Page 85 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 85
Computer Aided Design – Mechanical
Certificate of Achievement
Students pursuing De Anza College’s Computer Aided Design - Mechanical Certificate of Achievement will receive an education in the fundamentals of CAD that combines the use of two
types of design graphic software packages. Students will learn substantive job skills in Creo and SolidWorks CAD systems
that will make them employable in industrial and mechanical engineering and design.
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Solve basic and complex drafting and design application
problems using industry standard two-dimensional and three-dimensional software and feature-based parametric design software.
• Apply the fundamentals of computer-aided drafting and design to disciplines such as architectural, mechanical and industrial design and engineering.
• Utilize industry standard microcomputer CAD software and the hardware, operating systems and peripherals used to facilitate it.
• Create engineering notes and scaled drawings using ASME or International Standards Organization (ISO) specifications.
• Satisfy a prospective employer with quality technical expertise in the use of two CAD tools (SolidWorks and Creo) at a level commensurate with entry- to mid-level usage in industry design and engineering.
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level.
2. Complete the following.
word address programs for the setup and operation of CNC mills. Upon completion, students are prepared for employment in manufacturing facilities as setup persons, machine operators and production workers. This certificate is part of a career ladder. Students may also choose to complete a Certificate of Achievement-Advanced or A.S. degree.
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Setup and operate conventional and CNC machines safely.
• Construct and inspect machined projects using conventional
and CNC equipment.
• Construct word address programs to machine projects.
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level. 2. Complete the following.
DMT 52
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing:
CAD Applications 2
CNC Machinist
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
A.S. Degree
The CNC Machinist Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
and A.S. degree teaches students the fundamentals of CNC machine tools. Students learn safe setup, editing and operation of CNC equipment, including vertical and horizontal mills, lathes and rotary multi-axis components. Students are taught to dimension and inspect parts using various inspection methods and to analyze materials and processes used in manufacturing. Upon completion, students are prepared for employment in manufacturing facilities as CNC setup persons and machine operators.
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Construct and inspect machined projects using CNC
equipment with word address programs.
• Apply geometric dimensioning and tolerance standards
to inspect drawings and inspect parts using a coordinate
measuring machine.
• Differentiate and analyze the materials and processes used in
• Produce tool paths with constructed and imported geometry
Complete one course from the series: 4
DMT 60A - 60E series
SolidWorks (Beginning) (4)
Complete one course from the series: 4
DMT 61A - 61E series
SolidWorks (Intermediate) (4)
Complete one course from the series: 4
DMT 65A - 65E series
Creo Parametric (Beginning) (4)
Complete one course from the series: 4
DMT 66A - 66E series
Creo Parametric (Intermediate) (4)
Total Units Required ....................................18
CNC Machinist
Certificate of Achievement
The Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machinist Certificate
of Achievement teaches students the fundamentals of conventional and CNC machine tools. Students learn how to set up safely and operate manual mills and lathes and construct
using Mastercam.
• Apply advanced machining skills by independently
contracting projects.
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level. 2. Complete the following.
DMT 80 DMT 84A DMT 84B DMT 90
Introduction to Machining and
CNC Processes 5 Introduction to CNC Programming
and Operation; Mill 5 CNC Programming and Operation; Intermediate Mill 5 Print Reading and Machine Shop
Calculations 4.5 Total Units Required .................................19.5
DMT 80 DMT 84A
Introduction to Machining and CNC Processes
Introduction to CNC Programming and Operation; Mill
5 5