Page 41 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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and related fields other than science, technology, engineering or mathematics for one or more local CSU campuses. This degree also requires completion of either the CSU General Education/ Breadth requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Breadth Requirements (IGETC). Students who plan to complete this degree and who wish to transfer to a non-local CSU, UC or other college or university are advised to meet with a counselor for assistance in developing their educational plan.
Associate in Science-Transfer
(A.S.-T. degree), is awarded to students who complete all of the lower-division major preparation requirements for a related major in the areas of science, technology, engineering or mathematics for one or more local CSU campuses. This degree also requires completion of either the CSU General Education/Breadth requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Breadth Requirements (IGETC). Students who plan to complete this degree and who wish to transfer to a non-local CSU, UC or other college or university are advised to meet with a counselor for assistance in developing their educational plan.
Note: For more information and a list of available A.A-T./A.S.-T. degrees go to
Students returning for additional degrees who do not qualify for continuous enrollment must meet the current A.A./A.S. degree GE pattern requirements and the current major requirements in effect during the academic year in which they return.
General Education Reciprocity
De Anza has entered into a mutual General Education Reciprocity agreement with other community colleges to accept the GE courses of these colleges “as completed.” In addition to De Anza, participating institutions include Cabrillo, Chabot, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Gavilan, Hartnell, Las Positas, Mission, Monterey Peninsula, Ohlone, San José City and West
Valley colleges. Other community colleges do not participate in the agreement at this time.
The reciprocity agreement means that any of the participating colleges will accept “as completed” the GE coursework and graduation proficiencies of those students who obtain an official certificate of completion of associate degree GE requirements from one of the participating colleges. When using reciprocity to satisfy GE, the other degree requirements (such as prerequisites, major and electives units, and GPA) as specified by the college issuing the degree must still be met.
To obtain an official certificate of completion of De Anza’s GE pattern, students should:
■ Provide official transcripts from other colleges to the Admissions and Records Office
■ Meet with a counselor and provide verification that De Anza’s GE requirements have been completed to the evaluators in the Admissions and Records Office
Official reciprocity certification will be completed by the counselor, verified by the evaluations officer or articulation officer, and mailed to the community college of transfer. Students will be given a copy of the certification. De Anza will honor
the certification presented from another participating college only if it is transmitted in the same manner as an official transcript from that college.
Certificate of Achievement and Certificate of Achievement-Advanced programs are designed for students interested in programs of instruction with a high degree of specialization. Programs vary in length and generally require less than two years of full-time study to complete. If the student prefers, they may also be completed on a part-time basis. Students are encouraged to check with the departments and counselors for help with planning their courses. Successful completion of these certificates requiring a minimum of 18 quarter units is notated on official college transcripts. There is no limit on the number of certificates a student can earn.
Many certificates have been designed on the ladder concept, so that courses taken to meet the lower-unit Certificate of Achievement requirements meet part of the higher-unit Certificate of Achievement-Advanced requirements; and those Certificate of Achievement-Advanced courses can be applied to the corresponding associate degree requirements.