Page 91 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 91
or ELIT 46CH
or ELIT 48CH
Major GE Electives
Major British Writers
(Victorian and Modern) (4)
Major British Writers
(Victorian and Modern) - HONORS (4)
World Literature: Antiquity to the 1500s (4) World Literature: Africa and Latin America (4) Major American Writers
(Colonial to Romantic, 1620-1865) (4)
Major American Writers (Colonial to Romantic, 1620-1865) - HONORS (4)
Major American Writers
(The Advent of Realism, 1865-1914) (4) Major American Writers (The Advent of Realism, 1865-1914) - HONORS (4)
Major American Writers
(The Modern Age, 1914-the Present) (4) Major American Writers (The Modern Age, 1914-the Present) - HONORS (4) Introduction to Creative Writing (5)
Fiction Writing (5)
Poetry Writing (5)
Introduction to Linguistics (4)
English 29-31 General Education (32-43 units)
Elective courses required when major
units plus GE units total is less than 90
Total Units Required ....................................90
ES 4 ES 58 ES 64
ES 69
ES 70 ES 71 ES 76 ES 78
ES 79 ES 81
ES 82 ES 83
Energy, the Environment, and Society 4 Introduction to Green Building 1 California's Approach to Global Warming/Global Climate Change 2 Energy Management Within
Your Organization 1 Introduction to Energy 1 Introduction to Sustainable Buildings 1 Energy Star Products 1 Introduction to Energy Management
Systems and Controls 1 Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems 1 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design/Sustainability Codes 2 Project Management and Technical Report Writing for Energy Professionals 2 Energy Management Return on Investment 2 Total Units Required ....................................19
Energy Management and Building Science
Certificate of Achievement
The Certificate of Achievement in Energy Management and Building Science will prepare students for new and emerging career opportunities in energy management technology, building energy audit, facilities management, building design and sustainability and renewable energy systems. Completion of the Certificate of Achievement provides an introduction
to energy efficiency techniques and principles and prepares students for careers in managing and monitoring energy efficient buildings. The certificate curriculum is aligned
with professional certifications offered by the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), including Facilities Management Professional (FMP) and Sustainable Facilities Professional (SFP). Students will also be well prepared for the certification test for Renewable (Solar) Energy Professional offered by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Investigate and analyze energy use and its relationship to
non-renewable energy extraction, production, distribution,
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Apply an understanding of energy management and building
science principles, techniques and strategies, the laws of thermodynamics and the sustainable use of resources supporting the built environment.
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level.
2. Complete the following.
Energy Management and Building Science
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
The Certificate of Achievement-Advanced in Energy Management and Building Science will prepare students for new and emerging career opportunities in energy management technology, building energy audit, facilities management, building design and sustainability and renewable energy systems. Completion of the Certificate of Achievement- Advanced provides an intermediate level of analysis in energy efficiency principles and prepares students for careers in managing and monitoring energy efficient buildings. The certificate curriculum is aligned with professional certifications offered by the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), including Facilities Management Professional (FMP) and Sustainable Facilities Professional (SFP). Students will also be well prepared for the certification test for Renewable (Solar) Energy Professional offered by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Investigate and analyze energy use and its relationship to
non-renewable energy extraction, production, distribution,
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Apply an understanding of energy management and building
science principles, techniques and strategies, the laws of thermodynamics and the sustainable use of resources supporting the built environment.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the above objectives and strategically conceptualize and implement efficient and sustainable energy management policies, procedures and systems in residential and commercial buildings.
1. Complete the Certificate of Achievement requirements. 19 2. Meet the requirements for this certificate level.
3. Complete the following.
ES 51A ES 51B ES 51C ES 69A ES 76A
Sustainable Energy Systems 4 Energy Efficient Buildings 3 Building Automation Systems 2 Introduction to Facilities Management 3 Solar Thermal Systems 1 Total Units Required ....................................32