Page 22 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 22
The board of trustees of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District upholds that improving access to educational and employment opportunities for people with disabilities must be a priority. The board has directed the administration to take the necessary actions to implement the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The district shall not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability, with regard to employment or the provision of district programs, services and activities.
Students who are otherwise qualified may request accommodation related to their disability, provided the accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on the district. The procedures for requesting accommodation are available from the president’s office, the Disabled Student Services (DSS) program, the office of the ADA coordinator and the district Human Resources office. The ADA coordinator for De Anza College is the dean of Student Development and EOPS, who can be contacted at 408.864.8218.
California Residents
Students who have established California residency for at least one year prior to the term in which they wish to enroll and have met residency conditions required by state regulations may enroll as California residents for tuition purposes.
California residents and residents of other states or territories, who have not resided in the state for one year prior to the term in which they wish to enroll, must pay nonresident tuition when attending De Anza.
Students holding various visas, or undocumented or out-of-status immigrants, may not establish residency and must pay nonresident tuition when enrolling at De Anza. Other nonresidents may be able to establish residency if they meet the requirements of California Education
Code § 68062. Still others may be exempted from paying nonresident fees through AB 540 eligibility (§ 68130.5), which allows certain nonresident students who have attended a California high school for three years and earned a diploma or equivalent to be charged resident fees. (Students with nonstudent visas or who are out of status or undocumented should call the Admissions and Records office at 408.864.8722 to determine residency and discuss other attendance eligibility requirements.)
Students who are attending another college on an F visa, but wish to take a class at De Anza, must submit an official letter from the host college that issued their I-20 form. This letter should state the student’s standing, confirm their full-time status and provide authorization for the student to take specific De Anza classes.
Students seeking residency eligibility based on military active duty status, military dependent status or other military considerations, should contact the Veteran Services office at 408.864.8230 for specific eligibility criteria.
The Foothill-De Anza District uses OpenCCC as its admissions application. This application is very strict about meeting state residency requirements and many applicants are initially given nonresident status based on application answers. Applicants who believe they meet residency requirements need to complete a Residency Reclassification form and provide state- approved documentation for review within two weeks of a new quarter.
De Anza College admits anyone with a high school diploma, general education diploma (GED) or proficiency certificate, or who is at least 18 years old. High school students may attend De Anza as concurrently enrolled students if they have completed their sophomore year and have submitted a permission form signed by their high school principal and parent or guardian. High school students who do not provide required documents will be dropped from their courses.
Students who have completed fewer than 45 quarter units of college credit are considered freshmen. Students who have completed 45 or more quarter units of college credit, and have not earned a degree, are considered sophomores.
California law limits the number of times you may take the same class at a community college. (See Title 5 § 55024, 55040, 55042, 55045 and 58161.)
You may repeat a course for which you have earned a substandard grade (such as F, D or NP) or a W. However, you may not enroll in the same course more than a total of three times, including times when you received a substandard grade or W. If you get a W or substandard grade in the same course twice, you will not be able to enroll in the course again until you contact the Admissions and Records office and obtain clearance for taking the course a third time.
If you repeat a course because of a W or substandard grade, the second grade will replace the first in calculating your GPA, but the initial course and grade will remain on the permanent record. If you take the class for a third time, your GPA will include the third grade and not the first two grades. If you do not successfully complete the course on the third attempt, you must take the course at another college outside the district (not Foothill), or choose another course if one is available that meets their transfer or graduation requirements.
Most courses cannot be repeated if you receive a grade of C or better, unless you show documented proof that you must repeat the course due to a significant lapse of time (at least three years), a legal requirement for employment or licensing, a disability requiring accommodation or other extenuating circumstances.
However, a small number of courses are designated as “repeatable” under separate conditions listed in the course description. Courses that are designated as “repeatable” are subject to a limit of six enrollments, including any times that resulted in a substandard grade or W, unless otherwise specified.
Only these types of courses are designated as “repeatable” (see Title 5 § 55041).
■ Courses for which repetition
is necessary to meet major requirements of CSU or UC to complete a bachelor's degree
■ Intercollegiate athletics
■ Specific courses designated as Special
Education that meet criteria set
forth in Title 5
Terms of repeatability for these courses are clearly stated in the course descriptions.