic Media at a CSU campus. Students completing this degree are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major. Students transferring to a
CSU campus that does accept this degree will be required to complete no more than 60 (semester) units after transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree. This degree may not be the best option
for students intending to transfer to a particular CSU campus or to a university or college that is not part of the CSU system. In all cases, students should consult with a counselor for more information on university admission and transfer requirements.
ACCT 105 BUS 10 BUS 96 ES 51B ES 81
A.S. Degree
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Assess the roles and responsibilities of Facility Managers
and understand the technical and business skills required in
the Facility Management profession.
• Analyze and understand the basics of building automation
and sustainable building systems.
• Understand the cross-functional nature of the successful
facility manager and be able to identify internal and external stakeholders.
Basic Financial Accounting Procedures 1 Introduction to Business 5 Principles of Management 5 Energy Efficient Buildings 3 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design/Sustainability Codes 2 Total Units Required ....................................37