Page 73 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 73
Current Infant and Child CPR/First Aid Certificate required.
• Recognize the importance of community engagement and their role as local, national, and global advocates for children, families, and the community.
• Integrate developmentally appropriate practices and apply them to curriculum design for teaching young children.
• Demonstrate skills in building culturally responsive partnerships with children and families.
1. Meet the requirements for this certificate level. 2. Complete the following.
Current Infant and Child CPR/First Aid Certificate required.
CD 10G CD 12 CD 50
Child Development (The Early Years) 4
also listed as PSYC 10G
Child, Family and Community Interrelationships 4 Principles and Practices of Teaching
Young Children 4
Complete a minimum of nine units: 9
CD 10H
CD 52 CD 53 CD 54 CD 55
CD 56
CD 58 CD 61
CD 63 CD 64
CD 68 CD 71
CD 72
Child Growth and Development
(Middle Childhood and Adolescence) (4) also listed as PSYC 10H
Observation and Assessment of Children (4) Creative Art for the Young Child (3) Curriculum for Early Childhood Programs (4) Literacy Development and Activities
for the Young Child (3)
Understanding and Working with
English Learners (3)
Infant/Toddler Development (5)
Music and Movement
(Developmental Foundations) (3)
Math and Science Activities for the
Young Child (3)
Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the
Young Child (4)
Teaching in a Diverse Society (4) Constructive Guidance and Positive Discipline in Early Childhood (3) Partnerships with Families in Early Childhood Education (3)
CD 10G CD 10H
CD 12 CD 50
CD 52 CD 54 CD 64
CD 68
Child Development (The Early Years) 4
also listed as PSYC 10G
Child Growth and Development
(Middle Childhood and Adolescence) 4 also listed as PSYC 10H
Child, Family and Community Interrelationships 4 Principles and Practices of Teaching
Young Children 4 Observation and Assessment of Children 4 Curriculum for Early Childhood Programs 4 Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the
Young Child 4 Teaching in a Diverse Society 4
Practicum Requirement - complete one course: 5
CD 53 CD 55
CD 56 CD 57
CD 58 CD 59G
CD 59H
CD 60 CD 61
CD 63 CD 67 CD 71 EDUC 1
Creative Art for the Young Child (3) Literacy Development and Activities
for the Young Child (3)
Understanding and Working with
English Learners (3)
Self-Assessment for Teachers of
Young Children Using Reflective Practice: Field Experience (5)
Infant/Toddler Development (5)
Supervision and Administration of
Child Development Programs
(Management Systems) (4)
Supervision and Administration of
Child Development Programs
(Leadership Skills) (4)
Introduction to Children with Special Needs (3) Music and Movement
(Developmental Foundations) (3)
Math and Science Activities for the
Young Child (3)
Supervision and Administration of Child Development Programs (Adult Supervision) (3) Constructive Guidance and Positive Discipline in Early Childhood (3)
Introduction to Elementary Education in a Diverse Society (3)
CD 51A CD 57
Basic Student Teaching Practicum (5) Self-Assessment for Teachers of
Young Children Using Reflective Practice: Field Experience (5)
Total Units Required ....................................26
Child Development
Certificate of Achievement-Advanced
This vocational training program prepares future early childhood workers and educators to work with diverse children in early childhood settings. The program includes academic instruction, job skills training, field experiences and civic and community engagement skills. Students learn to integrate developmentally appropriate practices and apply them to curriculum design for teaching young children. They also learn how to build culturally responsive partnerships with children and families. The Certificate of Achievement-Advanced is designed to meet the Child Development course requirements for a Child Development Teacher Permit. The permit also requires 24 quarter units (equivalent of 16 semester units) of General Education courses.
Program Learning Outcomes - upon completion, students will be able to:
• Demonstrate the ability to work in a variety of settings with
children and families with a commitment to uphold ethical standards.
Practicum Requirement: 5
Complete a minimum of three units: 3
CD 51A
Basic Student Teaching Practicum 5
Total Units Required ....................................40